Chapter 2 Process Area - Confirm

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24


A engineering process in a process of maturity level 3


The purpose of confirmation (VAL) is to confirm that the product or product component meets its expected use in the expected environment.


Confirmation activities can be applied to any aspects of products such as operation, training, manufacturing, maintenance, and support services. Complete the method used to use to work product, or for product or product components. Work products (such as demand, design, prototype) must be screened on a certain basis, which product is based on which product is best to indicate the ability of the product to meet the needs of users.

Confirm that the environment must represent the expected environment of the product and product components and represent the expected environment for verification activities applicable to work products.

Confirm that the product will meet its expected use when it is provided, however verified is to determine if the work product is appropriately reflected in the specified needs. In other words, verify that "your build is correct", and confirmation guarantees "You build the right thing". Confirmation Activity uses a method similar to a verification (such as testing, analysis, review, presentation, or simulation). End users often have to participate in confirmation activities. Confirmation and verification activities are often carried out simultaneously and can use some parts of the same environment.

For more information on verification activities, see the verification process domain.

As long as it is possible, it is confirmed that the product or product part running in its expected environment should be used. You can use a complete environment or only part of it. No matter how, you can use work products to find a confirmation in the initial stage of the project.

When the problem is determined, it is constricted from the needs of "Demand Development", "Technical Solution", or "Project Supervision and Control" process.

Specific practice in this process is interdependent as follows:

l Specific practice "Work Products Need to confirm" determine the product or product component that needs to be confirmed, as well as the method of performing the confirmation.

l Specific practice "establishment confirmation environment" determines the environment that will be used to complete confirmation.

l Specific Practice "Establishment Confirmation Procedures and Guidelines" Development and Selected Products, Customer Confirmation Procedures and Guidelines for Confirmation, Method, and Characteristics Confirmation Environment.

l Specific Practices "Execute Confirm" is implemented in accordance with these methods, procedures and criteria.

Related process domain

For more information on the needs of the needs, see the demand development process domain.

For more information on how to transform demand into products, please refer to the technical solution process domain.

For more information on how to verify that the product or product component meets its needs, see the verification process domain.

Practice - Target Relation

Continuous hierarchical SG1 Prepare to confirm SG1 Prepare Confirm SP1.1-1 Select Product SP1.1-1 Select Product SP1.2-2 Establishment Confirmation Environment SP1.2-2 Establishment Confirmation Environment SP1.3- 3 Establish a Confirmation Procedure and Guidelines SP1.3-3 Establishment Confirmation Procedures and Guidelines SG2 Confirmation Products or Product Components SG2 Confirmation Products or Product Parts SP2.1-1 Perform Confirmation SP2.1-1 Perform Acknowledgment SP2.2-1 Analysis Confirmation Result SP2.2-1 Analysis Confirmation Result GG1 reaches a specific target GP1.1 Complete Basic Practice GG2 Institutionalization A Hand-managed Procedure GG2 Institutionalization A Managed Procedure GP2.1 Establishing Organization GP2.1 Establishing Organization GP2. 2 Planning Procedure GP2.2 Program Process GP2.3 Provide Resource GP2.3 Provide Resource GP2.4 Assignment Responsibilities GP2.4 Assignment Responsibilities GP2.5 Trainers GP2.5 Trainers GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2. 7 Identify and include the related interpolist GP2.7 identification and include the relevant tributen GP2.8 supervision and control this process GP2.8 supervision and control this process GP2.9 objective evaluation persistence GP2.9 objective evaluation persistence GP2.10 Create a defined process GP3.1 established a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process C / ML3 -5 GP3.2 Collection Improvement Information GP3.2 Collection Improved Information GG4 Institutionalization A Quantifier Management Procedure GP4.1 Establishment Process The GG5 Institutionalization of the GG5 Institutionalization of GG5 Institutionalization A Optimization Process GP5.1 Key practice of ensuring continuous process to improve the root cause of GP5.2 correction issues

SG1 Preparation Confirmation

Do a good confirmation.

Preparations include selecting products and product components to be confirmed, and establish and maintain confirmation environment, procedures and guidelines. The selected confirmation object can be just a product, or a product component for constructing the appropriate level of the product. Any product or product component can be submitted, including replacement, maintenance, and training products, etc., you can also list many other content.

Confirm that the environment you need to make the product or product part is prepared. This environment can be bought or it can be specified, designed and constructed. Product integration and verification can be considered with confirmation environments to reduce costs and increase efficiency or productivity.

SP1.1-1 Select the product you need to confirm

Select the product and product parts that need to be confirmed, and the confirmation method that each product or product part will use.

The products and product components that need to be confirmed are selected based on the relationship required by the user. For each product component, you should determine the scope of confirmation (for example: run behavior, maintenance, training, and user interface).

The demand for performing confirmation is collected. Then, the confirmation method is selected based on the ability to confirm the user needs to obtain satisfaction. The confirmation method not only defines the technical means of product confirmation, but also drives the needs of facilities, equipment and the environment. This may result in the generation of lower product components in demand development. Some derivative needs may result, such as interface requirements for testing devices and test equipment. These requirements are also transmitted to the demand development process to ensure that the product or product component can be confirmed in a environment that supports these methods.

