Photoshop, a little known 75 tricks

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

Photoshop little-known 75 tips [Author: Yang Guangze posted by: Reproduced Hits: 7 Updated: 2005-3-6 article entry: Yang Guangze]

Photoshop still maintains a good use of powerful functions while it is largely due to its neatly refined interface and easy-to-use customizable ** (except for its large tools and commands). In fact, PHOTOSHOP has a large number of amazing "hidden" features. No matter how many years you have used photoshop, you will continue to discover more and more East West. I suspect who claims that he knows that there is something about Photoshop "all" (except possible Adobe software engineers). The following 75 skills will help you (whether you are a novice or experienced expert) to master some "hidden" features of Photoshop to help complete complex work faster and more efficient; or they will tell you some of you I don't know the PHTOSHOP capabilities! For your convenience, we divide them into eight parts: * Interface skills [] 1). You may know that pressing the Tab key to hide the toolbox and floating panel, and press the Shift Tab button to hide floating The panel (and the reserved tool bar is visible). 2). Press and hold the Shift key to click the title bar of the floating panel (the top blue strip) to adsorb it to the nearest screen. 3). Double-click each column on the floating panel (that is the title of the title) to minimize it. The minimization button on the floating panel can be switched between compact modes (only available options and content) and normal mode (all options and content on the display panel). 4). You can open the Options panel of the current tool by pressing the Enter key (or double-click the tool box on the toolbox). Otherwise, you can only open by the Window / Show Options command on the menu. 5). Using the proportional zoom zone (on the lower left corner of the Photoshop form or the navigator panel) to quickly select an accurate display ratio, press SHIFT ENTER to keep the cursor in the proportional zone after entering a value. 6). To change the display information of the status area (at the bottom of the window, the default display file size can be opened through the Window / Show Status Bar), and the button on the status area will select a new item from the pop-up menu. Click on the left area of ​​the button on the status area to display the print size of the current file, hold down the Alt click Display File size and resolution, hold down Ctrl Click to display collage. 7). Tired of the gray canvas with the background? Select Paint Drug Tools [K] (Paint Bucket) Press and hold the Shift Click on the edge of the canvas to set the background color to the current foreground color. (Note: To restore the default color, set the outlight of 25% grayscale (R192, G192, B192), hold down the Shift Click on the edge of the canvas.) 8). Cancel in all dialogs in Photoshop (Cancel) The button can be changed to the reset button by pressing the Alt key. This allows you to easily reply to the initial value without having to lose weight. 9). The CapSlock button on the keyboard can control the cursor between the accurate state and the standard state. Note: If the cursor is set in the precise state in Photoshop's parameters [Ctrl K, Ctrl 3] (File / Preferences / Display & Cursors ...), the CapSlock key does not work. 10). Press the "F" to switch on the three different screen display modes of Photoshop (the full screen display mode → full-screen display mode of the menu) (or the button under the toolbox). Tip: Press SHIFT F in full screen mode to switch whether the menu is displayed. Double click on the background of Photoshop to open the file command [Ctrl O] (File / Open). 11). Pressing the color strips under the SHIFT Click on the color panel to change the type of chromatogram they appear. Alternatively, you can click the mouse button on the color strip, and other color modes are selected from the pop-up Color Bank Options menu.

12). On the title bar of the picture window, right click to quickly call some commands, such as the canvas size command, image size command, and copy, etc. Any blank (gray) area on the panel panel clicks to add a custom color on the palette, press and hold the CTRL button to subtract a color, press and hold the Shift Click to replace a color. 13). By copying the 16-encycloped color value displayed in the Photoshop color pickup, color data can be exchanged between Photoshop and other programs (other programs that support 16-en-colored values). * Tool Skills [] 14). To draw straight lines using the brush tool, first click on the picture, then move the mouse to another, click on the picture again, Photoshop will use the current drawing tool in two o'clock A straight line. 15). Press and hold the CTRL button at any time to switch to the mobile tool [V], press and hold the Ctrl Alt key to drag the mouse to copy the current layer or the selection content. 16). Press and hold the space bar to switch to the Parker Tool [H] (HAND Tool) at any time. 17). The shortcuts of the zoom tool are "Z", and the CTRL space bar is an enlarged tool, the Alt emission is a reduction tool. 18). Press the Ctrl " " and "-" to zoom in and reduce the image of the image; hold down the ALT button while pressing the above hotkey to automatically adjust the window to display (Ctrl Alt " "And Ctrl Alt " - "), this is very useful! (Note: If you want to automatically adjust the window by the size of the image when using the zoom tool, you can select the "Resize Windows to Fit" option in the Size Windows to Fit "option.) 19).) 19). When the tool selection color, press and hold the Alt key to define the current background color. 20). Combined with color sampler tool [SHIFT I] (Color Sampler Tool) and Information Panel (Window / Show Info), we can monitor the color change of the current picture. The color value before and after the change is displayed next to its sampling point number on the information panel. The color mode of the sample point can be defined by the pop-up menu on the information panel. To add new sampling points, just click on the canvas (with color sampler tools), press and hold the ALT key to remove the sampling point. Note: You can only place up to four color sampling points on a picture: When there is a dialog box (for example: color order command, curve command, etc.) pop-up, you must press and hold the Shift button again. Click, hold down Alt Shift Click on a sampling point to lose it. 21). Measure Tool is very convenient in the measurement distance (especially when it is obliquely), you can also use it to an angle (just like a plurality of anglers). First ensure the information panel [F8] (Window / Show Info) visible. Select the metric tool to click and drag a straight line, press and hold the Alt button from the node of the first line, then drag the second straight line, so the length of the line between the two lines is displayed in * Command skills [↑ ] 22). To use the just used filter again, select Filter / Last Filter [Ctrl F] from the menu; use the new option to use the just used filter to remember multiple A Alt keys (Ctrl Alt F or Alt Filter / Last Filter. Tip: To retreat the last used filter or adjustment effect (or change the synthesized mode), press CTRL SHIFT F (Filter? Fade Filter).

