Talking about the Translation of Computer Books - Several Reference Examples of "Value Translation"

zhaozj2021-02-11  227

An article, please mention advice (W-, the author's little heart is willing to develop "value-added translation" into a strong theory, :-)


Talking about the Translation of Computer Books - Several Reference Examples of "Value Translation"

Author: Gao Wei (screen name DrCMM), address This article is welcome to reprint, you are welcome to communicate discussions. Please keep this statement when reproduced, thank you.

In May of this year, I will ask Mr. Houjie, who is a coarse understanding of technology translation. In the email, Mr. Houjie, I propose the idea of ​​"value-added translation", emphasizing that the traditional translation should be based on the original and original practices, and "centered on the reader", to the translator to freedom. Mr. Hou Jie then replied with "" value-added translation "and" freedom of translator ", encouraged postponement.

The concept of "value-added translation" is actually very simple, that is, under the premise of ensuring the substance of the original text, try to help readers' understanding of technical content. In foreign technical books I have contacted, in addition to a few of the few C parents Stroustroup, the original author's writing is generally not too people. Moreover, I think, readers are not to understand the writing brush and narrative style of the original author. Accordingly, the translator's focus should not be in accordance with the text of the original book. Today, there is a large number of foreign cavity that can be seen everywhere, and it is said that the direct consequences of traditional translation theories have affected readers' reading experience.

I am a door-to-door man. I have nothing to do with the translation. It should be said that it is just "going to watch the lively", which is eligible for comments in this field. I am mainly from the following aspects:

(1) Personal reading experience is a programmer, it is inevitable to read some translated technical books. Read more, especially when it is very difficult to understand, when I go back, I will not send such a feeling, "I know a thing, do you want to be so confused, if you change The statement, it is completely unnecessary to make readers so much power can figure out. "I have been ill." Good medicine did not dare, but when I read it again, I didn't even have a sentence. "I haven't eaten pork, haven't I seen a pig run yet?"

(2) If the writer Wang Xiaobo can reluctantly climb the relationship, I am still with Wang Xiaobo or alumni and friends. I very much agree with Mr. Wang Xiaobo's "interesting" on the reading experience should be "interesting", and the translator should be more difficult to understand the reader. Do not be difficult to readers in text, but to reduce readers in writing. The main energy can be used to understand and absorb technical knowledge.

Mr. Wang Xiaobo is in the article "My Normal University", "If the modern Chinese literature is still available, its roots are on those who have translated home. We are young when we want to read the text. It is necessary to read, because the best author is engaged in translation. This is our secret. "" When I arrived nearly forty years old, I read "Lovers" translated by Mr. Wang Dao, and knows the novel. What kind of text realm can be reached. Mr. Tao was a poet. Later, he did a translator. He was full of fire. He lived in a bump, his old age. "So, because of Mr. Wang Xiaobo, I have to be close to Fu Lei Scholar of Wang Daoqi and Zong Baihua.

(3) Translation of the Science and Technology Works of "Sex", Mr. Pan Guangdan (once served as the principal of Tsinghua University), the original "Sexual Study" I think the best translation, Sanlian Bookstore. Mr. Pan Guangdan's translation, Mr. Pan's translation section is close to half of the proportion of half, and Pan Xianheng organizes a lot of evolution materials from ancient Chinese historical, reputation, and note series, so that readers are open. In the past, the era of the past is extremely empty and a depressed, a young woman wants to understand sexual knowledge, and at the same time, it is necessary to reject the things of the three abuse and avoid political risks. He will naturally find this book is a safe choice. (After all, there is a triple brand and the identity of Tsinghua President). Of course, the current youth is very "happiness".

(4) "21st Century Economic Report" and "Economic Observer" university, take the people, to take TOEFL and GRE, I heard about reading Economist ("Economist"), New Republic ("New Republic"), Foreign Affairs ("Diplomatic Quarterly") can be long-term skill, so no matter what reading is not read, it is hard to read. Although, later GRE finally didn't go to test, but the habit of reading was left.

The domestic new media's plagiarism and plagiarism of foreign media is an open secret, but there is a good translation, the clever copy, and the translation of the translation, the copy will not copy. Relatively speaking, "21st Century Economic Report" and "Economic Observer" are plagiarism and plagiarism, and the quality of the translation is relatively high. From these two popular newspapers, I often discovered the familiar text on Economist, Wall Street Journal, and of course, some of the more high translation skills, especially some more European symposiums. These European sylphies, there are some long sentences, difficult sentences, especially those sentences, and more flour, insert, syncies, and clauses, often have unique effects.

