Analysis of "Essential COM" writing ideas

zhaozj2021-02-11  255

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Analysis of "Essential COM" writing ideas

COM is a complex technical topic, and "Essential COM" is known as "no one can explain COM more clear than Don Box". It can be seen that the true value of the book "Essential COM" is not in the technical content, but it is in the form of writing ideas and performance, found "the best way to express COM". Research on the writing ideas and expression of the book, undoubtedly a great reference value for the high quality production technology books in this studio.

DON BOX is trying to reveal "The Primary Motivating Factors Behind COM", which is the "first driving force" of COM. DON BOX emphasizes COM is a programming model, which is a set of rigorous ordered rules for programming. DON BOX is trying to reveal the origin of each characteristic of COM - what problems encountered in programming practice make the original method, technology no longer applicable, this continuous development of this programming practice and existing programming technology The contradiction between relatively backward causes people to design such a characteristic of COM? DON BOX emphasizes the core concept in COM - Interface, class, basic thread security unit and thread security, emphasizing the "wh" of COM, instead of com "how". Don Box also emphasizes that the best way to learn COM is "Programming with COM, while thinking about why the program can work", this is actually the best way to learn everything in the computer field.

In fact, these ideas are not fresh, it is precisely our Chinese thinking is best good. I like to be asked, digging the bottom, exploring the essence law. In order to use general literary comments, DON BOX is good at manufacturing programming practices and existing "tension relationships", and it is difficult to solve it. Another problem has yet, and the book always maintains a "tension" to attract readers. In such a solution to another problem, COM gradually explained clear. Can't adhere to the writing strategy of Don Box!

The entire book is arranged as follows:

The first chapter, COM is a better C .

In this chapter, through an example-transforming a C class as a reusable component, pointing out some of C defects, indicating that the C object model cannot be an ideal underlying basis for "building reusable software components".

The second chapter to Chapter 6, tells the basic concepts of comes: Interface, class, object, Apartment, security. This part of the logical order is divided according to a general COM subject, and features are in which the explanation and interpretation.

Chapter 7, Miscellaneous. This chapter includes some bad classifications.

to sum up:

1 Description of the problem driven. Background Introduction - Import Issues - Solution - Comatures, such a mode is very natural, in line with human understanding of law and thinking habits.

2 seize the core concept. The disadvantage is that there is no summary chart that reveals the connection between the basic concepts. The "design pattern" gives the interrelationship between all design patterns in the book.

3 Learn from programming. The rich code and graphics are analyzed, and the quality of the code is very high, it is never patchwork.


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