Tomcat3.2.1 is a better JSP server, which is easier to configure.
Step 1: Go to download Tomcat3.2.1.
Step 2: Unzip the downloaded file (such as D: D: / Tomcat). If you are in Win98, don't use long paths, file names.
Step 3: Modify the Start.bat file under the bin directory, add the following two sentences on the 8th line:
Set Tomcat_Home = "D: / Tomcat"
Set java_home = "d: /jbuilder35/jdk1.2.2"
Where java_home points to the JDK directory. Recommended version of JDK1.2.2.
Step 4: Modify the Tomcat.bat file under the bin directory, add the following sentence on page 28:
Set java_home = d: /jbuilder35/jdk1.2.2
Step 5: Modify the shutdown.bat file under the bin directory, add the following sentence on page 28:
Set java_home = d: /jbuilder35/jdk1.2.2
Step 6: Run the startup.bat under the bin directory.