"Value-added translation" is a practical art, the air talk theory is not good, if you don't do it yourself, it is likely to be a high-end embarrassment situation. My point to "value-added translation" is that

"Original text is just a BluePrint, the translator can read interest according to the horizontal range of the reader object, boldly increase and delete adjustment (as little as possible, and" Note "and" Review ") make the translation more suitable for specific target readers group."

This view is very important to accept whether the reader accepts, how to accept the translation theory of "reader-centered", not the original text, "is very critical. In particular, how to grasp the degree of deletion of adjustment, it is a sensitive question, Mr. Houjie is very cautious about "deleting". Therefore, I tried some paragraphs in some of the famous translations of some classic technologies to give their own translation, mainly from the "THE C Primer" translated by Mr. Pan Aimin, "The Design and Evolution of C " translated by Mr. Li Zongyan, And "refactoring" translated by Mr. Houjie ,. I hope that everyone can compare and make me will continue to make "value-added translation" more operability. (Personally a little private and a little moon, please understand.) I have never more interesting with these distinguished translators, just want to communicate with friends interested in technology translation, get some inspiration and prompt, make it as readers I can be fortunate to read another excellent translation, more conducive to the popularity of technology. Mr. Mengyan (Myan), Mr. Mean, has been angry: readers can read outstanding translations is a lucky. I hope that reading excellent translation is the least expectation and requirements for readers to the translator.

Mr. Houjie attaches great importance to readers' opinions. It is hoped that this article can be a point from a general reader to the domestic technical translation community.

Example 1: "C Primer" Preface About this section of the Primer Name The technical book version of the 9CBS Forum has caused controversy. Why is an Advanced level book to take Primer's name? I think this translation is very important from a business perspective. Even if this book is translated by Zhang Li, the foreword should be at least the translation of Mr. Pan. Imagine if this book is not recommended by Mr. Houjie, how many readers will pay a good book because of Primer, missed a good book! (1) Original:.. C Primer provides a comprehensive introduction to the International Standard on C It is a primer in the sense that it provides a consciously tutorial approach to describing the C language (It is not a primer in the sense of providing a simplistic or "gentle" description of the language.) Programming aspects of the language, such as exception handling, the container types, object-oriented programming, and so on, are presented in the context of solving a particular problem or programming task. Language rules, such as the resolution of an overloaded function call or the type conversions supported under object oriented programming, are given extensive treatment that may initially seem out of place in a primer. We believe that the coverage is necessary to a practical understanding of the language And We View The Material As Something One Goes Back to Rather Than Digests At One Sitting. If You Find It Initially Overwhelming Or Simply Too Dry, Put this Material Aside Until Late R - We Identify Such Sections with The Following Convention:

(2) Mr. Pan Aimin translation: C Primer provides a comprehensive introduction to C international standards. In this sense, it is a primary read book (Primer), which provides a method of guiding property to describe C languages. However, it also provides a simple and gentle description for the C language. From this perspective, it is not a primary reading.) C language program design elements, such as exception handling, container type, object-oriented program Design, etc., are displayed in a context environment that solves a specific problem or programming task. The rules of the C language, such as the resolution process called by the overload function, and the type conversion supported by object-oriented programming, which seems to be more popular, which looks beyond the category of primary readers. We believe that in order to strengthen readers' understanding of C languages, it is necessary to cover these contents. For these materials, readers should turn back from time to time, rather than digesting things. If you start, you find that these contents are more difficult to accept or too boring, please put them on one side and later look back. We add such a chapter to a special mark: ※. (3) Gao Wei translation: C Primer introduces ISO standard C . Because it is so widely covered, in order to facilitate the reader to master C , this book is specially organized and arranged in the form of a learning tutorial. In this sense, it is a "basic tutorial". (However, this book is for beginners of C instead of programming beginners, so the explanation of C languages ​​is different from the length of the general C tutorial, and the pursuit of simple and elegant in the form of explanation, so it is different from usual meaning The basic read book.) For the part of C language and programming practices, such as exception handling, container type, object-oriented programming, etc., the book endorses the attitude of "learning war in the war". Given that C beginners generally lack experience in large software project development, this book is to import these language characteristics by analyzing a specific problem and task in actual programming. Based on the same reason, generally not involved in content, such as resolutions such as overload function calls, and C language rules such as type conversion supported in object-oriented programming, this book also gives full attention. The author believes that covering the above theme helps readers understand C language from the perspective of programming practices. Of course, for these deeper technical themes, readers should turn back from time to time, not over and over again. If you start, you find that these contents are difficult to accept or too boring, you can temporarily skip these chapters, leave after you later. We have labeled special marks for these chapters: ※.

(4) Many say a few words: Primer: The key to the English interpretation of the word is Elementary, which is more suitable than "primary reading" than "primary reading".

