Learn Java's information

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Blog of Nanjing University Small Lily BBS RHGE (Mon Mar 21 09:44:45 2005)

Author: rhge Title: Learning Java's Information Time: Wed Nov 26 11:55:10 2003 Hits: 6 contained in: http:? //Www.atec.com.cn/bbs/topic.asp topic_id = 599 & forum_id = 40 & cat_id = 15 A. Title: "Thinking in Java" 2E Chinese Hou Jie / Wang Jianxing translation URL: http://jjhou.9cbs.net/thinking-in-java-20010919.pdf B. Title: jbuilder5 Chinese Help File URL: http://www.code-labs.com/manual/jb5cn_help1.rar http://www.code-labs.com/manual/jb5cn_help2.rar C. Title: Think in java (Chinese version) - --CHM format URL: http://www.code-labs.com/manual/think IN java.chm D. Title: JBuilder Developer Guide (Full Version) URL: http://www.java- CN.Net/book/books-zip/JBuilderGuide.zip E. Title: Java2 programming detailed explanation (special_edition_using_java) URL: http://www.java-cn.net/book/books-zip/java2xiangjie.zip F. Book Name: Java2 Easy Advanced URL: http://www.java-cn.net/book/books-zip/java11.zip G. Title: JavaBeans Development User Manual URL: http://www.java-cn. Net / Book / Books-Zip / JavaBeansDevelop.zip H. Title: Java1.3API Manual URL: http://www.java-cn.net/book/books-zip/api.zip Java Tutorial and Example HTTP: / /Download.pchome.net/php/download2.php?sid=10837&url=/development/refere nce / javateach0307.zip & SVR = 3 I. Title: SCJP authentication note URL: Http://vanstone.myetage.com/scjp/scjpnotes.rar J. Title: Sun Training Textbooks URL: http://vanstone.myetang.com/scjp/javabook/sl275cn.pdf K. Title: SCJP Certified Bible URL: http://vanstone.myetang.com/scjp/scjpbible.rar L. Title: Java Development Specification (HTML) URL: http://www.cn-java.com/target/download.php? ID = 790 & DownURL = .. / Download / Boo K / JavaFormat.zip M. Title: EJB2.0 Entity Bean (PDF) URL: http://www.cn-java.com/target/download.php?id= 708 & DownURL = .. / Download / Boo K / EJB2.0.ZIP N. Title: J2ME User User Manual (PDF) URL: http://www.cn-java.com/target/download.php?id=667&downURL =

../download/boo k / userguide.pdf O. Title: JavaServerPages Basics URL: http://www.java-cn.net/book/books-zip/jspintro.zip P. Title: RMI Enhancements URL: Http://www.cn-java.com/target/download.php?id=297&downurl=/download/tools /rmispecjdk12.zip Q. Title: No nonsense XML URL: http://www.cn-java. COM / TARGET / DOWNLOAD.PHP? ID = 222 & DownURL = .. / Download / TOO LS / WFHXML_GB.ZIP R. Title: Design Pattens Note: Name The Software Engineer's bed must have a book, very classic, opposite objective thinking Practical applications have made a classic summary URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/design.zip S. Title: Design mode can be used for object-oriented basic notes: Nanjing Chinese translation, mechanical industry publishing, translation quality, high-translation quality, high URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/designch.zip T. Titted: Thinking in Java with Patten Note: With Thinking in Java, the same author is the same, the design pattern is combined with Java URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/tipatterns[thinking in patt er% 20with% 20JAVA]. ZIP U. Title: The Design Pattens Java Companion Note: Another DESIGN PATTEN combined with JAMES W.Cooper URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/designjava.zip V. Title: Java 2 Platform Security Technology - Structure, API Design and Implementation Note: From China Pub, PDF Document, Chinese Translation URL: http: //automation.s Eu.edu.cn/auto/content/java2safe.zip W. Title: Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans Note: Ed Roman, EJB Excellent Books URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/ejb -book.zip x. Title: Pure JSP Note: James Goodwill, SAMS, Macmillan Computer Publishing 2000.6.8 published URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/pure jsp.zip y. Title: Sun Tutorial 2001.5 Note: Sun's classic tutorial, entry must read URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/tutorial_2001.zip Z. Title: JDK1.3.1 Document WinHelp format notes : The JDK documentation in WinHelp is easier to read and find,