The confirmation method should be selected in the initial stage of the project, which can be obtained from the clear understanding and identification of the relevant man.

Confirmation method The development, maintenance, support, and training of products or product components correctly handled.

Typical work product

1. Products and product parts for the confirmation

2. Confirmation method for each product or product component

3. Need for each product or product part needs to be confirmed

4. Confirmation constraints for each product or product part

Child practice

1. Determine the key principles, characteristics and phases of the product or product part in the project survival.

2. Determine which types of users need to confirm (run, maintenance, training or support)

In its expected operating environment, the product or product part must be maintainable and supportable. This particular practice is also for actual maintenance, training and support services that may be delivered with the product.

An instance of the evaluation maintenance concept in the operating environment is by demonstrating that the maintenance tool can be used for actual products. 3. Select the product or product part you need to confirm.

4. Select the evaluation method for confirmation of the product or product component.

5. Selection, constraints and methods of reviewing confirmation with related officers.

SP1.2-2 Establish a confirmation environment

Establish and maintain support to confirm the required environment.

Confirm the needs of the environment is driven by factors such as product or product components, work products (such as design, prototype, final versions), and confirmation methods. They may lead to purchase or development of equipment, software, or other resources. These requirements are provided to the demand development process. Confirm that the environment may include reuse of existing resources. In this case, the arrangement of these resources must be made. Examples of various types of elements in the environment include:

l Test tools with interfaces that are confirmed products (such as observation instruments, electronic devices, detectors)

l Temporary embedded test software

l Tools for dump or subsequent analysis and repeating

l Simulated subsystem or component (software, electron, or mechanical)

l Simulated interface system (such as testing the simulated battleship used by the Navy Radar)

l The real interface system (for example, a plane used when testing the radar tracking facility)

l Facilities and customers with products

l Operation or skillful personnel using all of the above elements

l Specific computing or network test environment (for example, with real relay, exchange, and system, you can use a virtual running telecommunications network test facility)

To ensure that you can get a confirmation environment, you should choose the product or product part you need to confirm early, confirm the working product used, and confirmation methods.

Confirm that the environment should be carefully controlled for copying, analyzing results, and re-confiring some problems.

Typical work product

Verify the environment

Child practice

1. Determine the need to confirm the environment.

2. Determine the products provided by customers.

3. Determine the reuse.

4. Determine the test equipment and tools.

5. Determine an acknowledgment resource available for reuse and modification.

6. Detailed plan resources availability.

SP1.3-3 establishment confirmation procedures and guidelines

Establish and maintain confirmation procedures and guidelines.

Confirmation procedures and guidelines are defined to ensure that the product or product component will satisfy its expected use in the expected environment. Acceptance test cases and procedures can meet the requirements of the confirmation procedures.

Confirmation procedures and guidelines include maintenance, training, and support services testing and evaluation.

Examples of the source of confirmation criteria include: Lage of product and product components L Standard L Customer Acceptance Guidelines l Environmental Performance L Performance Deviation Threshold

Typical work product

Verification procedures

2. Verification Guidelines

3. Test and evaluation procedures for maintenance, training and support

Child practice

1. Establish product demand to ensure that matters affecting product or product components are discovered and eliminated.

2. Environment for confirmation of selected products or product components, run scripts, procedures, input, output, and guidelines documentation.

3. As the design matures in the context of confirming the environment, the design is designed to find a confirmation problem.

SG2 confirm the product or product part

Products or product components are confirmed to ensure they are suitable for use in its expected operating environment.

In an appropriate confirmation environment, confirmation methods, procedures and guidelines are used to confirm the selected product and product components, and any related maintenance, training and support services.

SP2.1-1 execution confirmation

Perform a confirmation of selected products and product components.

In order to obtain the user's acceptance, the product or product part must operate in its expected operating environment.

The confirmation activities are implemented and collected according to the established methods, procedures and guidelines.

The confirmation procedure for simulating operations should document, and the deviation that occurs when executed should be properly recorded.

(For users of continuously expressed, this is a specific practice of ability level 1. The confirmation process of capacity level 1 or 2 may not include procedures and criteria, which are created in specific practices of the Cultivation Confirmation Procedures and Criteria for Corporate Level 3. When there is no rules that have not established procedures and criteria, the method established in specific practices in specific practices to be selected is used to achieve the performance level 1.) Typical Work Products

1. Confirm the report

2. Confirm the result

3. Confirm cross-reference matrix

4. Simulated operation procedure record

5. Run demo

SP2.2-1 analysis confirmation result

Analyze the results of confirmation activities and find problems.

Analyze data from the confirmation test, review, demo, or evaluation according to the predetermined confirmation criterion. The analysis report indicates whether the requirements are met; in the case of defects, these reports record the degree of success or failure and possible failure. The collected tests, review, or review results are compared to the established criteria to determine if demand or design problems are required during demand development or technical solutions.

Analysis reports or analog operation confirmation documents may also point out that due to the recognition procedures or confirmation of adverse test results caused by environmental problems.

Typical work product

1. Confirm the defect report

2. Confirm the problem

3. Regulations change request

Child practice

1. Compare the actual results with the expected results.

2. According to the established confirmation criteria, it is determined that the product and product components that cannot be used to expect the operational environment, or the determination of methods, guidelines, and / or environmental issues.

3. Confirm the data for defect analysis.

4. Record the results of the analysis and determine the problem.

5. Use the confirmation result to compare the actual metric and performance and expected use or operation requirements.

General Practice of the Goal GG1 Completes a particular target by converting identifiable input work products into identifiable output working products, process support and enables specific target implementations of the process domain.

GP1.1 performs basic practice to perform basic practice to develop work products and provide special goals to meet process areas.

GG2 Institutionalization A managed process process is scheduled as a managed process. Just suitable for continuous

GG3 Institutionalization A defined process process is subjected to a defined process. Editor Press: The appearance of this type of goal reflects its position in the grading representation.

Just suitable for hierarchical

The guarantee guarantee GP2.1 establishes the organization's policy to establish and maintain a tissue policy for planning and implementation confirmation processes. Detailed details This policy establishes the product and product components, selecting confirmation methods to be confirmed, and to establish and maintain the expectations of the product and product components to meet the user requirements for the product and product components to meet the user requirements. The implementation of the GP2.2 program process establishes and maintains a plan for performing a confirmation process. Detailed details are usually, the plan to perform a confirmation process is part of the project plan described by the project plan process. .

GP2.3 provides resources to provide sufficient resources for performing confirmation processes, developing work products, and services for providing processes.

Detailed details may require special amenities to confirm the product or product components. Develop or purchase the confirmation of the facilities needed. The resources provided include the following tools:? Test management tool? Test case generator? Test coverage analyzer? Simulator? Load, pressure and performance tool

GP2.4 Assigning Responsibilities Assignment, Development Work Products, and the Duty to Confirm Process Service.

GP2.5 Trainers must train people who perform and support confirmation processes. Examples of detail training topics are as follows:? Application domain? Confirmation principle, standard and method? Expected use Environment Boot (Procedure) Execute GP2.6 Management Configuration to confirm the specified work product in the confirmation process in a suitable configuration management level. Detailed details The work product stored in configuration management is as follows: • Select the product and product list of products to confirm? Confirmation method, procedure, and guidelines? Confirmation report

GP2.7 identifies and contains related trust-related control plans, identify and contains related tribes.

Detailed details from customers, end users, developers, producers, testers, suppliers, marketers, maintenance personnel, final cleansters and other affected products from products and processes, or affect the products and processes. people. Examples of the events are as follows: • Select the products and work products that need to be confirmed? Establish a confirmation method, procedure and guidelines? Establish a confirmation result of product and product components and solve problems? Solve problems involving customer or end users When customer or end users need significant deviations, especially in particular to address issues involving customer or end users: • Abandon contract or protocol (what, when,, and product, service or manufactured products)? Additional in-depth study , Test, test or evaluation? Probilization of possible modifications in the contract or protocol GP2.8 supervision and control process is carried out in accordance with the planned supervision and control confirmation process, thereby performing a process and conducts appropriate correction activities.

Detailed details The metrics for monitoring and control is as follows: • The number of confirmed activities (planned and actual)? Confirm the trend of the problem report (for example: the number of records and the number of closed)? Confirm the problem The duration of the report (that is, the time for each question report opened) Verification (procedure) Executive GP2.9 objective evaluation persists, rules, procedures, objective assessment process persists, and dealing with unpublished The relevant matters of this execution are related.

Examples of detailed review activities are as follows: • Select the product and product components that need to be confirmed? Create and maintain confirmation methods, procedures and guidelines? Confirm product or product components

Work product review examples are as follows:? Confirmation method, procedure and guidelines

GP2.10 uses a higher level of management review status with higher levels of management review, and resolves the problem.

GG3 Institutionalization A defined process process is subjected to a defined process.

Executive Ability GP3.1 creates a defined process to establish and maintain a description of a defined demand development process.

Boot (procedure) to perform GP3.2 Collection Improvement information Collect work products, metrics, metrics, and improve information from planning and implementation confirmation processes, support future use and improvements in the organization process and process domain. Continuous / Maturity 3-5 GG4 Institutionalization An integrated managed process is institutionalized as an integrated managed process.

GP4.1 creates integration targets for the process to confirm the process to establish and maintain integration targets to clarify quality and process implementation based on customer needs and business goals.

The GP4.2 stabilization sub-process performs the performance of a stable one or more sub-processes to determine the ability to confirm the process to achieve the establishment of the integrated quality and process implementation goals.

GG5 Institutionalization A Optimized Process is an optimized process.

GP5.1 ensures that the continuous process improvement ensures continuous confirmation process during the relevant business goals of the organization.

GP5.2 Correct the root cause of the root causes of the Identification and correct the root causes of defects and other problems during the confirmation process. Just suitable for continuous


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