"Wonderful" highlights of CMM and process improvement

zhaozj2021-02-11  222

Some of the "whispers" collected from the CMM literature and improved the original text of the English, preserved the original text, gave a translation. This article is welcome to reprint, you are welcome to communicate discussions. Contact: Gao Wei (net name DRCMM), W-Gao @ 263.net, 13851926012. Please keep this statement when reproduced, thank you. Watts Humphrey quoted two proverbs in its book "Managing Software Process": "if you do't know where you're going, Any Road will do." "If you don't know where you are, a Map Won't help. "" If you don't know where you want, you can choose any road. "" If you don't know where you are, there is no use. "Two proverbs are very simple. The importance of software process assessment - helps you understand the location of the location, as well as the importance of software process model - help you find the goals of advancement. A generic term The Process Management Principle: The quality of a product is largely governed by the quality of the process used to build it The quality of a software product is largely governed by the quality of the software process used to develop and maintain it.. Basic Principles of Process Management: The quality of the product depends on the quality of the production process. The quality of software products is largely dependent on the quality of development and maintenance software. The Crisis Principle: a mature Organization Does Not Abandon ITS Process In A Crisis. Crisis Principle: A mature business will not give up the process even in the crisis. The Process Improvement Principle: Any Process Can Be Improved; Continuous Impement Is Necessary To Remain Competitive. Process Improvement Principles: Any process has improved possible, continuous improvement is necessary for maintaining competitiveness. The Software Process Improvement Principle: The Process To Develop and Maintain Software Can Be Defined, Managed, Measured, And Continuously Improved. Software process improvement Principle: Software development and maintenance process can be defined, managed, metrically and continuously improved. Competence: The Compence of The People Who Do The Work Is Crucial To Project Performance and Organizational Success. Professional Qualification: Whether the staff is competent for project performance performance and success of organizational success. Empowerment: a Mature Process Empowers People To Work Effectively and effect: A mature process enables people to work more efficiently.

Technology: The Power of the Tools Used to do the work Has a critical impact on the effect on Competitive Advantage. Technology: The effectiveness of the production tool has a key impact on the efficiency of the process, which is also to compete The leadership is a corresponding impact. The Process Un-Supreme Corollary: a Mature Process Cannot Overcome IncompeTnt People Or INADequate Tools. The process is not high ("The process is not higher than everything"): A mature process cannot solve the problem of the lack of professional qualifications or the unsuitable tool. The Good Management Corollary: a mature process cannot overcome unsound management. Introduction: A mature process cannot solve the problem of improving management. The Scar-Tissue Proverb: Maturity Is A Function of Scar Tissue. - Mark Paulk "Scars" Proverbs: (Interpretation of the Dictionary is that scar tissue is a connective tissue that makes a scar, mainly fiber in the new scar, in the old It is mainly the role of collagen in the collagen. (I only understand the author's personal understanding, if you don't pay attention to the ax.) Predictability: in Custom Software Development, Predictability of Cust And Schedule IS Important To The Customer. Prepaidity: In Customer Software Development, expense and progress Sexuality is important to customers. Time to Market: In Commercial Software Development, Time to Market Is The Major Factor in Market Share. Time to market: The development of commercial software, the listing time is the main factor in market share. TRADE-OFFS: Pick Any Two Goals from Better, Faster, Cheaper. Web: Both better, faster, and honest as the target. The Zero-TH Law of Software: if The Software Doays Meet Any Other Requirement. - Gerald Weinberg Software: Software First, you must work properly, follow you can consider more demand. The Quality Decision: Whose Opinion of Quality Is To Count WHENBERG Quality Decision: Different personnel have different understandings of quality, consider what is the so-called "quality" is based on who is making decisions. Investment: Process Improvement Requires Investment. Investment: Process improvements need to invest.

Market Realities: a mature process will not generate a market; A Bad Process Will Not Destroy a Lucrative Market. Market Reality: It does not mean that there is a market share; when the market has higher profits, even if the process is not Mature does not have a serious impact on the company. Customer Satisfaction: The Reason for Doing Process Improvement Is To Satisfy (Delight) Customers So The Will Continue To Buy Your Products and Services and Urge Others To Do So Customer Satisfaction: Process Improvement The reason is to meet (please) customers, let They continue to buy your products and services and require other companies to improve the process. Competitive Advantage:. A mature process contributes to efficiency In a competitive market, the organization that can produce its products and services most efficiently (and delight its customers) will thrive leading competitive: mature process efficiency. In a highly competitive market, companies that can produce products and provide services (thus please customers) can develop. 2 CMM Customs Software Focus: The Cmm Focuses on The Practices That Are Under The Control of The Software Function. Software Focus: CMM Concentrates Mainly in software related practices. A Road Map: The Maturity Levels And Key Process Areas Provide A Road Map To Prioritize Process Improvement. Roadmap: The maturity level and the key process domain provide a "road map" for determining process improvement. The "what-not-how" Principle: The cmm does not masterate how the software process shouthate how; it describes what character stay. "Yes - not - how" principle: cmm does not specify the software process What should be implemented, what is the characteristics of the software process should be described. Capability vs. Performance: The CMM focuses on building the process capability of an organization; the process performance of individual projects is correlated not identical but capacity and performance:. CMM process focuses on the ability to obtain tissue; individual project process performance and process organization The ability to contact but not necessarily.

