Trubo Linux 10 Install DBD :: mysql module for Perl ::

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

Trubo Linux 10 Install DBD :: mysql module for Perl ::

By Jondy (

Used in the previously written Windows's script found that there is no security DBI module. Installing the module under Windows, it is easy to use PERL-MCPAN to install the module with Perl-MCPan without ppm in linux. Specific usage View Help Perl-McPan -hperl-MCPAN Tips When prompted, basically round-up to the selection area and national settings save in /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/cpan/ settings can be modified Document or simply delete it Run Perl-MCAPN-E shell Reset Lower Side Start Install Perl-McPan -e Shell First Install DBI Module, this is no problem under Trubolinux10, CPAN> Install DBI then install DBD :: mysql module cpan> Install dbd :: mysql prompt error exit: t / mysql2.t 255 65280 ?? ??% ?? 1 test Skipped.failed 16/18 Test Scripts, 11.11% Okay. 723/730 Subtests Failed, 0.96% Okay.make: *** [Test_Dynamic] Error 2 / USR / BIN / MAKE TEST - NOT OKRUNNING Make Install Make Test Had Returned Bad Status, Won't INSTALL WITHOUT FORCE Discovery CAN't Exec "MySQL_Config": No file or directory at line 174.readline () on closed fileHandle Pipe at line 176.cpan> q Exit [root @ localhost sources] #vim /Root/.cpan/build/dbd-mysql-2.9004/ Enter / mysql_config Find Open (PIPE, "MySQL_CONFIG - $ Param |); Open (Pipe," / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysql_config - $ param | "); # Modify here, run [root @local Host Sources] #cd /root/.cpan/build/dbd-mysql-2.9004[Root@localhost Sources] #perl --husage: perl / root/.cpan/build/dbd-mysql-2.9004/makefile. Pl [options]

Possible Options Are:

--cflags = Use for running the C compiler; defaults to the value of "mysql_config --cflags" --libs = Use for running the linker; defaults to the value of "mysql_config --libs" --testdb = Use the database for running the test suite; defaults to test --testuser = Use the username for running the test suite; defaults to no username --testpassword = Use the password for running the test suite; defaults to no password --testhost = Use as a database server for running the test suite;. defaults to localhost --testport = Use as the port number of the database; by default the port number is choosen from the mysqlclient library --nocatchstderr Supress using the "myld" script that redirects STDERR while Running the linker. --nofo undrows Change the behavoiur of $ sth-> rows on the command line so that it returns the number of rows physically modified instead of the rows matched --ssl Enable SSL support --help Print this message and exitAll options may be configured (). IF The Arenot Present on The Command Line, Then MySQL_Config IS Called:

Mysql_config --cflags mysql_config --LIBS mysql_config --testdb

And so-on. See the install.html file for details. Press the prompt [root @ localhost sources] #perl --TestUser = root --TestPassword = password Enter the username and password to enter the database, no prompt error, then Enter [root @ localhost sources] #MAKE [root @ localhost sources] #make test [root @ localhost source "] #make install completes the installation; the following is an error full information

Running install for module DBD :: mysqlRunning make for R / RU / RUDY / DBD-mysql-2.9004.tar.gzCPAN: Digest :: MD5 loaded okCPAN: Compress :: Zlib loaded okChecksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/ ID / R / RU / RUDY / DBD-mysql-2.9004.tar.gz okscanning cache /Root/.cpan/build for sizesdeeleting from cache: /Root/.cpan/build/msql-mysql-modules-1.2219 (11.4> 10.0 MB) deleding from cache: /root/.cpan/build/data-dumper-2.121 (10.7> 10.0 MB) deletring from cache: /Root/.cpan/build/net-telnet-3.03 (10.2>

10.0 MB) DBD-mysql-2.9004 / dbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / dbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / mysql2.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / akmisc.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / 60leaks.tdbd-mysql -2.9004 / t / 10dsnlist.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / ak-dbd.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / 50chopblanks.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / mysql.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / lib.pldbd -MYSQL-2.TDBD-mysql-2.9004 / t / 40nulls.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / insertid.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / 40Listfields.TDBD-mysql-2.9004 / t / 40bindparam.tdbd -MYSQL-2.9004 / T / mysql.dbtestdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / dbdadmin.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / 20createdrop.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / 00Base.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / 30insertfetch.tdbd -mySQL-2.TDBD-mysql-2.9004 / t / 50commit.tdbd-mysql-2.9004 / t / mysql.mtestdbd-mysql-2.9004 / manifestdbd-mysql-2.9004 / mylddbd-mysql-2.9004 / dbdimp.cdbd -MYSQL-2.9004 / LIB / DBD-mysql-2.9004 / lib / dbd / dbd-mysql-2.9004 / lib / dbd / mysql / dbd-mysql-2.9004 / lib / dbd / mysql / getInfo.pmdbd-mysql-2.9004 / lib /Dbd/mysql/install.poddbd-mysql-2.9004/lib/dbd/mysql.pmdbd-mysql-2.9004/lib/mysql/dbd-mysql-2.9004/lib/mysql/statement.pmdbd-mysql- 2.9004 / lib / bundle / dbd-mysql-2.9004 / lib / bundle / dbd / dbd-mysql-2.9004 / lib / bundle / dbd / mysql.pmdbd-mysql.pmdbd-mysql-2.9004 / dbdimp. hDBD-mysql-2.9004 / mysql.xsDBD-mysql-2.9004 / MANIFEST.SKIPDBD-mysql-2.9004 / READMEDBD-mysql-2.9004 / INSTALL.htmlDBD-mysql-2.9004 / META.ymlDBD-mysql-2.9004 / Makefile.PLDBD-mysql- 2.9004 / ChangeLogDBD-mysql-2.9004 / constants.hDBD-mysql-2.9004 / TODORemoving previously used /root/.cpan/build/ Going to build R / RU / RUDY / DBD-mysql-2.9004 .tar.gz

CAN't Exec "mysql_config": There is no file or directory at line 174.readline () on closed FileHandle Pipe at line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": There is no file or directory at makefile. Pl line 174.readlene () on closed FileHandle Pipe at line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": No file or directory at line 174.Readline () on closed FileHandle Pipe At Line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": There is no file or directory at line 174.readline () on closed FileHandle Pipe at line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": No file or directory AT line 174.readline () on closed fileHandle Pipe at line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": There is no file or directory at line 174.Readline () on Closed FileHandle Pipe At makefile. PL line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": There is no file or directory at line 174.readline () on closed FileHandle Pipe at line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config": No file or Contents at line 174.readline () on closed FileHandle Pipe at line 176.can't Exec "mysql_config ": There is no file or directory at line 174.readline () on closed FileHandle Pipe at line 176.i Will Use the Following Settings for Compiling and Testing: cflags (Guessed) = -i / usr / local / mysql / include libs (guessed) = -L / usr / local / mysql / lib -lmysqlclient -lz -lgz nocatchstderr (default) = 0 nofoundrows (default) = 0 ssl (guessed) = 0 testdb (default) = test testhost (Default) = TestPassword (default) = Testuser (Default) =

To change these settings, see 'perl --help' and'perldoc install '.

Checking if Your Kit is Complete ... Looks GoodNote: No Library Found for -lgzusing DBI 1.47 (for Perl 5.008 on i386-linux) Installed In /usR/LIB/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386- Linux / Auto / DBI / WRITI Makefile for dbd :: mysqlcp lib / dbd / mysql / BLIB / LIB / DBD / MYSQL / GETINFO.PMCP lib / dbd / blib / lib / dbd / mysql.pmcp lib /Dbd/mysql/install.pod blib / lib / dbd / mysql / install.podcp lib / blib / lib / mysql.pmcp lib / mysql / blib / lib / mysql / statement.pmcp lib / bundle /Dbd/ blib / lib / bundle / dbd / mysql.pmcc -c -i / usr / lib / perl5 / site_perl / 5.8.0 / i386-linux / auto / dbi / -i / usr / local / mysql / include -ddebugging -fno-strict-aliasing -d_ilargefile_source -d_file_offset_bits = 64-^ -g -March = i586 -dversion = / "2.9004 /" -dxs_version = / "2.9004 /" -fpic "-i / usr / lib / Perl5 / 5.8.0 / i386-linux / core "dbdimp.c / usr / bin / perl -p -e" s / ~ driver ~ / mysql / g "/usR/LIB/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386 -Linux / Auto / DBI // Driver.xst> mysql.xsi / usr / bin / perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/extUtils/xsubpp -typemap / u sr / lib / perl5 / 5.8.0 / ExtUtils / typemap mysql.xs> mysql.xsc && mv mysql.xsc mysql.cWarning: duplicate function definition 'do' detected in mysql.xs, line 196Warning: duplicate function definition 'rows' Detected in mysql.xs, line 294cc -c -i / usr / lib / perl5 / site_perl / 5.8.0 / i386-linux / auto / dbi / -i / usr / local / mysql / include -ddebugging -fno-strict- AliaSing -d_largefile_source -d_file_offset_bits = 64 -O2 -g -March = i586 -dversion = / "2.9004 /" -dxs_version = / "2.9004 /" -fpic "-i / usr / lib / perl5 / 5.8.0 / i386-Linux / Core "mysql.crunning mkbootstrap for dbd :: mysql () chmod 644 mysql.bsrm -f blib / arch / auto / dbd / mysql / mysql.sold_run_path ="