Tutorial: The key to the English interpretation of this word is that instruction is translated into "guidance". Lenovo's instructions for Intel CPUs are called instruction, so Tutorial has the meaning of cookbook, "hand handle", which is translated as "learning tutorial."

Gentle: Understand the "moderate" language is not true, and cannot correspond to Simplistic. Those who have done the holiday questions will definitely not translate!

The second paragraph of the preface has "The Book IS INTENDED AS A First Book on C ; It is not intended as a first book on programming!", Just joined in this paragraph "This book is for beginners of C instead of Beginners of programming. " Example 2: "The Design and Evolution Of C Chapter 1 Section 3 This section is very important. As Mr. Yu Zongyan is in the" translator "," said his human thinking in science and technology. " . I have specially give Mr. Stroustrup, Stroustrup, Mr. Stroustrup is as follows: "At The Time Where I Wrote That, I Did Give A Thought to Russian Programmers." If you understand why Stroustrup speaks in "The C Programming Language" When the C name is mentioned, George. Owell's "1984", and understand the importance of "1984" in opposition to the history of extremitism, we will add a language other than a language to C . It is highly recommended to read the friends of this article to see "1984"! Search with Google, many places provide electronic downloads.

(1) Original: My preferences in literature have reinforced this unwillingness to make a decision based on theory and logic alone.In this sense, C owes as much to novelists and essayists such as Martin A.Hansen, Albert Camus, and George Orwell, who never saw a computer, as it does to computer scientists such as David Gries, Don Kunth, and Roger Needham.Often, when I was tempted to outlaw a feature I personally disliked, I refrained from doing so because I did not think I had the right to force my views on others.I konw that much can achieved in a relatively short time by the energitc pursuit of logic and by ruthless condemnation of "bad, outdated and confused habits of thought." However, the human cost is often high .A high degree of tolerance and acceptance That Different People Do Think in Different Ways and Strongly Prefer to do things Differently is to me far preference.

(2) Mr. Yu Zongyan has enhanced my understanding of literature: I don't want to make decisions based only according to the theory and logic. In this sense, C gets a lot of things from the novelists and existed things, such as Martin Hansen, Albert. Plus and George. Owell. They have not seen the computer at all, but the contribution to C is as large as computer scientists such as David Gries, Don Kunth, Roger Needham. Frequently, if I try to ban a language feature that I don't like, I always suppress the desire to do this, because I don't think I have the right to impose personal opinions to others. I know that through strong implementation of logic, there is no sympathetic condemn "bad, outdated, chaotic habits", which may have more trees in a relatively short time. However, the cost of people is always the highest. Different people do think in different ways, like to do things in different ways, and tolerance and acceptance of these situations is what I am most willing. Martin A. Hansen, 1909-1955, Danish novelist and essay writer. - Translator's note.

Albert Camus, 1913-1960, French novelist, essay family and drama, 1957 won the Nobel Literature Award. - Translator's note.

George orwell, 1903-1950, British writer and social criticist. - Translator's note.

(3) Gao Wei translation: I prefer Martin Hansen, Albert. Plus and George. Owell et al., This literary style reading preference makes me more reluctant to use it according to theory And logic decisions. In this sense, these essines and writers have never seen any computer, but their contribution to C can be said to be as large as computer scientists such as David Gries, Don Kunth, Roger Needham. Many times, when I tried to cancel a language characteristic of my personal, I always try to control myself, because I don't think I have the right to put personal views to others. I am also clear that if you fully pursue logical perfection, you don't care about "bad, outdated, confused thinking", C may achieve greater achievements in a relatively shorter time. However, this will result in a high expensive price. The C language should have a high level of inclusive, allowing different people to think and act in different ways of their respectments, this is what I prefer.

Martin A. Hansen, 1909-1955, Danish novelist and essay writer. During the German occupation of Denmark, he had a large number of in the Danish resistance to the Sports organization, called on Denmark to fight against aggressors. His article uses a lot of intent symbols, similar to Lu Xun's prose poem "Wild Grass" style. Stroustrup is also Danish, Martin A. Hansen's meaning is just like Lu Xun's meaning. - Translator's note.

Albert Camus, 1913-1960, French novelist, essay family and drama, 1957 won the Nobel Literature Award. The works are: "On the front and positive", "Wedding Collection", "Outside the Older", "Minoro or Oran", "Moori", "Martial", "People", Drama: "Misunderstanding", " Galira, etc. - Translator's note.

George orwell, 1903-1950, British writer and social criticist. His most important work is the political fables "1984" and "Animal Manor", which have deeply satirized the talents and Utopian thoughts. - Translator's note.

(4) Take more words: Preference refers to the good gains of the author in literature, not simple and love literature, but a genre, who loves literature (Genre). Martin Hansen, Albert. Plus and George. Owell, I think Mr. Yu Zongyan should give more introduction in the translation. Otherwise, the reader is difficult to understand why they even have not touched the computer, why the contribution to C is as big as computer scientists. This is the key to understanding this paragraph!