23). If you have recently been copied in a clipboard, Photoshop will use the size of the picture in the clipboard when new file [Ctrl N] (File / New ...) is used as the default size of the new framework. To use this special **, use the last setting, hold down the Alt key [Ctrl Alt N] (Alt File? New ...) when open. 24). Press CTRL ALT Z and CTRL SHIFT Z combined keys to use these commands in the middle of history (or can use menus in historical panels). Combined with the restore [Ctrl Z] (edit / undo) command to use these hot keys to switch freely in history and current state. 25) .alt backspace and ctrl backspace combinations are filled in foreground color and background colors, and another very useful hotkey is Shift Backspace - Open the Fill dialog. Tip: Press Alt Shift Backspace and Ctrl Shift Backspace key combination to fill only the existing pixels (maintain transparent areas) when populating the front view and background colors. 26). On the use of free transform tools [Ctrl T] (Edit / Free Transform), press the ALT key (Ctrl Alt T or Alt Edit / Free Transform "to copy the original layer (in the current constituency After the transformation is performed on the replication layer. Tip: CTRL SHIFT T (Edit / Transform? Again) For the last change again, Ctrl Alt Shift T (Alt Edit / Transform / AgAin is replicated after the original map is re-executed. 27). To prevent the box adsorption when using the Crop Tool [C] (CROP TOOL), check the Ctrl key when dragging the control point on the Drag Cutting Tool box. 28). To correct the inclined image, first use the measurement tool to draw a line as a horizontal or vertical direction reference (horizontal line, the horizontal line between the image, the horizontal line, etc.), then select image from the menu / Rotate Canvas / Arbitrary, after opening, the correct rotation angle is automatically filled, as long as you press OK. Note: You can also use the cutting tool to complete the rotation and cutting work: first draw a box with the cutting tool [c], drag the control point on the box to adjust the angle and size of the pick box, and finally press Running and cutting. Tip: The angle of the measurement tool is also automatically filled in the Digital Transform Tool (Edit / Transform / Numeric) dialog. 29). Use "CTRL J] (Layer / New / Layer Via Copy" or "CTRL J] (Layer / Layer Via CUT) command can be one step by clip Complete the copy & paste and paste the work. Note: It is still placed in the original place when paste by copying (cut) new layer command, but pastes the center of the picture (or selection) by copy (cut) & paste. 30). Cropped images (using cropping tools or choosing edit / crop)? * Extreme eyebird   ? Pixels are lost. To cut without loss, you can use the "Image / Canvas Size" command instead.

Although Photoshop will warn you will make some cut, it is actually not in some reason - all "cut" data is kept outside the picture. Tip: ImageReady's shear command (image / crop) will ask questions to delete the clipping area or hide. Note: This does not work on the index color mode (pixels that will be lost outside the screen in index mode). 31). Press and hold the Alt key [Ctrl Alt SHIFT E] (Alt Layer / Merge Visible) while copying all the visible layers after combining all visible layers. Tip: You can also press and hold the Alt key at the merge layer (Layer / Merge Down), and then copied the current layer and merged into the previous layer. This command does not have the corresponding hotkey - Ctrl Alt E does not work. * Select Skills: [] 32). When using the box tool [M] (Marquee Tools), press and hold the SHIFT button to draw the square and the regular selection; hold and hold the Alt key will be selected from the starting point . 33). Use the "Researcher" command [Ctrl Shift D] (SELECT / RESELECT) to load the selection before / recovery. 34). When using the setup tool to select the constituency, press the Alt key to switch between the setup tool and the polygonal settles. 35). Holding the space bar while changing the space bar to move the chart. 36). It is well known that the SHIFT or ALT button can increase or trim the current constituency, but do you know that you can press the Shift and Alt key sank to select the part of the intersect of the two selection? Tip: Press and hold the CTRL key to click the icon (on the layer panel) to load its transparent channel, press and hold the Ctrl Alt Shift key to click the other layer to select the transparent channel of the two layers. 37). Switch to fast mask mode between zoom or copy images [q] The original constituency can be retained. 38). Use the tips [] 39). Press the Shift " " button (forward) and the SHIFT "-" key (backward) to switch on the synthesis mode of the various layers. We can also quickly switch the synthesis pattern by ALT SHIFT "a character".

N = normal (Normal) i = Dissolve M = Multiply S = screen (screen) o = Overlay f = soft light (Soft Light) h = strong light (hard light) D = Color Dodge B = Color Burn) K = Darken (DARKEN) G = Lighten E = Daxe (Difference) X = Excusion U = Hue) T = Saturation C = color (color) y = luminosity = back (behind 1) L = threshold (Threshold 2) R = Clear (CLEAR 3) W = dark tone (Shadows 4) v = middle MIDTONES 4) Z = Highlight (Highlights 4) There is a number to be valid: [Note 1] Use only in the "Reserved Transparent Area" close to the Indexed Mode Multi-layer picture Straight line [N] (line) and paint tub [K] tool (BUCKET TOOLS) reduces the tool [O] (Dodge and Burn Tools) 40). Press the digital key directly to change the opacity of the current tool or layer. . Press "1" to indicate 10% opacity, "5" is 50%, so that "0" is 100% opacity. Continuously pressing the digital bond, such as "85" means an opacity of 85%. Note: The above hotkeys are also valid for the current drawing tool, so if you want to change the opacity of the current layer, go to the mobile tool or a choice tool. 41). Press and hold the Alt Click the desired layers to hide / display all other layers. 42). Press and hold Alt Click the brush icon before the current layer to release the link to all other layers. 43). To clear all the layers on a layer, press and hold the Alt button to double click the layer effect icon on this layer; or select Layer / Effects / Clear Effects in the menu. Tip: To turn off one of the effects, press and hold the Alt to select its name in the Layer / Effects submenu. Or you can cancel its "Apply" tag in the Layer Effect dialog. 44) Press and hold the Alt key between the layer board to click on the two layers. When some layer links are in some and you just want to group some of them, this feature is very easy to use (because the group command [Ctrl G] (Layer / Group with previous) is turned on when the current layer is linked to other layers. To group link layer commands [Ctrl g] (Layer / Group Linked)). 45) This is a way to increase the time-saving adjustment layer (Layer / New / Adjustment Layer): Just hold down Ctrl (should be a Alt button on the PC, Philippine Note) Click "Create a new layer" icon (in The bottom of the floorboard is selected to adjust the adjustment layer type! 46). Press the Alt key to click the Delete button (at the bottom of the plane) (no need to recognize), which is also applicable to channels and paths. In addition to editing the layer mask in the channel panel, the icon on the plane on the alt click can open it; hold down the Shift key to attack the mask icon to turn off / open the mask (will display a red fork x indicate close mandatory ). Press and hold the Alt Shift Click on the slightplate to display ruby ​​(50% red). Press and hold the CTRL key to attack the mask icon to load its transparent constraint.

