SERVLET implementation Fckeditor with fckeditor 2.0b2 - JSP Integration Pack Ver 1.0 B2

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

Since FcKeditor_2.0RC3 does not provide a JSP implementation that provides uploading, considering the use of the servlet implementation in the FCKEDITOR 2.0B2 - JSP Integration Pack Ver 1.0 B2, it is also possible to change the formation.


1. Put the fckeditor-2.0b2-1.0b2.jar package COPY to YourWebApp / Web-INF / LIB.

Place the Xalan.jar to the / Commit / Endorsed directory. Otherwise, you will have problems.


2. Edit Web.xml Configure Servlet:

connection com.fredck.fckeditor.connector.connectorservlet basedir / userfiles / 1

connection / jsutil / fckeditor / editor / filemanager / browser / default / connectors / jsp / connection

Note: The container is parsed by the servlet-maping URL first, first removes the matching of the application directory for absolute path.


3, edit fckconfig.js, rewrite the corresponding part as follows

FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath '? Filemanager / browser / default / browser.html Connector = connectors / jsp / connector';? FCKConfig.ImageBrowserURL = FCKConfig.BasePath 'filemanager / browser / default / browser.html Type = Image & Connector = Connectors / JSP / Connector '; ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------

4, edit fckeditor.js, rewrite the corresponding part as follows

This.basepath = 'fckeditor root directory path';

this.basepath = '/ oursite / jsutil / fckeditor /';


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