/ usr / local / mysql / lib: / usr / lib "/ usr / bin / perl myld cc -shared -l / usr / local / lib dbdimp.o mysql.o -o blib / arch / auto / dbd / mysql / -l / usr / local / mysql / lib -lmysqlclient -lzchmod 755 blib / arch / auto / dbd / mysql / mysql.socp BLIB / Arch / Auto / DBD / mysql / mysql.bschmod 644 BLIB / Arch / auto / dbd / mysql / mysql.bsmanifying blib / man3 / dbd :: mysql.3manifying blib / man3 / mysql.3manifying blib / man3 / dbd :: mysql :: install.3manifying blib / man3 / bundle :: dbd: : mysql.3 / usr / bin / make - okrunning make testperl_dl_nonlazy = 1 / usr / bin / perl "-mextUtils :: command :: mm" "-e" "Test_harness (0, 'blib / lib",' Blib / Arch ') "T / *. TT / 00BASE ........... Okt / 10dsnlist ........ DBI Connect (' Test ',' ', ...) failed: Access Denied for User 'Root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: No) AT T / 10dsnlist.t line 45canNot Connect: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: no) Either Your Server Is Not Up And Running or you have no permissions for acessing the dsn dbi: mysql: test. This Test Requires a Running Server A Nd Write Permissions. Please make your server is running and you have permissions, the return.t / 10dsnlist ........ Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed Tests 1-9 Failed 9 / 9 Tests, 0.00% Okayt / 20Createdrop ..... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / 20Createdrop.t line 45canNot Connect: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost'

(Using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. Test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is running and you have permissions , the return.t / 20createdrop ..... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. failed tests 1-5 failed 5/5 tests, 0.00% okayt / 30insertfetch .... DBI Connect ('Test ',' ', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User' root '@' localhost '(Using Password) (Using Password) At t / 30insertfetch.t line 48cannot Connect: Access Denied for User' root '@' localhost '( using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:. ​​test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is running and you have permissions,. Then Retry.t / 30insertfetch .... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 256 0, 0xA00) Died. Failed tests 1-11 failed 11/11 tests, 0.00% okayt / 40bindparam ... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root '@' localhost '(Using Password: NO) AT T / 40BINDPARAM.T LINE 64CANNOT Connect: Access Denied for User' root '@' localhost '

(Using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. Test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is running and you have permissions , the return.t / 40bindparam ... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed Tests 1-28 Failed 28/28 Tests, 0.00% Okayt / 40blobs ........ .. DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'Root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / 40BLOBS.T LINE 68CANNOT Connect: Access Denied for User ' root '@' localhost '(using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server Is Running and You Have Permissions, Then Retry.t / 40blobs ........ Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed tests 1-11 failed 11/11 tests, 0.00% okayt / 40listfields ..... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root' @ ' Localhost '(Using Password: NO) AT T / 40Listfields.t line 57cannot Connect: Access Denied for User' root '@' localhost '

(Using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. Test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is running and you have permissions , Then Retry.t / 40Listfields ..... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed Tests 1-18 Failed 18/18 Tests, 0.00% Okayt / 40nulls ......... .Dbi connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for user 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: no) at t / 40nulls.t line 50cannot Connect: Access Denied for User 'root '@' localhost '(using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is Running and you have permissions, life.t / 40nulls .......... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed tests 1-11 failed 11/11 tests, 0.00% okayt / 40numrow ........ DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root '@' localhost '(Using Password: NO) AT T / 40numRows.t line 59cannot Connect: Access Denied for User' root '@' localhost '

