Some interview questions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

Q: Where do you use the false method? What is the difference in interface? A: When you want to override a method in the inheritance class; the virtual method is a member function of the class, and the interface is equivalent to the abstract class.

Q: What is the difference between OVERRIDE and overload? A: Override is overridden, covering the same name method of the parent class, and the overload is called by the parameter table.

Q: What is the difference between value type and reference type? A: Value type in the heap, the reference type in the stack. Q: How to understand static variables? A: Static variable has a global type in a certain class.

Q: How many ways to send requests to the server? A: POST, GET.

Q: What is the difference between DataReader and DataSet? A: DataReader is a database cache, DataReader limit: You can only read data; you cannot modify data; you can only loop data; you can only process data of a table. And DataSet is very powerful, and the database is disconnected.

Q: If you need to pass a variable in a B / S structure system, you can't use Session, cookie, Application, how many ways do you have? A: Using Request ["String"].

Q: Use .NET to make a B / S structure system, you use several layers of structure to develop, the relationship between each layer and why is it hierarchical? A: UI layer business object layer data layer

Q: How many stages in the software development process? Each stage effect? A: 1) Problem Definition; 2) Feasibility Studies; 3) Demand Analysis; 4) Overall Design; 5) Detailed Design; 6) Coding and Unit Test; 7) Comprehensive Test; 8) Software Maintenance.

Q: Microsoft launched a series of Application Block, please give your own Application Block and explain its role? A: SQLHELPER list, such as: SQLHELPER.EXcUtedataSet () executes the stored procedure.

Q: Please include some design patterns you used and in what circumstances use this mode? A: No.

Q: Do you experience the WebService? A: Good encapsulation, loose coupling, usage of protocols, standard protocol regulations, highly integrated capabilities.

Q: What is your interest in programming? What is the problem that I don't understand during work? How do you usually improve your programming level? A: I don't understand MSDN.

Q: What is the reason for your separation? A: My reason is that the salary is low.

The following topics If you don't, please describe your solution and method Q: How to transfer Chinese parameters through hyperlink? A: When the first question is passed, use httputility.urlencodeunicateode ("Chinese Parameters"), when getting the request.queryString ["Parameters"], "Parameter"] is the line <% @ Import namespace = "system.web.util"%>

The second problem is overwriting again, rewriting it, puts the session information in the ASP, and writes over again with .NET format.

Q: Please program all the TextBox controls on the traversal page and assign it to string.empty? A: Foreach (TextBox A as Webform1.Controls) {a.text = "";


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