Very good URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/jdk13doc_help.zip 1a. Title: The Java Virtual Machine Specification Second Edition Note: Java virtual machine specification, help understand Java implementation principles SUN publication URL: http: //automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/vmspec.2nded.html.zip 1b. Title: The Java Language Sepcification Second Edition Note: Java language specification, Java programming language detail Description, Sun Publish URL: http://automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/langspec-2.0.zip 1c. Title: Java Programmer's FAQ Note: Sun's FAQ, rich content, Covered URL: http : //automation.seu.edu.cn/auto/content/faq.zip 1D. Title: COCOON 2 Introduction Note: Cocoon is a Java server framework that allows XSLT conversion to dynamically publish XML content. By relying on the XML description, the content is converted into a variety of formats using XSLT, and Cocoon provides a platform for building content, logic, and applications that have been separated from each other. This tutorial will introduce Cocoon 2, a platform that is more efficient and more scalable than the original Cocoon application. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/education/xml/x-cocoon/tutorial/ x -cocoon.zip 1e. Title: Java Event Delivery Technical Note: Java 2 Platform makes programmers The system can be considered from the perspective of the event without the perspective of the traditional call - a central-retturn architecture style. Inside the platform itself, there is a direct support for multiple event notification modes. One way of thinking events is through the particle size and ownership of the event. Some event modes are suitable for indicating events on the particle size of the object instance-state change. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-delivery/Tutori Al / J-DELIVERY.ZIP 1F. Title: Build a web-based application annotation using JDBC: if You are interested in all methods of building a web application that uses JDBC access to the database, then this tutorial is suitable for you. In this practice guide, you will learn the basics of this process by using three independent technologies. These three technologies are: servlet methods, JavaServer Pages (JSP) page methods, JAVAB EANS combined with servlet. Method (also known as Model TWO). URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-jdbcWeb/Tutoria L / J-JDBCWEB.ZIP 1G. Title: Java 3D Agent Note: This tutorial is not Any 3D programmed Java programmer is written. We will start from some basic 3D concepts to explore how to build a pair of scenes - used to describe the basic objects of the scene we want to render. Then we will contact some of the more powerful features of Java 3D. Our focus will be placed in using some Java 3D practical classes to start your programming.

URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-java3d/tutorial /j-java3d.zip 1Q. Title: Java Debug Note: Even the most advanced developer The simplest application developed may also contain errors. If you want to be a good debugger, you don't have to survey the spider silk like a big detection. You only need to understand the concept and become familiar with the right tool. In this tutorial, we provide details about the basic Java debugging concept and more advanced debug types. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-debug/j-debug.z ip 1r. Title: Build a custom tree view Note: This free During the exclusive exclusive tutorial of the DW, the concept of Swing tree views, what they display, how to set them and how to customize them. It also describes the concept of using threads to perform long-term operating tasks so that the user interface can remain rapidly. Studying the relevant class of the Java Swing tree demonstrates how to make basic data models and drawings of tree nodes. To illustrate these concepts, we will generate a enhanced JTREE, JMAGNITREE. This enhanced JTREE can display the relative amount of the tree node, as well as the standard node name and the entire tree structure. For example, if the tree shows the file directory structure, it can indicate the relative size of all files and directories. This tutorial does not try to act as a programming reference, so the appropriate Swing reference information or online document may be helpful. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/edization/java/j-magnitudetree/m Agnitude.zip 1S. Title: Build Java Chat Server Note: This free DW proprietary In exclusive tutorials, we will build a simple chat system server and client. You will learn the basic framework that can be used when you create such a server during this process, which uses traditional technology that works well in many cases. We will also discuss some restrictions on the framework and find ways to overcome these restrictions. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-chat/tutorial/j -chat.zip 1t. Title: Constructing a servlet comment with session tracking: This tutorial is used Servlet and JSP technology build the technique of Internet applications. Its key is to enable session processing, then servlet can know which user is doing. This tutorial shows a URL bookmark system. In this system, multiple users have access to a system to add, remove and update the HTML bookmark list. Servlet uses JSP technology to handle user interaction. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-servlets2/tutor cent / j-servlets2.zip 1h. Title: Using JDBC Advanced Database Operation Note: This Teaching Introduce several advanced database operations to you, including stored procedures and advanced data types, which can be performed by using JAVA applications for JDBC. The sample code in the tutorial is written for DB2 Universal Database 7.2, but because the DataSource object is used, these code is modified to apply to other databases.

URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/education/java/j-jdbcadv/tutoria l / j-jdbcadv.zip 1i. Title: Manage Database Connection with JDBC: This tutorial introduced Use the Java Database Connection (Java Database Connection (Java Database Connection (JDBC)) to establish and manage database connections from the Java application. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-jdbc/tutorial/j -jdbc.zip 1j. Title: Java Collection Frame Note: This tutorial will take you " Java Collection Framework "(Java Collection Framework). To learn the "Collection Framework" as soon as possible, the tutorial starts from some simple programming examples of readers such as beginners and experts. Next, the tutorial continues to discuss the set (SET) and mapping (MAP), and their properties and their mathematical definitions are different from SET, MAP and Collection definitions in the "Collection Frame". The History of the Java Collection Framework has clarified some confusion of the set and mapping related classes. This tutorial completely introduces all interfaces in the Collection Framework and the classes that implement these interfaces. This tutorial does not talk about the collection of thread safety and read-only mode, and also explore the algorithm support of the collection. In addition, the tutorial also discusses a subset of using the "Collection Framework" in JDK 1.1. Finally, the tutorial ends as an end of a widely used algorithm and data structure library JGL in the OBJ ECTSPACE of the Java Collection Framework. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-collections/tut orial / j-collections.zip 1k. Title: Java Socket (Socket) 101 Note: This The tutorial will tell you what socket and teach you how to use it in a Java program. By actually analyzing several examples, from a single client / server communication to a set of client access servers in the pool, you will learn how to use a sleeve to process the typical situation encountered in the real world. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-sockets/tutoria l / j-sockets.zip 1L. Title: Java Message Service Basic Tutorial Note: This tutorial to you The Java Message Service, JMS is introduced and provides basic knowledge using it developer. Sun Microsystems Development JMS is to access the enterprise message delivery system for Java programs, also known as a message-oriented middleware (MOM) to provide a way. By mediation such indirect approach supports asynchronous delivery of application data data, MOM provides a mechanism for integrating applications with loose organization, flexible style. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/J-JMS/Tutorial/J- JMS.ZIP 1M. Title: JavaMail API Basic Tutorial Note: I want to combine the mail tool to Are you independent of the platform's Java solution? There is no more suitable than JavaMail AP i, which provides a module that is independent of the protocol, which can be used for IMAP, POP, SMTP, MIME, and other Internet messaging protocols.

Now, with JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) support, your application can enable mail features via JavaMail API. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-javamail/tutori al / j-javamail.zip 1n. Title: J2ME Step by step: This tutorial reviews the pocket version in detail The Java 2 platform (J2ME) is mainly intermediate developers with a deep background with a deep background in Java programming and object-oriented design and development. You can first learn about the background of J2ME and study J2ME configuration and profile. Subsequently, create your development environment and use to develop J2ME applications. This tutorial will introduce you to some questions such as KMMs (KVM), and KJAVA API - Simple Table of Mobile Information Device for Connecting Connection Finite Device (CLDC) and using CLDC. You will then construct a simple app to see what you can do with J2ME. You will develop a basic drawing application and a small MIDP application using CLDC and KJAVA. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/education/java/j2me/tutorial.zip 1o. Title: Build your Java library note: This tutorial mainly teaches you how to use Java language Build your own reusable class library. The content includes some key matters and effective methods for designing a good class. For better description, the tutorial also gives an example of a simple class design. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/eduCation/java/j-library/j-libra zzip 1p. Title: Learn Java ClassLoader Note: Java ClassLoader is an important, but It is often used by the Java runtime system components that are ignored. It is a class responsible for finding and putting a class file at runtime. Creating your own ClassLoad can customize JVM with practical and interesting equations, so that you can completely redefine how to introduce class files into the system. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-classloader/jc lassloader.zip 1Q. Title: Java Debug Note: Even the most advanced developers developed Simple application may also contain errors. If you want to be a good debugger, you don't have to survey the spider silk like a big detection. You only need to understand the concept and become familiar with the right tool. In this tutorial, we provide details about the basic Java debugging concept and more advanced debug types. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-debug/j-debug.z ip 1r. Title: Build a custom tree view Note: This free During the exclusive exclusive tutorial of the DW, the concept of Swing tree views, what they display, how to set them and how to customize them. It also describes the concept of using threads to perform long-term operating tasks so that the user interface can remain rapidly. Studying the relevant class of the Java Swing tree demonstrates how to make basic data models and drawings of tree nodes. To illustrate these concepts, we will generate a enhanced JTREE, JMAGNITREE. This enhanced JTREE can display the relative amount of the tree node, as well as the standard node name and the entire tree structure. For example, if the tree shows the file directory structure, it can indicate the relative size of all files and directories. This tutorial does not try to act as a programming reference, so the appropriate Swing reference information or online document may be helpful.

URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/edization/java/j-magnitudetree/m Agnitude.zip 1S. Title: Build Java Chat Server Note: This free DW proprietary In exclusive tutorials, we will build a simple chat system server and client. You will learn the basic framework that can be used when you create such a server during this process, which uses traditional technology that works well in many cases. We will also discuss some restrictions on the framework and find ways to overcome these restrictions. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-chat/tutorial/j -chat.zip 1t. Title: Constructing a servlet comment with session tracking: This tutorial is used Servlet and JSP technology build the technique of Internet applications. Its key is to enable session processing, then servlet can know which user is doing. This tutorial shows a URL bookmark system. In this system, multiple users have access to a system to add, remove and update the HTML bookmark list. Servlet uses JSP technology to handle user interaction. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/j-servlets2/tutor IAL / j-servlets2.zip 1u. Title: Java Language Basics Note: This tutorial introduces Java programming Language, including some examples of syntax for the object-oriented architecture language, and some standard programming exercises, such as defining instance methods, using embedd-in) types, create user-defined types, use reference variables (Reference Variables )Wait. URL: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/education/java/javaintrob 1v. Title: Javarmi Getting Started (I can't find the page download, this is FTP download URL: ftp: //


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