Linux initially installed problems and solution processes

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

This log is that I am ready to formally use Linux as a development work platform, install Linux process. It turned out to use Redhat Linux, later changed to Debian Linux

1. Install Linux: RedHat 9.0, with the default openoffice

2. Discover the latest OpenOffice, decide to install the latest openoffice1.1.1

3. The original installed linux is too small, only 2G, decided to give it more space.

4. Reinstall Linux, divide 30g into two points, 10g, no way, Windows is temporarily used, otherwise Linux has not yet made familiar, Windows is lost, you can have lost.

5. The new Linux still uses RedHat9.0, but this time no OpenOffice is installed, the various servers are not installed.

6. Download the latest openoffice1.1.1, start installation, and find that Java 1.4 is required to use all the features.

7. Download JDK1.4.2, completely installed, handle Eclipse.2.1.3 is also installed.

8. Installed OpenOffice1.1.1 and can be used.

9. When using OpenOffice, open the Word file on Windows. Test found that when the OpenOffice standard font is changed to zy18030, it is normal, but can only take effect on the current document. I haven't found a fundamental solution, temporarily legged, and solved later.

10. Using Mozilla, find that many plugins are not, not cool.

11. Find the latest Mozilla 1.6, download it.

12. Follow Mozilla's tips, download the FlashPlayer plugin, install, and most web pages are displayed.

13. The instant messaging tools cannot be used. The default GAIM is missing SSL, so uninstalling it, download the latest GAIM7.8, when installing, notify the lack of

14. Download GLIB 2.2.3, default installation

15. Download installed PANGO-1.2.5, default installation.

16. Install ATK-1.2.4

17. Install GTK -2.2.4

18. After installation, run Gaim, still report Gaim: Error While Loading Shared Libraries: Cannot Open Shared

Object File: No Such File or Directory

Just RPM-E Gaim, ready to reinstall Gaim

19. It was found in the / usr / lib directory with, no, depressed.

20. found in the / usr / local / lib directory, but is not used by GAIM, modify /tc/, join the / usr / local / lib directory, and run LDConfig

21. Re-build GAIM, found that it can be started, but the report lacks SSL.

22. Uninstall Gaim and download Gnutls

23 Install gnutls, tell me the lack of libgcrypt, go download

24. Tell me that libgpg-error is missing, go download

25. Install Libgpg-Error

26. Install libgcrypt

27. Install GNUTLS, found that libopencdk 0.5.2 is not installed, go download

28. Install libopencdk 0.5.4

29. Download libtasn1-0.2.10, don't know what to do, it seems to be used by gnutls, but the front installation is not prompted, so there is no installation for the time being.

30. Go to the GAIM directory, ./configure --enable-nss = no, then make, make install

31. Download a GAIM-QQ-0.2, installed, it really can be used, but can not send expressions, I don't know if I can send files, I haven't tested 32. I want to find a dictionary, I downloaded Stardict2.4.3 in SourceForge. Installation, I found it installed, simply rpm -e stardict delete, install Stardict2.4.3

33. Start using Stardict2.4.3, but found that there is no dictionary file, but also to download

34. Download the corresponding Stardict's dictionary file xdict, cdict, etc., very good, not bad, not bad, not bad, not bad

35. Someone asked me to adjust his Windows machine from the remote, I had to download a VNC, from to download the free Linux version.

36. Install the Java Plugin of Mozilla 1.6, there is a problem with the Netscape station. Follow the prompts. In Mozilla's documentation, it is found that you can join the Plugin symbol in the JRE to join Mozilla's plugin, I execute the command It is ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ (Note: NS610-GCC32 is used, which does not seem to be used without gcc32, Maybe just can't be used on the latest Mozilla)

37. Download a Linux version of RAR software, you can use the RAR compressed format.

38. Red Hat9 With PPPoE software, if you have already installed, run the ADSL-SETUP, you can configure your ADSL, save the use of ADSL-START after saving, you can use ADSL-STOP to stop Internet access. ADSL-Status can check the ADSL state, his homepage at

39. Continue Question 9, the final determination problem is due to the lack of fonts (mainly the reason for the SIMSUN font), I have all the font files in the Windows / Fonts / Directory to / usr / share / fonts / winfonts, Since I use WinXP, SIMSUM's file name is simsun.ttc, not simsun.ttf, then renamed SimSun.ttc into Simsun.ttf, run command: TTMKFDIR -D / USR / Share / Fonts / WinFonts / -o /usr/share/fonts/winfonts/fonts.scale, then go to Winfonts directory, CP FONTS.SCALE FONTS.DIR

Chkfontpath -A / USR / Share / Fonts / Winfonts

Service XFS Reload

Open the file edited by Windows Office, garbled is not

40. In order to avoid copyright issues, Red Hat9's audio playing software XMMS is not MP3 function, but as long as you install a small plugin, you can solve this problem: MPG123-1.2.7-13.i386.rpm, in the play window, Chinese display may appear garbled, in the option / preference / font, select the "Use Character Set" and select the corresponding 50. To avoid copyright Question, Red Hat9's audio playing software XMMS does not with MP3 function, but as long as you install a small plugin, you can solve this problem: -13.I386.rpm, in the play window, Chinese display may appear garbled, in the option / preference / font, select "Use Character Set" and select the other Chinese font corresponding to the dependent function.

41. The most famous video playback software on Linux is MPlayer, I didn't find him on the system I finished, so I downloaded myself, URL:, I downloaded the SRC package Note a few things:

1) Before formally compiling, download the relevant REAL, WIN32, QuickTime decoder, and decompress to / usr / local / lib / codecs / directory (or directly copy all decompressed files directly to this directory) )

2) If you want to use the GUI to control play, you need to use Configure --Nable-GUI.

3) After the installation is completed, the corresponding font file COPY to ~ / .MPLAYER / FONT / directory

4) Put the corresponding skin file COPY to ~. / MPLAYER / SKIN / Default / directory

5) Run GMPlayer

42. Use Debian to install FCITX questions:

At the beginning, the Fcitx's input strips only appear in Emacs, and the rest of the places such as Firefox, Vi, Console, or if they have no input,

Last modification: Under $ home path, modify .xSession (if not, you can create it yourself), add the following lines:

#! / bin / sh

Export XModifiers = '@ im = fcitx'

Export Xim = fcitx

Export Xim_Program = Fcitx

EXPORT LANG = 'zh_cn.gbk' lc_all = 'zh_cn.gbk'

EXEC Xscreensaver -No-Splash &



EXEC GNOME-session

#exec wmaker

42: A problem appeared:

Could Not Init Font Path Element UNIX /: 7100, Removing from list!

Fatal Server Error:

Could NOT OPEN Default Font 'Fixed'

The solution is:

In the section 'files' of the / etc / x11 / xf86config file, the FontPath 'UNIX: / 7100' can be started after comment.


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