According to industry insiders, my country will strengthen the development of radio frequency identification (RFID) label global standards, and the leadership leaders in this area, leading the company to adopt this advanced wireless tracking technology.
As a consultant for the National RFID Label Standard Working Group, President of China Zhizhi has proposed suggestions for the establishment of RFID unified standard development alliance with Japan's Ubiquitous ID Center - UID. His Epcglobal RFID, Japan's UID program and China's RFID tag standards are different for different radio frequencies. He said: "We are determined to start building a global standard." At the same time, since many Western organizations have seriously rely on Chinese manufacturers to implement their own RFID standards, China will have the role of leadership in this standard compatible path. However, Lin Jie, director of the supporters of Epcglobal, believes that through her recent contact with the high-rise of China Standardization Administration, he found that China is interested in China 's indoor coding standard as a national RFID tag standard.
The RFID begins in a small label with a chip, which is mounted on a micro antenna, and the above data can be read and transmitted in the form of a radio wave through the card reader, and then decoded by the processor of the receiving end. This technology has been used in the Second World War to make enemies in the air combat action. This label can be read through almost all standards such as goods packaging, containers, and no direct contact, and there is no need to be installed on the surface of the cargo, and the contents of multiple tags can be read at the same time. In Hong Kong, the most common application of this technology is the "contactless" Octopus card used by bus, train and ferry, mainly convenient for small cargo storage and automatic sales. Philips Semiconductors President and CEO Scott McGregor pointed out that RFID chips are also the main technologies used in one card engineering in Beijing.
In recent months, RFID technology has become more popular in our manufacturing and retail applications. Zeng said that the US retail giant Wal-Mart requested that its main supplier used the RFID tag, and the application of this technology has played a role. Meta Group, Market Research Company, said that Wal-Mart has 70% of goods from China. Yankee Group is estimated that Wal-Mart suppliers and the US Department of Defense spend the funds of RFID technology and services this year will reach 515 million to $ 3.8 billion. Many of these money will be used to integrate RFID data coding and data capture systems into information networks, providing support for suppliers' production and distribution activities.
In China, establish a unified standard requirement for the RFID label application to develop electronic applications, unified communication frequencies, unified data formats, and original product data configurations. Although the development of RFID standards has not yet been clear, some local companies have begun to trial projects, and join hands to promote this standard in mainland China and Hong Kong. Kowloon Software Developers International Traffic Information Systems are jointly developing RFID applications for logistics service industries with the computer system of Hong Kong, which will have inventory management and cargo tracking. International Traffic Information System Ceo Huang Wei said: "We hope to use RFID technology to achieve thorough real-time management of the delivery chain information within one year."