Preliminary Python

zhaozj2021-02-11  227

What is python?

Python is a translated, interactive, object-oriented programming language, which contains an operation, abnormal processing, dynamic data form, very high-level dynamic data structure, and category. Python combines simple syntax and powerful features. Its syntax expression is easy to read. It features a lot of excellent scripting languages: interpretive, object-oriented, built-in advanced data structure, support modules, and packages, support multiple platforms, scalable. And it also supports interactive mode operation, graphical mode operation. It has a wide range of programming interfaces support a variety of operating system platforms and a wide variety of function libraries. It can be expanded using C and C . Individual applications If you need a programmable interface, you can use it to use it as an extended language. Finally, Python has a very high movable: it can run on many UNIX class platforms, in Mac, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, OS / 2, BEOS, and to RISCOS has related Python versions.

Simply put it has some features:

l is an interpretative, object-oriented, dynamic semantic programming language.

l Suitable for rapid development.

l You can integrate to other popular servers and bring your server.

l Provides clear data / logic / representation separation.

l With scalable built-in objects and powerful integrated security modules.

Python's history

The founder of Python is Guido Van Rossum. During Christmas in 1989, in Amsterdam, Guido was determined to develop a new script interpretation for a new script interpretation in order to send Christmas's non-interesting. The reason why Python (big python means) is used as the name of the program because he is a fan of a monty big hizza flying circus.

ABC is a teaching language (never heard of GUIDO). In the eyes of Guido, ABC is very beautiful and powerful, which is specially designed for non-professional programmers. However, the ABC language did not succeed, the reason why Guido considered non-open. Guido is determined to avoid this error in Python (which is true, Python is very good in combination with other languages ​​such as C, C and Java). At the same time, he also wants to realize something that flashed but has not been implemented in ABC.

In this way, Python was born in Guido (I would like to thank him). In fact, the first implementation is on the MAC machine. It can be said that Python has developed from ABC, mainly by modula-3 (another considerable and powerful language, designed for small groups). And combined with the habit of UNIX Shell and C.

What places are Python available?

Python can be used in many cases. When you need a lot of dynamic adjustment, it is easy to use, powerful and elastic, Python can play a good effect.

In terms of processing text, Python's core function (without any expansion library) is more easy to use than other programming languages ​​and speed is quite. This makes Python to become an efficient language on the work that needs to process strings (including system management, CGI programming).

When Python plus its standard expansion library (such as PIL, COM, Numeric, OracleDb, Kjbucket, Tkinter, Win32API, etc.) or special expansion library (you write it yourself, or using Swing, or using Ilu After / Cobra / COM, it can become a very good "glue language" or "guided language". Tools that integrate different programming environments and software features that are not related to each other. For example, in combination with Numeric and ORACLEDB, you can make system analysis for your database data for your database. Python is simple, easy to use, and convenient and powerful C / C extensions make it a very excellent "glue language". Many developers are also widely adopted when writing a graphical user interface. If you want to make a graphical interface program, Python can be competent. You can go to, it is a Python extension library that can be used to implement cross-platform graphic programming, which supports Windows and UNIX / Linux. There are some demonstrations on that website, you can learn. Python can do CGI. Some homepages provide CGI support for Python. There are also some games made with Python. If you want to know more about Python, you can go to SourceForge to find a project about Python, there are a lot of things above.

Operation mode

Python can run in a command line, or interactively run, also has a graphical integration environment, which develops Python is quite convenient. There have been many visual programming software written in Python now, which is used to implement the same function as Delphi.


Python is a real object-oriented language. It does even support abnormal processing. If you have learned Java, this should be no stranger. But other scripting languages, such as PHP, if there is no. This makes the program more clear, without having a lot of wrong checks.

Modules and packages

This is more like Java. For Java support, you can learn about JPython. JPython is a Python written in Java, which fully supports Java, which can use Python to use Java class libraries in this environment. Language extensions can be written in Python with C, C or Java, such as functions. Or compile together with Python, or use dynamic library loading. Some people have written a tool that can be implemented for the Python automatic implementation function interface package, which is Swig (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator), or called a simple package and interface generator (can be at / SWIG /).

Interesting grammar

Guido thinks that Python's syntax is very beautiful. One point is that the representation of the block statement is not a common {} pair, or other symbol pair, but uses an abbreviation representation! Interest. In this regard, GUIDO's explanation is: First, use the shrinkage representation to reduce the visual confusion, and make the program shorten, which reduces the range of attention to the basic code unit; second, it reduces the program The freedom of the staff is more conducive to the unified style, making the program that read others easier. I feel good, I'm in C language, there are several kinds of braces behind the IF statement. Different people like different looks, it is better to unity, they will not see it.

Before each class or function is defined, the first line can be an explanatory statement, and an comment marker is not required. For the statement of the following statement, you should keep up with a colon. The row of statements cannot be too long, because there is no end of the end, if the long is long, the renewal (/) is used. There are still interesting, for example, like a comparison process below, using C language: if (2

Use python to be expressed as

IF (2

What is Zope?

Zope is an open source web application server that develops Python language, using it you can easily build content management, intranet, portal, and other custom applications.

l Highly object-oriented Web development platform uses Python language development.

l You can run on almost all popular operating systems, support multilingual.

l You can integrate to other popular servers and bring your server.

l Provides clear data / logic / representation separation.

l With scalable built-in objects and powerful integrated security modules.

What is Plone?

PONE is a user-friendly, powerful open source content management system on Zope. Plone is suitable for servers, document publishing systems, portal servers, and off-site coordinating group tools, and Plone has developed into an application development platform.

l is a powerful open source Content Management System (CMS).

l Access, edit content, and management through web browsers, easy to update content.

l You can create a new content type without programming.

l Collaborative editing and distribution mechanism.

Python IDE development environment:




Python Chinese Community:

Zope / Plone Chinese Community:

Zope official website:

Chinese Zope User Group:

Python Category Library:

Python Chinese Forum:


Affirming: Some of this article is collected online, copyright belongs to the original author

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