Practical web special effects highlights 1, there is no embossed form:
2, Super Search Engine:
body> between the web page ->
*** Search Engine Daquan *** option>
Netease Yeah Search Option>
Chinese Yahoo Option>
Chinese CSEEK Option>
Sohu Option>
Youyou Chinese Search Option>
Evergreen Search Option>
Arctic Star Option>
If the neired search option>
Search option>
Video Chinese Search OPTION>
------------------- Option>
Wow Chinese Network (BIG5) option>
摩 搜 搜 (BIG5) option>
Add to Hong Kong Search (BIG5) option>
Gai Shi Engine (BIG5) option>
Green Discovery Engine (BIG5) Option> Coo Taiwan Index (BIG5) option>
UFO Search (BIG5) Option>
Monster Search (BIG5) Option>
Jasmine Window Search (BIG5) Option>
octopus search machine (BIG5) option>
--------------------- option>
English Yahoo! option>
English Infoseek option>
Altavista Chinese English Search OPTION>
Dejanews discussion group search option>
feedme discussion group search option>
MP3 music search option>
UBL Pop Music Database Option>
------------------- option> Software Library option>
ZDNET Software Library option>
CNET Software Library Option>
TUCOWS software library option>
FASTFTP Software Search Option>
Filez Software Search Option>
FM software search option> IGD Software Search Option>
SoftSeek Software Search Option>
WinFiles Software Search Option>
Winsite Software Search Option>
Davecentral option>
SharePaper option>
SlaughTerhouse option>
Shareshop option>
Value = "Start Search"> TD>
center> div>
3, __ has a table with title: ___
| | |
| Content |
| __________________ |
Here is the content in the table, which can be a piece of text, or a picture, form
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------
4, friendship link form sheet authentication:
head> between the web page ->
Function validate_form () {
if (! Check_empty (Document.form.Name.Value)
{Validity = false; Alert ('did not fill in the name!');
if (! Check_Email (Document.form.Email.Value)
{Validity = false; Alert ('email address error!');}} if (! Check_url (Document.Form.URL.VALUE))
{Validity = false; Alert ('Home URL Error!');
if (! Check_empty (Document.form.Description.Value))
{Validity = false; Alert ('missing content!');
IF (Validity)
Alert ("Form verification is correct, will be submitted."
Return validity;
Function Check_empty (Text) {
Return (Text.length> 0);
Function check_email (address) {
IF ((address == ""
|| (Address.indexof ('@') == -1)
|| (address.indexof ('.') == -1)))
Return False;
Return True;
Function check_url (address) {
// ->
Email Address:
Home URL:
Content Description:
p> form>
5, the progress of the Loading (cool effect)
head> area of the original code ->
load ... font> >
VAR Bar = 0
Var line = "||"
Count ()
Function count () {
Amount = Amount Line
Document.Loading.Chart.Value = Amount
Document.Loading.Percent.Value = Bar "%"
IF (bar <99)
{setTimeout ("count ()", 100);}
{WINDOW.LOCATION = "" ;;} // will change here to page to "load"
} script> p> form>
6, typing effect text:
body> between the web page HTML ->
VAR it = 0
Var head = "display: ''"
Function initialize () {
Mytext = type.innertext
Var myHeight = Typing.offsetHeight
Typing.innertext = '' = MyHeight
Typeit ()
Function Typeit () {
Typing.insertadjacenttext ("Beforend", MyText.Charat (IT))
IF (IT IT SetTimeout ("Typeit ()", 100) } Else Return } IF (Document.all) Document.body.οnlοad = initialize script> Style = "Visiblity: hidden; height: 2" style = "{head};"> Mu Feng Trident span> font> p> ------------------------------------------------ 7. Change the IE rolling strip pattern (suitable for IE6.0 or more IE browser): head> between the web page HTML -> Body { Scrollbar-Face-Color: # 536bfd; // Scroll surface color Scrollbar-highlight-color: # 536bfd; // Scroll tops on the slope and left slope Scrollbar-shadow-color: # 536bfd; // Rolling strip under the bevel and right bevel color Scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fffff; // rolling strips and edge colors on the left Scrollbar-arrow-color: blue; // Rolling strip up and down arrow color Scrollbar-track-color: # 536bfd; // Rolling