47). In the "Add Layer Mask" icon (at the bottom of the floor), the mask is added to the display of all contents of the current selection (Layer / Add Layer Mask / Reveal All); hold down the Alt key Point "Add Layer Mending" icon plus the mask hidden the current selection content (Layer / Add Layer Mask / Hide All). 48). Click on the blank area on the path panel to turn off all paths: Press whether the CTRL SHIFT H switch path is displayed (View? Show / hide path). 49). When you click on several buttons below the path panel (with the foreground color fill path, use the foreground color stroke path to load the path as the selection), press and hold the Alt key to see a range of available tools and / or options. When the current tool is a mobile tool (or hold down the Ctrl key at any time), the right-click on the display can open a list of all layers of the current point (press from top to bottom): The name of the selection layer from the list can make it a current layer. Tip: Press and hold the Alt key mouse button to automatically select the layer of the current point, or open 50). The automatic selection layer option in the Mobile Tools Options panel can also be implemented. Tip: Press and hold the Shift key (Alt Shift Right-click) to switch whether the current layer is linked to the top layer. 51). Skills in the auxiliary line and the scale [] 52). Press and hold the Alt key when drag the auxiliary line to switch between horizontal auxiliary lines and vertical auxiliary lines. Press and hold the Alt key to click a placed vertical auxiliary line to turn it into a horizontal auxiliary line, and vice versa. 53). Note: The auxiliary line is established by dragging from the ruler, so make sure the ruler is open [Ctrl R] (View / Show Rules). 54). Press and hold the SHIFT button when drag the auxiliary line will force its mark to the scale. 55) Double-click the auxiliary line to open the auxiliary line & style parameter setting dialog [Ctrl K, Ctrl 6] (File / Preferences / Guides & Grid). 56). Double-click ruler [Ctrl R] open unit & ruler parameter setting dialog [Ctrl K, Ctrl 5] (File / Preferences / Units & Rulers). Tip: You can also select the ruler unit in the option menu on the information panel. 57). The origin of the scale can be set anywhere in the canvas, as long as the new coordinate origin can be applied from the top left corner of the ruler; double-click the left upper corner to restore the coordinate point to the default point. 58). Using the path tool to create a curve and the slash of the slash is a good way. As long as the path is drawn with a pen tool, it can be used as a secondary line (the path is always visible). Tip: Use the hidden path command [Ctrl Shift H] to switch the path display or not. 59). The auxiliary line will not only adsorb the edge of the current layer or the constituency (up and down), but also align in the center (current layer or selection) level or vertical. Conversely, the same constituency and layers also adsorb them to the existing auxiliary online (edge ​​and center). Note: The auxiliary line does not adsorb it onto the background layer. Moreover, to achieve the above function, first open "Tight Aid Shift ;] (View / Snap to Guides) option. Tip: To find the center of the screen, you can create and populate [Shift Backspace] and populate the [Shift Backspace] (Edit / Fill) one layer and then adsorb the auxiliary line to the vertical center and the center. 60). Navigator and action skills [Note 1] [↑] Many times the keyboard is used to control the Navigation more quickly than using the mouse.

Here is some commonly used navigator hot keys: home = to the top left corner of the canvas, = to the bottom right corner of the canvas, PageUp = to scroll up the canvas up PageDown = to scroll down the canvas down one page Ctrl Pageup = Canvas to row to the left ctrl pagedown = block the painting to the right, shift Pageup = Scroll up the canvas up 10 pixels Shift PageDown = Scroll the canvas down 10 pixels Ctrl Shift Pageup = Rolling 10 pixels Ctrl Shift PageDown = 10 pixels 61 in the right). Use Ctrl Tab / Ctrl F6 to switch in multiple documents (or use the Window menu), very convenient! 62). Use the recovery command [F12] (file / repert) to restore the current document to the status of the last saved. caveat! In Photoshop5.0, the recovery command will empty the history at the same time! This means that once the recovery command is used, all changes will be lost after saving! Photoshop5.5 is correct. 63). Channel also has a hotkey corresponding to its default. This has become very fast and simple for selection / mandarings that exhibit channel forms. Here lists some common modes: RGB color CMYK color index color Ctrl "~" = RGB Ctrl 1 = red ctrl 2 = green Ctrl 3 = blue Ctrl 4 = other channel Ctrl 9 = other channel Ctrl "~ "= CMYK CTRL 1 = cyan Ctrl 2 = Ctrl 3 = Yellow Ctrl 5 = Black Ctrl 9 = Other Channel Ctrl 1 = Index Ctrl 2 = Other Channel Ctrl 9 = Other channels, for example, to create a constituency to indicate the intersection of channel 7 and channel 9, press CTRL ALT 7 (load channel 7 as a selection) and press BY CTRL Alt Shift 9 (again with channel 9 intersect ). 64). Press and hold the CTRL button to drag and drop in the Agent Preview area of ​​the Navigator to update the visual area of ​​the setting the current document file. Tip: Hold down the SHIFT button when dragging the display box in the agent preview area to lock the direction of the movement as lateral or vertical. Tip: You can change the color of the display box in the copy preview area in the panel option of the navigator panel. 65). If you only want to perform a single step in action, select the step to be executed and then press the CTRL key playback (Play) button (at the bottom of the behavior panel). Note: To change the parameters of partial commands in the action, double-click the appropriate step to open the relevant dialog box: Any newly filled value will be stored. 66). To start from one step from the action, just select the steps starting and then press the play button (at the bottom of the behavior panel). 67). Copying skills [] 68). You can use the box tool [M] (MarQuee Tool) or the Socket [L] (Polygonal Lasso) to drag the selection from one document to the other. When you drag the selection area or layer from one document, press and hold the SHIFT button to place it in the destination document. Tip: If the source document and the size of the destination document are identical, the dragged elements are placed in the same place as the source file location (not the center of the canvas).


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