Intangible team tangible management (below)

zhaozj2021-02-08  486

And trust also brings another two difficult situation to the management of the virtual team: Yes, trust is given to employees, but the employee is pinned to a "virtualization organization" that you can't see yourself. This issue is relatively easy to solve in the traditional economy, and employees are organized "human resources", and they are a contractual system, good salary, broad career development path, challenging work can be their work. Incentive factors.

In the era of knowledge economy, employees are no longer "human resources", but should be "human assets". The intangible assets they represent are far more than the value of tangible assets in many companies, especially in high-tech fields. As a representative of high-value intangible assets, they can easily leave the team now, especially with trust rather than controlling the virtual team leading to management ideas. The existence of this risk often triggers a vicious circle: investors are avoiding risk, eager to recover their investment as soon as possible, do not hesitate to use short-term behavior; and management is forced to press the investor's pressure, only desperately pressing existing employees; this will accelerate The leave of employee.

Eliminating the vicious circle in the virtual team, the most ideal way is to change the role positioning of "employee". That is to convert them from the "worker" role to "member" role. As a member, they have to sign a member agreement, and have the corresponding rights and responsibilities. The most important thing is to participate in the company's management, an example. If the member opposes, a club is not auction, a virtual team employee's "member", The truth is also exactly the same. After a member, the employee's home object is no longer a "place", but a "community", in which case they will have a sense of belonging to the virtual community.

"Wrantor" is converted into "members", although it is not equivalent to giving them all the right hand, this change will undoubtedly cut the power of the owner. Therefore, the role of shareholders must also be converted from "owners" to "investors" accordingly. They are pursuing returns, but at the same time should bear the risk, and they can't engage in the "Member" transfers company, or easily send orders to management. .

Virtual is invisible, and management transformation is really real. It is not difficult to expect that anyone can achieve this transformation, who can take advantage of the new wave of network economy. The Asia-Pacific Management Training Center will launch the "How to Lead the Virtual Team" in August this year to discuss issues and solutions in the management of virtual teams.


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