Organizational Improvement: The CMM IS A Model for Organizational Improvement. It is not tuned to Improving Individual Projects or Helping a project That IS in Trouble. Organization: CMM is an improved model. It is not good at improving a single project or helping to solve the project in trouble. INFRASTRUCTURE: WITHOUT ORGANIZATIONAL (SENIOR Management) Support, Long-Term Process Improvement IS Unlikely. Infrastructure: The support of the high-level leaders can ensure long-term process improvement. The CMM Describes Key Process Areas and Key Practices. The CMM IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE. "Key" Principle: CMM Description is the critical process domain and key practice, CMM does not try to include all-in-law, including everything. Comprehensiveness: The CMM does not address all the important factors that impact success Excluded topics include capable people, systems engineering, and powerful tools inclusive:.. CMM does not include all important factor in the success of the impact of the project, excluded topics such as: the quality of personnel , System engineering, powerful tools. A Public Model: The CMM is based on the contributions of the software engineering community; the SEI is a steward who coordinates and leads its development and maintenance of public model:. CMM many contributions to software engineering based, SEI CMM's just coordination and leadership Development and maintenance of an officer. Technology: No specific Tools, Methods, or Technologies Are Mandated by the cmm. Technology: CMM does not force any specific tools, methods, or techniques. Process Evolution: Key process areas are not processes Processes evolve, even when that evolution is not explicitly described in the CMM A key process area describes a process at a particular maturity level process of evolution:... Is not a process key process areas. The process is in evolution, and a key process area only describes the process of being in a particular maturity level. Orthogonality: The key process is in the cmm all iNTERRED. PROCESS (AND Key Process Areas) Depend On One Another. Orthogonal: The critical process domain in CMM is associated with each other, and there is a mutual dependency between the procedure. Level 1 Quality: High-Quality Products Can Be, And Have Been, Developed by Level 1 Organizations. Level 1 Quality: Level 1 Organization can also produce high quality products.

THE REATABLE LEVEL PRINCIPLE: For An Organization To Mature Beyond Chaos, IT Must Install Basic Management Controls That Instill Self-Discipline. Repeatable Principles: For organizations from disordered mature conversion, it must be subtle by establishing basic management controls A self-discipline ability. The Defined Level Principle: for an Organization To Mature Beyond The Level of Self-Discipline, It Must Use Well-Defined Processes As A Foundation for Improvement. Defined Principles: For organizations that have self-discipline, it is tissue to mature, it Improvement foundation must be established by using a well-defined process. The Managed Level Principle:. For an organization to mature beyond the level of defined processes, it must base decisions on quantitative measures of its processes and products so that objectivity can be attained Managed level principles: For a defined process, is Maturing Organization, it must make decisions based on the quantization measurement of the process and the product to achieve the organization's goals. The Optimizing Level Principle: Ultimately, an organization must recognize that continual improvement (and continual change) are necessary to survive optimization level principle: Organizations should recognize that continuous improvement (ie continuous change) the survival of the organization of extreme necessity radically. 3 Process definition The Document Process: Documented Processes Are The Basis for Consistent Performance and Improvement. (Say What You Do; Do What You Say.) Documentation Procedure: Record the process with documentation, gain consistent with each item Performance and the consistent process improvement within the organization provide the basis. (Words and deeds) USEFULNESS: A Process Description Should Be Detailed Enough To Be Useful, Not So Detailed That IT IS UNUSABLE. Availability: A process description should be detailed enough to apply it in practice, but it is too detailed. A Satisfactory Process: A process can be considered satisfactory when it is practiced, verified and validated, trained, measured, controlled, enforced, and is a basis for improvement satisfactory process: the so-called "satisfactory process," that is, the process has been applied in practice , Verification and confirmation, and process-related personnel accept training, process data is measured, process is controllable, organizational regulations must be implemented. Such a process is the basis for organizing process improvements.