(Using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. Test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is running and you have permissions , the return.t / 40numrow ........ Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed Tests 1-25 Failed 25/25 Tests, 0.00% Okayt / 50chopblanks ..... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / 50ChopBlanks.t line 57cannot Connect: Access Denied for user 'root' @ 'localhost' (using password: NO) Either your server is not up and running or you have no permissions for acessing the DSN DBI: mysql:.. test This test requires a running server and write permissions Please make sure your server is running and You have permissions, the retroyal.t / 50chopblanks ..... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2 560, 0xa00) Died. Failed tests 1-35 failed 35/35 tests, 0.00% okayt / 50commit ......... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / 50commit.t line 64can't call method "Tables" on an undefined value at t / line 216.t / 50commit ..... .... Dubious Test Returned Status 255 (WSTAT 65280, 0xFF00) Died. failed tests 1-30 failed 30/30 tests, 0.00% okayt / 60leaks ........ Skipped All Skipped: $ env { Slow_tests} is not set or proc :: Processtable Not Installedt / AK-DBD ......... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root' @

'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / AK-DBD.T LINE 59T / AK-DBD ......... OK 3 / 90can't call Method "Tables" on An Und Value At T / line 216.t / ak-dbd ......... Dubious Test Returned Status 255 (Wstat 65280, 0xff00) Died. Failed Tests 1, 4-90 Failed 88/90 Tests, 2.22% okayt / akmisc ........... MySQL Connect ('Database = Test; Host =', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'Root' @ 'localhost' (useing Password: no) at t / akmisc.t line 140t / akmisc ......... Nok 1canNot Connect: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: no) IT Looks as if Your server is not up and running. This Test Requires a Running Server. please make your server is running and retry.t / akmisc ........... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xa00) Died. Failed Tests 1-351 Failed 351/351 Tests, 0.00% Okayt / DBDADMIN ......... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / DBDADMIN.T LINE 74T / DBDADM IN ......... NOK 1CANNOT Connect: Access Denied for User 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: No) Either Your Server Is Not Up and Running Or You Have No Permissions for Acessing The DSN DBI: Mysql: Test. This Test Requires a Running Server and Write Permissions. please make your server is running and you have permissions, the return.t / dbdadmin ......... Dubious Test Returned Status 10 (Wstat 2560, 0xA00) Died. Failed tests 1-21 failed 21/21 tests, 0.00% okayt / insertid ......... DBI Connect ('Test', '', ...) Failed: Access Denied for User '

Root '@' localhost '(Using Password: NO) At t / insertid.t line 13t / insertid ......... Dubious Test Returned Status 255 (Wstat 65280, 0xff00) Died. Failed Tests 1-12 failed 12/12 Tests, 0.00% Okayt / MySQL ............ mysql connection ('database = test; host =', '', ...) failed: Access Denied for user 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) At t / mysql.t line 55Not OK 1: Access Denied for User 'Root' @ 'localhost' (useing password: no) IT Looks as if your................................ THIS TEST Requires a Running Server. Please make your server is running and retroyal.t / mysql ............ failed tests 1-68 failed 68/68 tests, 0.00% okayt / mysql2 .. ......... mysql connection ('Database = Test; Host =', '', ...) failed: Access Denied for user 'root' @ 'localhost' (Using Password: NO) AT T / Mysql2.t line 29can't call method "getServerInfo"

On an undefined value at t / mysql2.t line 30.t / mysql2 ......... Dubious Test Returned Status 255 (Wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- T / 10dsnlist.t 10 2560 9 9 100.00% 1-9T / 20Createdrop.t 10 2560 5 5 100.00 % 1-5T / 30INSERTFETCH.T 10 2560 11 11 100.00% 1-11T / 40Bindparam.t 10 2560 28 28 100.00% 1-28T / 40Blobs.t 10 2560 11 11 100.00% 1-11T / 40Listfields.t 10 2560 18 18 100.00% 1-18T / 40NULLS.T 10 2560 11 11 100.00% 1-11T / 40NUMROWS.T 10 2560 25 25 100.00% 1-25T / 50ChopBlanks.t 10 2560 35 35 100.00% 1-35T / 50Commit.t 255 65280 30 30 100.00% 1-30T / Ak-dbd.t 255 65280 90 88 97.78% 1 4-90T / Akmisc.t 10 2560 351 351 100.00% 1-351T / DBDADMIN.T 10 2560 21 21 100.00% 1-21T / INSERTID.T 255 65280 12 12 100. 00% 1-12T / mysql.t 68 68 100.00% 1-68T / mysql2.t 255 65280 ?? ??% ?? 1 test Skipped.failed 16/18 Test Scripts, 11.11% Okay. 723/730 Subtests Failed, 0.96% okay.make: *** [Test_Dynamic] Error 2 / USR / BIN / MAKE TEST - NOT OKRUNING Make Install Make Test Had Returned Bad Status, Won't Install WITHOUT FORCPAN> Q


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