Bottom Edition Color Scrollbar-Darkshadow-Color: # 536bfd // Rolling strips and right edge color } Style> ------------------------------------------------ 8. Change the favorite icon: html> zone in Home HTML: -> ------------------------------------------------ 7. Change the chain link color: > Cute workshop span> P > div> center> ------------------------------------------------ 8, zoom text (not necessarily implementation): Var speed = 100; Var cycledelay = 2000; Var maxSize = 28; VAR x = 0; VAR Y = 0; Var themessage, size; Var eSize = " font>"; Function initaray () { THIS.LENGTH = INITARRAY.ARGUMENTS.LENGTH; For (VAR i = 0; I THIS = INITARRAY.ARGUMENTS; } } Var themessage2 = new initaray "Practical web special effects highlights!", "" ); IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" Document.write (' layer> ); IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1) Document.write (' span> ); Function upds () { Themessage = Themessage2 [Y]; IF (x X ; SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", Speed; } Else Settimeout ("DownWords ()", CycleDelay); IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" { Size = " Document.wds.document.write (size "" themessage center> " esize); Document.wds.document.close (); } IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1) { WDS.INNNERHTML = "" themessage " center>"; WDS.Style.FontSize = x 'PX' } } Function Downwords () { IF (x> 1) { X-; SetTimeout ("Downwords ()", Speed; } Else { SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", CYCLEDELAY y ; IF (y> Themessage2.Length - 1) y = 0; } IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" { Size = " Document.wds.document.write (size "" themessage center> " esize); Document.wds.document.close (); } IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1) { WDS.INNNERHTML = "" themessage " center>"; WDS.Style.FontSize = x 'PX' } } SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", Speed; script> ------------------------------------------------ 9, rainbow text: Function MakeArray (n) { THIS.LENGTH = N; For (var i = 1; i <= n; i ) THIS = I-1; Return this } HEX = New MakeArray (16); HEX [11] = "a"; HEX [12] = "b"; HEX [13] = "c"; HEX [14] = "d"; hex [15] = "e"; hex [16] = "F"; Function tohex (x) { Var high = x / 16; VAR S = high "" s = s.substring (0, 2); High = parseint (s, 10); Var Left = HEX [High 1]; Var low = x-high * 16; S = low ""; s = s.substring (0, 2); Low = parseint (s, 10); Var Right = HEX [Low 1]; Var string = left "" right; Return string; } Function Rainbow (Text) { Text = text.substring (3, Text.length-4); Color_d1 = 100; Mul = color_d1 / text.length; For (i = 0; i Color_d1 = 255 * math.sin (i / (text.length / 3); "255 * math.sin (i / (text.length / 3)) Color_h1 = tohex (color_d1); color_d2 = mul * i; Color_h2 = tohex (color_d2); Document.write (" '); } } // -> script> {Rainbow ("-> Practical web special effects highlights! // -> script> ------------------------------------------------ 10, shadow hidden text:
SetTimeout ("Typeit ()", 100)
IF (Document.all)
Document.body.οnlοad = initialize
Style = "Visiblity: hidden; height: 2" style = "{head};"> Mu Feng Trident span> font> p> ------------------------------------------------ 7. Change the IE rolling strip pattern (suitable for IE6.0 or more IE browser): head> between the web page HTML -> Body { Scrollbar-Face-Color: # 536bfd; // Scroll surface color Scrollbar-highlight-color: # 536bfd; // Scroll tops on the slope and left slope Scrollbar-shadow-color: # 536bfd; // Rolling strip under the bevel and right bevel color Scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fffff; // rolling strips and edge colors on the left Scrollbar-arrow-color: blue; // Rolling strip up and down arrow color Scrollbar-track-color: # 536bfd; // Rolling Bottom Edition Color Scrollbar-Darkshadow-Color: # 536bfd // Rolling strips and right edge color } Style> ------------------------------------------------ 8. Change the favorite icon: html> zone in Home HTML: -> ------------------------------------------------ 7. Change the chain link color:
Style = "Visiblity: hidden; height: 2" style = "{head};">
Mu Feng Trident span> font> p>
7. Change the IE rolling strip pattern (suitable for IE6.0 or more IE browser):
head> between the web page HTML ->
Body {
Scrollbar-Face-Color: # 536bfd; // Scroll surface color
Scrollbar-highlight-color: # 536bfd; // Scroll tops on the slope and left slope
Scrollbar-shadow-color: # 536bfd; // Rolling strip under the bevel and right bevel color
Scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fffff; // rolling strips and edge colors on the left
Scrollbar-arrow-color: blue; // Rolling strip up and down arrow color
Scrollbar-track-color: # 536bfd; // Rolling Bottom Edition Color
Scrollbar-Darkshadow-Color: # 536bfd // Rolling strips and right edge color
8. Change the favorite icon:
html> zone in Home HTML: ->
7. Change the chain link color:
Cute workshop span> P > div>
8, zoom text (not necessarily implementation):
Var speed = 100;
Var cycledelay = 2000;
Var maxSize = 28;
VAR x = 0;
VAR Y = 0;
Var themessage, size;
Var eSize = " font>";
Function initaray () {
For (VAR i = 0; I THIS = INITARRAY.ARGUMENTS; } } Var themessage2 = new initaray "Practical web special effects highlights!", "" ); IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" Document.write (' layer> ); IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1) Document.write (' span> ); Function upds () { Themessage = Themessage2 [Y]; IF (x X ; SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", Speed; } Else Settimeout ("DownWords ()", CycleDelay); IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" { Size = " Document.wds.document.write (size "" themessage center> " esize); Document.wds.document.close (); } IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1) { WDS.INNNERHTML = "" themessage " center>";
Var themessage2 = new initaray
"Practical web special effects highlights!",
IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape"
Document.write (' layer> );
IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1)
Document.write (' span> );
Function upds () {
Themessage = Themessage2 [Y];
IF (x X ; SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", Speed; } Else Settimeout ("DownWords ()", CycleDelay); IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" { Size = " Document.wds.document.write (size "" themessage center> " esize);
X ;
SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", Speed;
Else Settimeout ("DownWords ()", CycleDelay);
IF (Navigator.Appname == "Netscape" {
Size = " Document.wds.document.write (size "
Document.wds.document.write (size "
Document.wds.document.close ();
IF (navigator.appversion.indexof ("msie"! = -1) {
WDS.Style.FontSize = x 'PX'
Function Downwords () {
IF (x> 1) {
SetTimeout ("Downwords ()", Speed;
Else {
SetTimeout ("UpWords ()", CYCLEDELAY
y ;
IF (y> Themessage2.Length - 1) y = 0;
9, rainbow text:
Function MakeArray (n) {
For (var i = 1; i <= n; i ) THIS = I-1;
Return this
HEX = New MakeArray (16);
HEX [11] = "a"; HEX [12] = "b"; HEX [13] = "c"; HEX [14] = "d"; hex [15] = "e"; hex [16] = "F";
Function tohex (x) {
Var high = x / 16;
VAR S = high ""
s = s.substring (0, 2);
High = parseint (s, 10);
Var Left = HEX [High 1];
Var low = x-high * 16;
S = low "";
Low = parseint (s, 10);
Var Right = HEX [Low 1];
Var string = left "" right;
Return string;
Function Rainbow (Text) {
Text = text.substring (3, Text.length-4);
Color_d1 = 100;
Mul = color_d1 / text.length;
For (i = 0; i Color_d1 = 255 * math.sin (i / (text.length / 3); "255 * math.sin (i / (text.length / 3)) Color_h1 = tohex (color_d1); color_d2 = mul * i; Color_h2 = tohex (color_d2); Document.write (" '); } } // -> script> {Rainbow ("-> Practical web special effects highlights! // -> script> ------------------------------------------------ 10, shadow hidden text:
Color_d1 = 255 * math.sin (i / (text.length / 3); "255 * math.sin (i / (text.length / 3))
Color_h1 = tohex (color_d1); color_d2 = mul * i;
Color_h2 = tohex (color_d2);
Document.write (" ');
{Rainbow ("-> Practical web special effects highlights!
10, shadow hidden text: