Java celebrity

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

Recently read the article about TSSS2005, a big bunch of people in the top of the people. Opening an archive Plus Zhang Si Li four in the name of the pen, it is convenient to find, and it is convenient for future gossip. Continuously missed, continuously updated .... The name of the name is the gossip written by XIECC, and there is a touch of the chametric album.

Adrian ColyerAspectJ leader, AJDJ leader, IBM Ben Galbraith activist Benjamin RenaudBEA deputy CTO Bill BurkeJBoss architect, EJB 3.0 expert group in the Jboss on behalf of Bob McWhirterGroovy, Drools founder Cedric BeustWeblogic Architect, BEA Cameron Purpy JCache Lead, Tangosol company CEOblogCliff Schmidt BEA's Open source strategist and Apache Beehive leader Craig McClanahanStruts founder, JSF 1.0 spec lead, Java Studio Creator leader, "Struts in action author", SUN David NueschelerJSR 170, Content Repository for Java spec lead Dion Almaer TSS editor, JDO expert group blog Doug CuttingLucene founderEd RomanTSS CEO, MiddleWare CEO, "Mastering EJB" author Erich Gamma design mode pioneers, Eclipse's chief architect, Junit founder, IBM Edward BurnsJSF 1.2 spec leader Floyd MarinescuTSS General Manager, "EJB design patterns" author Gavin KingHibernate founder, "Hibernate in Action" author, JbossGregor Hohpe "Enterprise Integration Patterns" author, father of ThoughtWorks Gregor KiczalesAOP, the vice president of AspectJ founder Graham HamiltonSun, J2SE1.3,1.4,5.0 leader Hani SuleimanOSWorkflow developer, BileBlog author blogHoward Lewis ShipTapestry and Hivemind foun der, "Tapestry in Action" author James Duncan DavidsonAnt Tomcat founderJames StrachanGeronimo one of the initiators of the project management committee member of Jakarta, N number of members of the JSR expert group of Jason Careria Webwork2, Xwork core developer blogJason HunterApache Foundation administrator and, "Java Servlet Programming "Author, XQuery, JDOM, etc. Developers, John CruPi, is currently exclusively with SOA, Sun Jonathan Bruce JDBC Spec Leader, Sun Joshua Bloch" Effective Java "author, former Java platform core developers, currently in Google. Jon Tirsennanning Lead Develope, PicoContainer, and Nanocontainer, ThoughtWorks Juergen HoelerspringFramework Core Developer, Co-Author of "J2EE Development WITHOUT EJB" Kent Beck Design mode pioneer. The founder of XP and TDD, XUnit developers.

Linda DeMichiel EJB 3.0 spec lead, Sun Marc FleuryJBoss Group CEO Mark Hapner J2EE1.4 lead. Master Sun Chief WebService Strategist and JMS spec lead Martin Fowler in the field of software engineering and modeling, Thoughtworks CEOblogMatt Raible "Spring live" author blogMike Cannon-Brookes OpenSymphony founder, Atlassian founder (JIRA company), author, javablogs founder Pat Lightbody Webwork founder Patrick Linskey JDO activists, JDO2.0, EJB3.0 panelists Rick RossJavalobby founder Rickard ObergXdoclet, Webwork founder, jboss former architect, the main research AOP Robin Roos JDO2.0 activists, "Java Data Object" author Rod JohnsonSpringFramework Scott AmblerSenior Consultant, author of many books Sergey DmitrievJetbrains CEO, Intelij IDEA founder Ted Neward "Effective Enterprise Java" author blogVincent Massoljakarta Cactus Founder, Maven Development Group, "Junit In Action": 1.Tssjs2005 Speaker Profile 2. Hani's TSSJS2004 "'WHO' WHO IN J2EE '" briefs 3.xiecc to their detailed gossip 4. TSS Who is Who in Enterprise Java World


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