Original: http://www.neokeen.com/mornlee/2005/02/21/1108998494781.html
What is AJAX?
Abbreviation for asynchronynchronous javascript xml (Asynchronous JavaScript XML) .ajax is not a new way of integrated innovation of several technologies. The technical composition is:
Standard representation technology: XHTML, CSS dynamic display and interaction technology: Document Object Model Data Interchange and Operation Technology: XML, XSLT Asynchronous Data Acquisition Technology: XMLHttpRequest Binding Scripting Language: JavaScript
Traditional application model compares AJEX model
Traditional ways of synchronous interaction with Ajex asynchronous interaction
Typical cases with AJEX technology
Orkut, Gmail, Google Groups, Google Suggest, And Google Mapsflickra9.com
For more information, please refer to English Original:
Ajax: a New Approach to Web Applications (Author: Jesse James Garrett)