A Well-Defined Process: a Well-Defined Process Has Documentation That Details What Is Documentation That Details What Is Documentation That Details What IS DONE, WHEN IT IS DONE, WHOES It, And The Things Used and Products: The so-called "good definition process" means the process What should be done in writing in writing, when doing, who is doing, what is input and output? The EITVOX Corollary: A well-defined process has entry criteria, known inputs, a process description of how to perform the task, known outputs, a verification mechanism, and exit criteria EITVOX inference:. "Well-defined process" includes entry criteria, It is known to describe how to complete the task process, known output, verification mechanism, and export guidelines. Institutionalization: Institutionalized Processes Are Consistently Performed Across An Organization (Subject to Appropriate Tailoring). Institutionalization: The process of institutionalization refers to the implementation of the organizational range after tailoring. Measurement Insight: The Purpose of Measurement ISIGHT. Measurement Condition: The purpose of the measurement is to get "Cavement". Basic Statistics: Blue-collar workers on an assembly line successfully use statistical process control techniques; powerful statistical techniques do not have to be cryptic and arcane statistical basis: blue-collar workers on the assembly line successfully using statistical process control techniques; Powerful Statistical techniques are not mysterious. Process vs. Competence: Mature Processes Enable People to Work More Effectively. Process and Professional Qualification: The mature process makes people more effective work. Formality vs. Goodness: a poor process formally described is stock a poor process. - Dewayne Perry form and essence: a bad process, even very strictly description, still a bad process. 4 CMM interpretation and application habits Box's rule: All models arewrong; Some Models Are useful. - George Box Box's rules: The model is incorrect, but some models are useful. The Rocket Scientist Principle: You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand the CMM If something in the CMM is confusing, it is more likely because we explained the concept poorly than that the concept is extremely sophisticated principles rocket scientist: You It doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to understand CMM. If there is any bad understanding in the CMM, it is not because of how complicated concepts, but often because of the concept explanation.

The One Right Way: There is no "one right way" to import a software process. One-time approach: the implementation of the software process does not exist in one another way. A Normative Description: The CMM practices describe characteristics of a software process that we would normally expect to see at different levels of process capability normalization description:. CMM described practice is often the case during the different maturity levels can be observed in the The desired characteristics of a software process. Stone Tablets: The cmm is Not ENGRAVED ON Stone Tablets. Stone Treasure: CMM is not carved on the stone monument. The "Apply Intelligence" Principle:.. The CMM should be interpreted in the context of the business needs of the organization Do not do something foolish just to conform to the CMM "wise use" principle: should be based on the company's business needs in specific The CMM is explained in the context. Don't do a single order to follow CMM stupid things. Measured Improvement: If you do not measure the effect of process improvement on time to market, productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction, how do you know that it works and that it should continue has been measurable improvements:? If you do not measure process improvement How can I know how the process improvement has a role in launch time, productivity, quality and customer satisfaction? Large, Software-Intensive, Contract Bias: The Detailed Practices (Subpractices) in the cmm all ixed in terms of large-scale Organizations That Do Contract Work. Big, software intensive, contractual project tendency: CMM The description of practice, implied context is a large scale, software intensive, contractual project. Systems Bias: The Practices in THE CMM ARE EXPRESSED IN TERMS OF Developing Software As Part of A System That Includes Significant Nonsoftware Components. System tendency: The description of the practice in CMM, the implicit context is a part of the important non-software part The system, where software development is only a part of the system. Tailoring: The cmm should be tailored (or sponsor). Cut: CMM should be cut and explained in accordance with the needs of the organization (or project organizer).

Professional Judgment: Professional Judgment Must Be Applied to Interpret The CMM Practices for a Particular Organization. Professional judgment: Professional judgment should be used when interpreting CMM for a particular organization. The Sce Corollary: Judgment is not license. Judgments can be defended to a skeptical (neutral) Second Party. SCE Inference: SCE is only judged, not "certification". However, software companies can use SCE's judgment to defend their own debut. The Evaluation Principle: The True Process Is Revelated by What It Project Does, Not by What It Claims To Do. Review Principles: The real process is displayed by the project, not how the project claims to be decided. Process Goodness: Effective and efficient software processes are critical to successful process improvement, but goodness can only be determined in the context of the business needs of the particular organization process value: The value of the process is the only determined by the business needs of the specific organization, and It is not based on whether the process is efficient, whether it is conducive to successful process improvement. Scoring and Goodness: Maturity level and key process area scores are based on whether a documented process is in place and being used "Goodness" of the process is important, but is not a CMM scoring issue score and value: maturity level and The score of the key process is based on whether there is a documentation in the organization and the process is applied. The value of the process is important, but it is not the range considered by the CMM score. Process Effectiveness: It is appropriate for assessments to identify findings and make recommendations on ineffective or inefficient processes even when the process is in place and being used Process Effectiveness: Even if the process already exists and is in use, it should make an assessment of the process, identify Among them, the efficiency is not high or the effect is not big, and improvement recommendations are proposed. Non-cmm findings: Identify Problems Even WHEN DO NOT MAP To The CMM, EG, NONPROCESS ISSUES. Non-CMM Discovery: Although some issues are not in the range of cmm, they should also be evaluated and identified. For example: non-process issues.


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