"I know that through strong implementation of logic, there is no sympathetic condemn" bad, outdated, chaotic habits ", it is possible to build a tree in a relatively short time." Dragon Zongyan Translation is too awkward. Moreover, "powerful" can't find the basis in the original text, Energetic Pursuit does not mean "strong".

The entire chapter 3 of Chapter 1, because of the more content related to humanities, Mr. Yu Zongyan is unsatisfactory. The people's literacy difference between the professor trainees cultivated by the Foundation of the People's Republic of China is amazing! When reading a book in Peking University, the old professor taught in our class affectionately recalling the liberation of the Tsinghua University Physics System to require students to take Chinese literary classes in Zhu Ziqing, it is really sad and god!

Examples 3: "Refactoring" Preface first paragraph (1) original: "Refactoring" was conceived in Smalltalk circles, but it was not long before it found its way intoother programming language camps Because refactoring is integral to framework development, the term. comes up quickly when "frameworkers" talk about their craft. It comes up when theyrefine their class hierarchies and when they rave about how many lines of code they were able todelete. Frameworkers know that a framework will not be right the first time around- it must evolveas they gain experience. They also know that the code will be read and modified more frequentlythan it will be written. The key to keeping code readable and modifiable is refactoring-forframeworks, in particular, but also for software in general. (2 Mr. Houjie translation: Refactoring This concept comes from the SmallTalk circle, and it doesn't have to enter other language camps. Since the reconstruction is an indispensable part of the framework (Framework), this term is born when the frame developer discusses its own work. When they refine their classroom hierarchy, when they call themselves how many lines of code can be deleted, the reconstructed concept slowly floats. The frame designer knows that the framework cannot be completely correct at the beginning - it will evolve as designers' experience; they also know that the code is read and modified, far more than it is written. Keeping the code is easy to read, and the key to the modification is the refactoring - for the framework, this is the same for general software. (3) Gao Wei translation: The concept of reconstruction originates from the SmallTalk community, which was originally formed during the development of Application Framework, which was gradually adopted in other programming languages. In general, the application framework is a complete program "template" that has the basic functions required for standard application software, such as file access, print preview, data dynamic exchange, etc., including graphical user interfaces that support these functions. element. Application Framework consists of a set of co-intensive class libraries, static hierarchical relationships between classes and implicit logical contacts are critical to application frameworks, and these static relationships and hidden logical links are often quite complicated. Program designers cannot take traditional "UP-Front Design), which can only take so-called Evolutionary Design, gradually adjust and refine the hierarchies between complex classes. relationship.

In the evolution design, an application is gradually completed by "ruthless reconstruction" in the recirculation of designers repeatedly, "Cognition-Design-Recognition-Re-Design". From the perspective of the software lifecycle, the code write only a small part of the entire software lifecycle, most of the time work is test and maintenance, so the readability and understandability of the code are especially important. Reconstruction is an effective method of improving the quality of code (especially code readability and understandability) under the premise of maintaining the external behavior of the code. Thus, refactoring not only helps the developer of the application framework, but also beneficial for the developers of general software. Example 4: "Refactoring" foreword second paragraph (1) Original: So, What's the problem? Simply this: refactoring is risky. It requires change Subtle bugs. Refactoring, IF not Done Properly, CAN set you back days, even weeks.And refactoring becomes riskier when practiced informally or ad hoc. you start digging in thecode. Soon you discover new opportunities for change, and you dig deeper. The more you dig, the more stuff you turn up ... and the more changes you make. Eventually you dig yourself into ahole you can not get out of. To avoid digging your own grave, refactoring must be donesystematically. When my coauthors and I wrote Design Patterns, we mentioned that designpatterns provide targets for refactorings. However Identifying The Target Is Only One Part of The Problem; Transforming Your Code So That You Get There is another challenge.

(2) Mr. Houjie translation: Hello, what is the problem? Obviously: Refactoring is risky. It must modify the program in the operation, which may introduce some flat errors. If the reconstruction method is inappropriate, you may destroy the results of you or even a few weeks. If you are not prepared when you refactor, you don't follow the rules, and the risk is greater. You tap your code and quickly discovered some places worth modifying, then you dug deeper. The more you have dug, the more you find the reconstruction, the more you have changed. Finally, you dug a big pit, but can't climb it. In order to avoid self-kitting graves, the reconstruction must be systematic. I and the other three (collaborators) authors have been mentioned in the "Design Patterns" book: Design Patterns provides the goal for Refactoring (Reconstruction). However, "Determining the Target" is only part of the problem, and the transformation process is another problem.


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