HTML foundation fourth-speaking --- image image, iMages, in the HTML syntax, use IMG, its basic syntax is: # = image of the URL, about URL means image Address on the Internet.
# = When the browser has not fully read into the image, the text is displayed in the image location; it is also the image display, when the mouse is placed on the image. Example:
Image in the page: Syntax:
# = left, Center, Right, use an image of the align property, in fact, this property is used here, in the future, we will encounter align when learning the form, its value Left, center, Right is his Chinese meaning, Left is left, CENTER home, Right ranks right. Example:
Netvers Exchange Forum welcomes you! Image and text alignment: grammar:
# = Top, Middle, Bottom, the effect of Align and the implementation here is different, everyone can see from its value, what it is displayed The text is on the image, the middle, the bottom. Everyone can compare this to see their respective results, it is easy to remember! Image of the frame:
# = value number refers to the width of the edge of this image! Example:
Everyone can follow the grammar I will give you your own machine, write down, see The effect is fine.