Service Overview and Network Port Requirements for the Windows Server System

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27

Service Overview and Network Port Requirements for the Windows Server System

Article ID: 832017Last Review: March 11, 2005Revision: 8.6

In this task


• Overview • System Services Ports • Ports and protocols • References

On this Page



This article discusses the essential network ports, protocols and services that are used by Microsoft client and server operating systems, server-based programs and their subcomponents in the Microsoft Windows server system. Administrators and support professionals may use this Microsoft Knowledge Base article as a road -map to DETERMINE What PORTS AND Protocols Microsoft Operating Systems and Programs Require for Network Connectivity In A Segment Network.

The Windows server system includes a comprehensive and integrated infrastructure that is designed to meet the requirements of developers and of information technology (IT) professionals. This system is designed to run programs and solutions that information workers can use to obtain, to analyze, and to share information quickly and easily. These Microsoft client, server and server program products use a variety of network ports and protocols to communicate with client systems and with other server systems over the network. Dedicated firewalls, host-based firewalls, and Internet Protocol security ( IPsec) filters are other important components that are required to help secure your network. However, if these technologies are configured to block ports and protocols that are used by a specific server, that server will no longer respond to client requests.

Important The port information in this article should not be used to configure Windows Firewall. For information about configuring Windows Firewall, see the Windows Firewall Settings Technical Reference.back to the top

OverviewThe Following List Provides An Overview of the Information That Article Contains:

• The "System Services Ports" section of this article contains a brief description of each service, displays the logical name of that service, and indicates the ports and protocols that each service requires for correct operation. Use this section to help identify the ports and protocols that a particular service uses. • The "Ports and Protocols" section of this article includes a table that summarizes the information from the "System Services Ports" section. The table is sorted by port number instead of by the service name. Use this .. section to quickly determine which services listen on a particular port.This article uses certain terms in specific ways to help avoid confusion, make sure that you understand how this document uses these terms The following list describes these terms:

• System services: The Windows server system includes many products, such as the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server family, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Each of these products include many components;

system services is one of those components. System services that are required by a particular computer are either started automatically by the operating system during startup or are started as required during typical operations. For example, some system services that are available on computers that are running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, include the Server service, the Print Spooler service, and the World Wide Web Publishing Service. Each system service has a friendly service name and a service name. The friendly service name is the name that appears in graphical management . tools such as the Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in The service name is the name that is used with command-line tools and with many scripting languages ​​Each system service may provide one or more network services • Application protocol..: In The Context of this Article, An Application Protocol Is A High-Level Network Protocol That Uses One or more TCP / IP Protocols and ports. Examples of Ports. application protocols include Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), server message blocks (SMBs), and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) • Protocol:. Operating at a lower level than the application protocols, TCP / IP protocols are standard formats for communicating between devices ON A NetWork. The TCP / IP Suite of protocols include TCP, User DataGram Protocol (UDP), AND Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). • Port:

This is the network port that the system service listens on for incoming network traffic.This article does not specify which services rely on other services for network communication. For example, many services rely on the remote procedure call (RPC) or DCOM features in Microsoft Windows to assign them dynamic TCP ports. The Remote Procedure Call service coordinates requests by other system services that use RPC or DCOM to communicate with client computers. Many other services rely on network basic input / output system (NetBIOS) or SMBs, protocols that are actually provided by the Server service. Others rely on HTTP or on Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). These protocols are provided by Internet Information Services (IIS). A full discussion of the architecture of the Windows operating systems is beyond the scope of this Article. However, Detailed Documentation On this Subject Is Available On Microsoft TechNet and On The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). While Many Services M .

When you use RPC with TCP / IP or with UDP / IP as the transport, inbound ports are frequently dynamically assigned to system services as required;. TCP / IP and UDP / IP ports that are higher than port 1024 are used These are frequently informally referred to as "random RPC ports." In these cases, RPC clients rely on the RPC endpoint mapper to tell them which dynamic port (s) were assigned to the server. For some RPC-based services, you can configure a specific port instead of letting RPC assign one dynamically. You can also restrict the range of ports that RPC dynamically assigns to a small range, regardless of the service. For more information about this topic, see the "References" section of this article.

THIS ARTICLE INCLUDES INFORMATION ABOUT The System Services Roles and The Server Roles for The Microsoft Products That Are listed in the

Applies to "section at the end of this article. While this information may also apply to Microsoft Windows XP and to Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, this article is intended to focus on server-class operating systems. Because of this, this article describes the ports That a service listens on instead of the ports there.

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System Services PortsThis section provides a description of each system service, includes the logical name that corresponds to the system service, and displays the ports and the protocols that each service requires.

Active Directory (Local Security Authority) Active Directory runs under the LSASS process and includes the authentication and replication engines for Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 domain controllers. Domain controllers, client computers and application servers require network connectivity to Active Directory over specific hard-coded ports in addition to a range of ephmeral TCP ports between 1024 and 65536 unless a tunneling protocol is used to encapsulate such traffic, An encapsulated solution might consist of a VPN gateway located behind a filtering router using Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) together with IPsec . In this encapsulated scenario, you must allow IPsec Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP) (IP protocol 50), IPsec Network Address Translator Traversal NAT-T (UDP port 4500), and IPsec Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) (UDP Port 500) THROUGH The Router as opposed to opening all the ports and protocols listed below. Finally, The Port US ed for Active Directory replication may be hard-coded as described in 224196: Restricting Active Directory replication traffic to a specific port.Note: Packet filters for L2TP traffic are not required, because L2TP is protected by IPsec ESP.

System Service Name:


Application protocolProtocolPortsGlobal Catalog ServerTCP3269Global Catalog ServerTCP3268LDAP ServerTCP389LDAP ServerUDP389LDAP SSLTCP636LDAP SSLUDP636IPsec ISAKMPUDP500NAT-TUDP4500RPCTCP135RPC randomly allocated high TCP portsTCP1024 - 65536

Application Layer Gateway ServiceThis subcomponent of the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) / Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) service provides support for plug-ins that allow network protocols to pass through the firewall and work behind Internet Connection Sharing. Application Layer Gateway (ALG) plug -ins can open ports and change data (such as ports and IP addresses) that are embedded in packets. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the only network protocol with a plug-in that is included with Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, and Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition. The ALG FTP plug-in is designed to support active FTP sessions through the network address translation (NAT) engine that these components use. The ALG FTP plug-in supports these sessions by redirecting all traffic that passes through THE NAT and THAT IS DESTINED For Port 21 To a private listening port in the loopback adapter. The loopback adapter. The alg ftp plug-in Then Monitors and Updates FTP Control CHA Nnel Traffic So That The FTP Plug-in Can Forward Port Mappings Through The Nat for the FTP Data Channels. The FTP Plug-in Also Updates Ports in The FTP Control Channel Stream.System Service Name:


Application ProtocolproColportsftp Controltcp21

ASP.NET State ServiceASP.NET State Service provides support for ASP.NET out-of-process session states. ASP.NET State Service stores session data out-of-process. The service uses sockets to communicate with ASP.NET that is running ON A Web Server.

System Service Name:


Application session statetcp42424

Certificate ServicesCertificate Services is part of the core operating system. By using Certificate Services, a business can act as its own certification authority (CA). In this way, the business can issue and manage digital certificates for programs and protocols such as Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S / MIME), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Encrypting File System (EFS), IPsec, and smart card logon. Certificate Services relies on RPC and on DCOM to communicate with clients by using random TCP ports that are higher Than Port 1024.System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Cluster ServiceThe Cluster service controls server cluster operations and manages the cluster database. A cluster is a collection of independent computers that act as a single computer. Managers, programmers, and users see the cluster as a single system. The software distributes data among the nodes of the cluster. If a node fails, other nodes provide the services and data that was formerly provided by the missing node. When a node is added or repaired, the cluster software migrates some data to that node.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsCluster Servicesudp3343rpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Computer BrowserThe Computer Browser system service maintains an up-to-date list of computers on your network and supplies the list to programs that request it. The Computer Browser service is used by Windows-based computers to view network domains and resources. Computers that are designated as browsers maintain browse lists that contain all shared resources that are used on the network. Earlier versions of Windows programs, such as My Network Places, thenet view command, and Windows Explorer, all require browsing capability. For example, when you open My Network Places on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 95, a list of domains and computers appears. To display this list, the computer obtains a copy of the browse list from a computer that is designated as a browser.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsNetBios DataGram Serviceudp138Netbios Name Resolutionudp137Netbios Session ServiceTCP139

DHCP ServerThe DHCP Server service uses the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to automatically allocate IP addresses. By using this service, you can adjust the advanced network settings of DHCP clients. For example, you can configure network settings such as Domain Name System ( DNS) Servers. You can Establish One or More DHCP Servers To Maintain TCP / IP Configuration Information and To Provide That Information To Client Computers.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsDHCP Serverudp67madcapudp2535

Distributed File SystemThe Distributed File System (DFS) integrates disparate file shares that are located across a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) into a single logical namespace. The DFS service is required for Active Directory domain controllers to advertise the Sysvol Shared Folder.system Service Name:


Application protocolProtocolPortsNetBIOS Datagram ServiceUDP138NetBIOS Session ServiceTCP139LDAP ServerTCP389LDAP ServerUDP389SMBTCP445RPCTCP135Randomly allocated high TCP portsTCPrandom port number between 1024 - 65534

Distributed Link Tracking ServerThe Distributed Link Tracking Server system service stores information so that files that are moved between volumes can be tracked to each volume in the domain. The Distributed Link Tracking Server service runs on each domain controller in a domain. This service enables the Distributed LINK TRACKING Client Service To Track Linked Documents That Have Been Moved to a location in Another NTFS File System Volume In The Same Domain.

System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Distributed Transaction CoordinatorThe Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) system service is responsible for coordinating transactions that are distributed across multiple computer systems and resource managers, such as databases, message queues, file systems, or other transaction-protected resource managers. The DTC system service is Required IF Transactional Components Are Configured Through COM . IT IS Also Required For Transactional Queues in Message Queuing (Also Known AS MSMQ) and SQL Server Operations That SPAN Multiple Systems.

System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

DNS ServerThe DNS Server service enables DNS name resolution by answering queries and update requests for DNS names. DNS servers are required to locate devices and services that are identified by using DNS names and to locate domain controllers in Active Directory.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsDnsudp53dnSTCP53

Event LogThe Event Log system service logs event messages that are generated by programs and by the Windows operating system. Event Log reports contain information that can be useful in diagnosing problems. Reports are viewed in Event Viewer. The Event Log service writes events that are sent by programs, by services, and by the operating system to log files. The events contain diagnostic information in addition to errors that are specific to the source program, the service, or the component. The logs can be viewed programmatically through the event log APIs OR THROUGH The Event Viewer in AN MMC Snap-in.

System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Microsoft Exchange Server and Outlook clientsVersions of Microsoft Exchange Server and Exchange clients have various port and protocol requirements. These requirements depend upon which version of Exchange Server or Exchange client is in use.

For Outlook clients to connect to versions of Exchange prior to Exchange 2003, direct RPC connectivity to the Exchange server is required. RPC connections made from Outlook to the Exchange server will first contact the RPC endpoint mapper (Port TCP 135) to request information on the port mappings of the various endpoints required. The Outlook client then tries to make connections to the Exchange server directly by using these endpoint ports.Exchange 5.5 uses two ports for client communication. One port is for the Information Store, and one port is for the Directory. Exchange 2000 and 2003 Use Three Ports for Client Communication. One Port Is for the Information Store, ONE IS for Directory Referral (RFR), AND One Port is for dsproxy / nspi.

In most cases, these two or three ports will be mapped randomly into the range TCP 1024-65534. If required, these ports can be configured to always bind to a static port mapping rather than to use the ephemeral ports.

For Additional Information About How To Configure Static TCP / IP Ports in Exchange Server, Click The Following Article Numbers to View The Articles in The Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Exchange 5.5 Server

148732 Setting TCP / IP Port Numbers for Internet FireWalls

Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003

270836 Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 Static Port Mappings

Outlook 2003 clients support direct connectivity to Exchange servers by using RPC. However, these clients can also communicate with Exchange 2003 servers that are hosted on Windows Server 2003-based computers on the Internet. The use of RPC over HTTP communication between Outlook and Exchange server eliminates the need to expose unauthenticated RPC traffic across the Internet. Instead, traffic between the Outlook 2003 client and the Exchange Server 2003 computer is tunneled within HTTPS packets over TCP port 443 (HTTPS) .RPC over HTTP requires that port TCP 443 (HTTPS) be available between the Outlook 2003 client and the server that is functioning as the "RPCProxy" device. The HTTPS packets are terminated at the RPCProxy server and the unwrapped RPC packets are then passed to the Exchange server on three ports, in similar fashion to the Direct RPC Traffic Described Above. THESE RPC over Http Ports on The Exchange Server Are Static Or Mapped TCP 6001 (TCP 6002 (Directory Referral), and TCP 6004 (DSProxy / NSPI). No endpoint mapper must be exposed when using RPC over HTTP communication between Outlook 2003 and Exchange 2003, since Outlook 2003 knows to use these statically mapped endpoint ports. In addition, no global Catalog Needs to Be Exposed to The Outlook 2003 Client Because The Dsproxy / NSPI Interface on The Exchange 2003 Server Will Provide this functionality.

There May Be Additional Items To Consider for your Specific Environment. For further information and for help Planning An Exchange Implementation, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:

For Additional Information, Click The Following Article Numbers to View The Articles in The Microsoft Knowledge Base: 270836 Exchange 2000 And Exchange 2003 Static Port Mappings

278339 TCP / UDP PORTS Used by Exchange 2000 Server

280132 Exchange 2000 Windows 2000 Connectivity THROUGH FIREWALLS

282446 DSPROXY Configuration for Static Ports on Exchange Cluster

827330 How to Troubleshoot Client RPC over Http Connection Issues In Office Outlook 2003

833401 How to configure RPC over http on a Single Server in Exchange Server 2003

Exchange Server Can Also Provide Support for Other Protocols, Such AS SMTP, Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), and IMAP.

Application protocolProtocolPortsIMAPTCP143IMAP over SSLTCP993POP3TCP110POP3 over SSLTCP995Randomly allocated high TCP portsTCPrandom port number between 1024 - 65534RPCTCP135RPC over HTTPTCP443SMTPTCP25SMTPUDP25Information StoreTCP6001Directory ReferralTCP6002DSProxy / NSPITCP6004

Fax ServiceFax Service, a Telephony API (TAPI) -compliant system service, provides fax capabilities. By using Fax Service, users can send and receive faxes from their desktop programs by using either a local fax device or a shared network fax device.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsNetBios session services

File ReplicationThe File Replication service (FRS) is a file-based replication engine that automatically copies updates to files and folders between computers that are participating in a common FRS replica set. FRS is the default replication engine that is used to replicate the contents of the SYSVOL folder between Windows 2000-based and Windows Server 2003-based domain controllers that are located in a common domain. FRS may be configured to replicate files and folders between targets of a DFS root or link by using the DFS Administration tool.System service name :


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

File Server for MacintoshBy using the File Server for Macintosh system service, Macintosh computer users can store and access files on a computer that is running Windows Server 2003. If this service is turned off or blocked, Macintosh clients can not access or store files on that computer .

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsfile Server for Macintoshtcp548

FTP Publishing ServiceFTP Publishing Service provides FTP connectivity. By default, the FTP control port is 21. However, you can configure this system service through the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager snap-in. The default data (that is used for active mode FTP) port is automatically set to one port less than the control port. Therefore, if you configure the control port to port 4131, the default data port is port 4130. Most FTP clients use passive mode FTP. This means that the client initially connects to the FTP server by using the control port, the FTP server assigns a high TCP port between ports 1025 and 5000, and then the client opens a second connection to the FTP server for transferring data. You can configure the range of high ports by using The IIS Metabase.System Service Name:


Application Protocolprotocolportsftp ControlP21FTP DEFAULT DATATCP20RANDOMLY Allocated High TCP Portstcprandom Port Number Between 1024 - 65534

HTTP SSLThe HTTP SSL system service enables IIS to perform SSL functions. SSL is an open standard for establishing an encrypted communications channel to help prevent the interception of critical information, such as credit card numbers. Although this service is designed to work on other Internet services , it is primarily used to enable encrypted electronic financial transactions on the World Wide Web (WWW). You can configure the ports for this service through the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager snap-in.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportshttpstcp443

Internet Authentication ServiceInternet Authentication Service (IAS) performs centralized authentication, authorization, auditing, and accounting of users who are connecting to a network. These users can be on a LAN connection or on a remote connection. IAS implements the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF ) Standard Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) protocol.system service name:


Application Protocolprotocolportslegacy Radiusudp1645legacy Radiusudp1646radius ACCOUNGUDP1813RADIUS Authenticationudp1812

Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) This system service provides NAT, addressing, and name resolution services for all computers on your home network or your small-office network. When the Internet Connection Sharing feature is enabled, your computer becomes an "Internet gateway" on the network, and other client computers can then share one connection to the Internet, such as a dial-up connection or a broadband connection. This service provides basic DHCP and DNS services but will work with the full- featured Windows DHCP or DNS services. When ICF and Internet Connection Sharing act as a gateway for the rest of the computers on your network, they provide DHCP and DNS services to the private network on the internal network interface. They do not provide these services on The extel-facing interface.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsDHCP Serverudp67DnsUDP53DNSTCP53

Kerberos Key Distribution CenterWhen you use the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) system service, users can log on to the network by using the Kerberos version 5 authentication protocol. As in other implementations of the Kerberos protocol, the KDC is a single process that provides two services: the Authentication Service and the Ticket-Granting Service The Authentication Service issues ticket granting tickets, and the Ticket-Granting Service issues tickets for connection to computers in its own domain.System service name.:


Application protocolprotocolportskerberostcp88kerberosudp88

License LoggingThe License Logging system service is a tool that was originally designed to help customers manage licenses for Microsoft server products that are licensed in the Server Client Access License (CAL) model. License Logging was introduced with Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51. By default, the License Logging service is disabled in Windows Server 2003. Because of legacy design constraints and evolving license terms and conditions, License Logging may not provide an accurate view of the total number of CALs that are purchased compared to the total number of CALs that are used on a particular server or across the enterprise. The CALs that are reported by License Logging may conflict with the interpretation of the End-User License Agreement (EULA) and with Product Use Rights (PUR). License Logging will not be included in future versions Microsoft Recommends That Only Users of The Microsoft Small Business Server Family Of Operating Systems Enable This Service on Their Servers.

System Service Name:


Application protocolProtocolPortsNetBIOS Datagram ServiceUDP138NetBIOS Session ServiceTCP139SMBTCP445Message QueuingThe Message Queuing system service is a messaging infrastructure and development tool for creating distributed messaging programs for Windows. These programs can communicate across heterogeneous networks and can send messages between computers that may be temporarily unable to connect to each other. .

System Service Name:



MessengerThe Messenger system service sends messages to or receives messages from users and computers, administrators, and the Alerter service. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If you disable the Messenger service, notifications that are sent to computers or users who are currently logged On The Network Are Not Received. Additionally, The

Net send command and the

Net name command no longer function.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsnetBios DataGram Serviceudp138

Microsoft Exchange MTA StacksIn Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) is frequently used to provide backward-compatible message transfer services between Exchange 2000 Server-based servers and Exchange Server 5.5-based servers in a mixed- Mode environment.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsx.400tcp102

Microsoft Operations Manager 2000Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2000 delivers enterprise-class operations management by providing comprehensive event management, proactive monitoring and alerting, reporting, and trend analysis. After you install MOM 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1), MOM 2000 no longer uses a clear text communications channel, and all traffic between the MOM agent and the MOM server is encrypted over TCP port 1270. The MOM Administrator console uses DCOM to connect to the server. This means that administrators who manage the MOM server over the network must have Access to random high tcp ports.system service name:

One Point

Application protocolprotocolportsMom-cleArtcp51515Mom-encryptedtcp1270

Microsoft POP3 ServiceMicrosoft POP3 Service provides e-mail transfer and retrieval services. Administrators can use this service to store and manage e-mail accounts on the mail server. When you install Microsoft POP3 Service on the mail server, users can connect to the mail server And Can Retrieve E-mail by Using An E-Mail Client That Supports The Pop3 Protocol, Such AS Microsoft Outlook.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportspop3TCP110

MSSQLSERVERMSSQLSERVER is a system service in Microsoft SQL Server 2000. SQL Server provides a powerful and comprehensive data management platform. You can configure the ports that each instance of SQL Server uses by using the Server Network Utility.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportssql over tcptcp 1433sql probeudp1434

MSSQL $ UDDIThe MSSQL $ UDDI system service is installed during the installation of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) feature of the Windows Server 2003 family of operating systems. MSSQL $ UDDI provides UDDI capabilities in an enterprise. The SQL Server database Engine Is The Core Component of MSSQL $ uddi.system service name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportssql over tcptcp1433sql probeudp1434

Net LogonThe Net Logon system service maintains a security channel between your computer and the domain controller to authenticate users and services. It passes the user's credentials to a domain controller and returns the domain security identifiers and user rights for the user. This is typically referred to as pass-through authentication. Net Logon is configured to start automatically only when a member computer or domain controller is joined to a domain. in the Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 families, Net Logon publishes service resource locator records in the DNS. When this service runs, it relies on the Server service and on the Local Security Authority service to listen for incoming requests. On domain member computers, Net Logon uses RPC over named pipes. On domain controllers, it uses RPC over named pipes, RPC over TCP / IP, Mailslots, And Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsNetBios DataGram Serviceudp138Netbios Name Resolutionudp137Netbios Session ServiceTCP139SMBTCP445

NetMeeting Remote Desktop SharingThe NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing system service allows authorized users to remotely access your Windows desktop from another personal computer over a corporate intranet by using Windows NetMeeting. You must explicitly enable this service in NetMeeting. You can disable or shut down this feature by Using an icon in the windows notification area .system service name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsterMinal ServicesTCP3389

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) system service allows computers that are running Windows Server 2003 to act as news servers. Clients can use a news client, such as Microsoft Outlook Express, to retrieve newsgroups from the server And to read the headers or the bodies of the articles in each newsgroup.

System Service Name:


Application protocolprotocolportsnntptcp119nntp over ssltcp563

Performance Logs and AlertsThe Performance Logs and Alerts system service collects, based on preconfigured schedule parameters, performance data from local or remote computers and then writes that data to a log or triggers a message. Based on the information that is contained in the named log collection Setting, The Performance Logs and alerts Service Starts and Stops Each Named Performance Data Collection. This Service Only Runs IF at Least One Performance Data Collection is scheduled.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsNetBios session service servicecp139

Print SpoolerThe Print Spooler system service manages all local and network print queues and controls all print jobs. Print Spooler is the center of the Windows printing subsystem. It manages the print queues on the system and communicates with printer drivers and input / output (I / O) Components, Such as the USB Port and the TCP / IP Protocol Suite.System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsNetBios Session ServiceTCP139SMBTCP445

Remote InstallationYou can use the Remote Installation system service to install Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 on Pre-Boot eXecution Environment (PXE) remote boot-enabled client computers. The Boot Information Negotiation Layer (BINL) service, the primary component of Remote Installation Server (RIS), answers PXE client requests, checks Active Directory for client validation, and passes client information to and from the server. The BINL service is installed when you either add the RIS component from Add / Remove Windows Components, or SELECT It when you initially install the operation system.

System Service Name:


Application protocolprotocolportsbinludp4011

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) system service is an interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism that enables data exchange and invocation of functionality that reside in a different process. The different process can be on the same computer, on the LAN, or in a remote location, and can be accessed over a WAN connection or over a VPN connection. The RPC service serves as the RPC endpoint mapper and Component Object Model (COM) Service Control Manager. Many services depend on the RPC service to START SUCCESSFULLY.

System Service Name:


Application protocolProtocolPortsRPCTCP135RPC over HTTPTCP593Remote Procedure Call (RPC) LocatorThe Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator system service manages the RPC name service database. When this service is turned on, RPC clients can locate RPC servers. This service is turned off by default.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsNetBios Session ServiceTCP139SMBTCP445

Remote Storage NotificationThe Remote Storage Notification system service notifies users when they read from or write to files that are only available from a secondary storage media. Stopping this service prevents this notification.

System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Remote Storage ServerThe Remote Storage Server system service stores infrequently used files on a secondary storage medium. If you stop this service, users can not move or retrieve files from the secondary storage media.

System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Routing and Remote AccessThe Routing and Remote Access service provides multiprotocol LAN-to-LAN, LAN-to-WAN, VPN, and NAT routing services. Additionally, the Routing and Remote Access service also provides dial-up and VPN remote access services. Although Routing and Remote Access can use all the following protocols, the service typically uses only a subset of them. For example, if you configure a VPN gateway that lies behind a filtering router, you will probably use only one technology. If you use L2TP with IPsec, You Must Allow IPsec ESP (IP Protocol 50), NAT-T (TCP on Port 4500), And IPsec Isakmp (TCP on Port 500) THROUGH THE ROUTER.NOTE ALTHOUGH NAT-T IPSEC Isakmp Are Required for L2TP, THESE Ports are actually monitor by the local security authority. for additional information about it, see the ""

References "Section of this Article.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsgre (IP protocol 47) GREN / AIPSEC AH (IP Protocol 51) AHN / AIPSEC ESP (IP Protocol 50) ESPN / AL2TPUDP1701PPTPTCP1723

ServerThe Server system service provides RPC support and file, print, and named pipe sharing over the network. The Server service allows the sharing of local resources, such as disks and printers, so that other users on the network can access them. It also allows named pipe communication between programs that are running on the local computer and on other computers. Named pipe communication is memory that is reserved for the output of one process to be used as input for another process. The input-accepting process does not have to be Local to the computer.

System Service Name:


Application protocolProtocolPortsNetBIOS Datagram ServiceUDP138NetBIOS Name ResolutionUDP137NetBIOS Session ServiceTCP139SMBTCP445SharePoint Portal ServerWith the SharePoint Portal Server system service, you can develop an intelligent portal that seamlessly connects users, teams, and knowledge so that people can take advantage of relevant information across business processes. Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Provides An Enterprise Business Solution That Integrate INTO One Solution THROUGH SINGER SIGN AND ENTERPRISIES APPLICITION INTEGRATION CAPABILISIES.

Application ProtocolProtocolportShttptcp80HTTPSTCP443

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) system service is an e-mail submission and relay agent. It accepts and queues e-mail for remote destinations, and it retries at specified intervals. Windows domain controllers use the SMTP Service for Intersite E-mail-based replication. The Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for the Windows Server 2003 Comss Submit and to queue outbound e-mail.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportssMtptcp25smtpudp25

Simple TCP / IP ServicesImple TCP / IP Services Implements Support for the Following Protocols:

• Echo, Port 7, RFC 862 • Discard, Port 9, RFC 863 • Character Generator, Port 19, RFC 864 • Daytime, Port 13, RFC 867 • Quote of The Day, Port 17, RFC 865 System Service Name:


Application protocolprotocolportschargentcp19chargenudp19daytimetcp13daytimeudp13discardtcp9discardudp9echotcp7echoudp7quotdtcp17quenceududp17

SMS Remote Control AgentSMS Remote Control Agent is a system service in Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003. SMS Remote Control Agent provides a comprehensive solution for change and for configuration management for the Microsoft operating systems. With this solution, organizations can provide relevant software And Updates to users.system service name:


Application protocolProtocolPortsSMS Remote ChatTCP2703SMS Remote ChatUDP2703SMS Remote Control (control) TCP2701SMS Remote Control (control) UDP2701SMS Remote Control (data) TCP2702SMS Remote Control (data) UDP2702SMS Remote File TransferTCP2704SMS Remote File TransferUDP2704

SNMP ServiceSNMP Service allows incoming Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) requests to be serviced by the local computer. SNMP Service includes agents that monitor activity in network devices and report to the network console workstation. SNMP Service provides a method of managing network hosts (such as workstation or server computers, routers, bridges, and hubs) from a centrally-located computer that is running network management software. SNMP performs management services by using a distributed architecture of management systems and agents.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportssNmpudp161

SNMP Trap ServiceSNMP Trap Service receives trap messages that are generated by local or by remote SNMP agents and then forwards those messages to SNMP management programs that are running on your computer. SNMP Trap Service, when configured for an agent, generates trap messages if any specific events occur. These messages are sent to a trap destination. for example, an agent can be configured to initiate an authentication trap if an unrecognized management system sends a request for information. Trap destinations include the computer name, the IP address, or the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Address of The Management System. The Trap Destination Must Be a network-enabled host today is running SNMP Management Software.System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportssNMP Traps Outboundudp162

SQL Analysis ServerThe SQL Analysis Server system service is a component of SQL Server 2000. With SQL Analysis Server, you can create and manage OLAP cubes and data mining models. The analysis server may access local or remote data sources for creating and storing cubes or data Mining models.

Application ProtocolProtocolportssql Analysis ServicesTCP2725

SQL Server: Downlevel OLAP Client SupportThis system service is used by SQL Server 2000 when the SQL Analysis Server service has to support connections from downlevel (OLAP Services 7.0) clients These are the default ports for OLAP services that are used by SQL 7.0..

Application ProtocolProtocolportsolap Services 7.0tcp2393olap Services 7.0tcp2394

SSDP Discovery ServiceSSDP Discovery Service implements Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) as a Windows service. SSDP Discovery Service manages receipt of device presence announcements, updates its cache, and passes these notifications along to clients with outstanding search requests. SSDP Discovery Service also accepts registration of event callbacks from clients, turns these into subscription requests, and monitors for event notifications. It then passes these requests along to the registered callbacks. This system service also provides hosted devices with periodic announcements. Currently, the SSDP event notification service uses TCP port 5000. Starting with the next Windows XP Service Pack, IT Will Rely on Tcp Port 2869.Note At The Time of this Writing, The Current Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1).

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDPUDP1900SDP Event NotificationTCP2869SSDP Legacy Event NotificationTCP5000

Systems Management Server 2.0Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 provides a comprehensive solution for change and configuration management for Microsoft operating systems. With this solution, organizations can provide relevant software and updates to users quickly and cost-effectively.

Application protocolProtocolPortsNetBIOS Datagram ServiceUDP138NetBIOS Name ResolutionUDP137NetBIOS Session ServiceTCP139RPCTCP135Randomly allocated high TCP portsTCPrandom port number between 1024 - 65534

TCP / IP Print ServerThe TCP / IP Print Server system service enables TCP / IP-based printing by using the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol. The LPD service on the server receives documents from Line Printer Remote (LPR) utilities that are running on UNIX Computers.system Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportslpdtcp515

TelnetThe Telnet System Service for Windows Province Ascii Terminal Sessions to Telnet Clients. A Telnet Server Supports Two Types of Authentication and Supports The Following Four Types of Terminals:

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)




System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportstelnetTCP23

Terminal ServicesTerminal Services provides a multi-session environment that allows client devices to access a virtual Windows desktop session and Windows-based programs that are running on the server. Terminal Services allows multiple users to be connected interactively to a computer.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsterMinal ServicesTCP3389

Terminal Services LicensingThe Terminal Services Licensing system service installs a license server and provides licenses to registered clients when the clients connect to a terminal server (a server that has Terminal Server enabled). Terminal Services Licensing is a low-impact service that stores the client licenses .

System Service Name:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Terminal Services Session DirectoryThe Terminal Services Session Directory system service allows clusters of load-balanced terminal servers to correctly route a user's connection request to the server where the user already has a session running. Users are routed to the first-available terminal server, regardless of whether they are running another session in the server cluster. The load-balancing functionality pools the processing resources of several servers by using the TCP / IP networking protocol. You can use this service with a cluster of terminal servers to increase the performance of a single terminal server by distributing sessions across multiple servers Terminal Services Session Directory keeps track of disconnected sessions on the cluster and makes sure that users are reconnected to those sessions.System service name.:


Of Application Protocolprotocolportsrpctcp135randomly allocated high tcp portstcprandom port Number Between 1024 - 65534

Trivial FTP DaemonThe Trivial FTP Daemon system service does not require a user name or a password and is an integral part of the Remote Installation Services (RIS). The Trivial FTP Daemon service implements support for the Trivial FTP Protocol (TFTP) that is defined by The Following RFCS:

RFC 1350 - TFTP


RFC 2348 - Block Size Option

RFC 2349 - Timeout Interval, and Transfer Size Options

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a file transfer protocol that is designed to support diskless boot environments. The TFTP service listens on UDP port 69 but responds from a randomly allocated high port. Therefore, enabling this port will let the TFTP service receive incoming TFTP requests, but will not let the selected server respond to those requests. The service is free to respond to any such request from any source port it wishes, and the remote client will then use that port for the duration of the transfer. Communication is bidirectional. If you need to enable this protocol through a firewall, it may be useful to open UDP port 69 inbound. you can then rely on other firewall features, which dynamically allow the service to respond through temporary holes on any other port.System service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportstftpudp69

Universal Plug and Play Device HostThe Universal Plug and Play Host discovery system service implements all the components that are required for device registration, control, and the response to events for hosted devices. The information that is registered that pertains to a device (the description, the lifetimes, and the containers) are optionally stored to disk and are announced on the network after registration, or when the operating system restarts. The service also includes the Web server that serves the device, in addition to service descriptions and a presentation page.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportsupnptcp2869

Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) enables NetBIOS name resolution. This service helps you locate network resources by using NetBIOS names. WINS servers are required unless all domains have been upgraded to the Active Directory directory service and unless all Computers on the network area Running Windows 2000 or Later. Wins Servers Communicate With Network Clients by Using NetBIOS Name Resolution. Wins Replication IONLY Required Between Wins Servers.System Service Name:


Application ProtocolprotocolportsNetBios Name ResolutionudP137wins ReplicationTCP42WINS ReplicationUDP42

Windows Media ServicesWindows Media Services in Windows Server 2003 Replace The Following Four Services That Are included in Windows Media Services Versions 4.0 and 4.1:

Windows Media Monitor Service

Windows Media Program Service

Windows Media Station Service

Windows Media Unicast Service

Windows Media Services is now a single service that runs on Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition;. And Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition Its core components were developed by using the COM, and it has a flexible architecture that You can Customize for Specific Programs. It Supports A Greater Variety of Control Protocols, Including Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), Microsoft Media Server (MMS) Protocol, and http.

System Service Name:


Application ProtocolProtocolportShttptcp80mmstcp1755mmsudp1755ms theaterudp2460rtcpudp5005rtpudp5004rtsptcp554

Windows TimeThe Windows Time system service maintains date and time synchronization on all Windows XP and Windows Server 2003-based computers on a network. This service uses Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize computer clocks so that an accurate clock value, or timestamp is assigned for network validation and for resource access requests. The implementation of NTP and the integration of time providers help make Windows Time a reliable and scalable time service for your enterprise. for computers that are not joined to a domain, you can configure Windows Time to synchronize time with an external time source. If this service is turned off, the time setting for local computers is not synchronized with a time service in the Windows domain or with an externally configured time service. Windows Server 2003 uses NTP. NTP runs on UDP port 123. The Windows 2000 Version of this Service Uses Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP). SNTP Also Runs ON UDP Port 123.System Service Name:


Application protocolprotocolportsntpudp123sntprudp123

World Wide Web Publishing ServiceWorld Wide Web Publishing Service provides the infrastructure that is necessary to register, to manage, to monitor, and to serve Web sites and programs that are registered with IIS. This system service contains a process manager and a configuration manager. The process manager controls the processes where custom applications and Web sites reside. The configuration manager reads the stored system configuration for World Wide Web Publishing Service and makes sure that Http.sys is configured to route HTTP requests to the appropriate application pools or operating system processes. You can configure the ports that are used by this service through the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager snap-in. If the administrative Web site is enabled, a virtual Web site is created that uses HTTP traffic on TCP port 8098.System service name :


Application ProtocolProtocolportShttptcp80HTTPSTCP443

Application ProtocolProtocolportShttptcp80HTTPSTCP443

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Ports and protocolsthe folload Table summarizes the information from the ""


Routing and Remote Access7TCPEchoSimple TCP PortProtocolApplication protocolSystem service namen / aGREGRE (IP protocol 47) Routing and Remote Accessn / aESPIPsec ESP (IP protocol 50) Routing and Remote Accessn / aAHIPsec AH (IP protocol 51) / IP Services7UDPEchoSimple TCP / IP Services9TCPDiscardSimple TCP / IP Services9UDPDiscardSimple TCP / IP Services13TCPDaytimeSimple TCP / IP Services13UDPDaytimeSimple TCP / IP Services17TCPQuotdSimple TCP / IP Services17UDPQuotdSimple TCP / IP Services19TCPChargenSimple TCP / IP Services19UDPChargenSimple TCP / IP Services20TCPFTP default dataFTP Publishing Service21TCPFTP controlFTP Publishing Service21TCPFTP controlApplication Layer Gateway Service23TCPTelnetTelnet25TCPSMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol25UDPSMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol25TCPSMTPExchange Server25UDPSMTPExchange Server42TCPWINS ReplicationWindows Internet Name Service42udpwins ReplicationWindows Internet Name Service53tcpdnsDNS Server53udpdnsdns Server53TcpdnsInterNET Connection Firewall / Internet Connect ion Sharing53UDPDNSInternet Connection Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing67UDPDHCP ServerDHCP Server67UDPDHCP ServerInternet Connection Firewall / Internet Connection Sharing69UDPTFTPTrivial FTP Daemon Service80TCPHTTPWindows Media Services80TCPHTTPWorld Wide Web Publishing Service80TCPHTTPSharePoint Portal Server88TCPKerberosKerberos Key Distribution Center88UDPKerberosKerberos Key Distribution Center102TCPX.400Microsoft Exchange MTA Stacks110TCPPOP3Microsoft POP3 Service110TCPPOP3Exchange Server119TCPNNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol123UDPNTPWindows Time123UDPSNTPWindows Time135TCPRPCMessage Queuing135TCPRPCRemote Procedure Call135TCPRPCExchange Server135TcPrpcCCCLICATE Services135tcprpcdistributed file system13

5TCPRPCDistributed Link Tracking135TCPRPCDistributed Transaction Coordinator135TCPRPCEvent Log135TCPRPCFax Service135TCPRPCFile Replication135TCPRPCLocal Security Authority135TCPRPCRemote Storage Notification135TCPRPCRemote Storage Server135TCPRPCSystems Management Server 2.0135TCPRPCTerminal Services Licensing135TCPRPCTerminal Services Session Directory137UDPNetBIOS Name ResolutionComputer Browser137UDPNetBIOS Name ResolutionServer137UDPNetBIOS Name ResolutionWindows Internet Name Service137UDPNetBIOS Name ResolutionNet Logon137UDPNetBIOS Name ResolutionSystems Management Server 2.0138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceComputer Browser138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceMessenger138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceServer138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceNet Logon138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceDistributed File System138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceSystems Management Server 2.0138UDPNetBIOS Datagram ServiceLicense Logging Service139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceComputer Browser139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceFax Service 139TCPNetBIOS Session ServicePerformance Logs and Alerts139TCPNetBIOS Session ServicePrint Spooler139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceServer139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceNet Logon139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceRemote Procedure Call Locator139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceDistributed File System139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceSystems Management Server 2.0139TCPNetBIOS Session ServiceLicense Logging Service143TCPIMAPExchange Server161UDPSNMPSNMP Service162UDPSNMP Traps OutboundSNMP Trap Service389TCPLDAP ServerLocal Security Authority389UDPLDAP ServerLocal Security Authority389TCPLDAP ServerDistributed File System389UDPLDAP ServerDistributed File System443tcphttpshttp ssl443tcphttpsworld Wide Web Publishing Service443tcphttpssharePoint Portal Server443TCPC

over HTTPExchange Server 2003445TCPSMBFax Service445TCPSMBPrint Spooler445TCPSMBServer445TCPSMBRemote Procedure Call Locator445TCPSMBDistributed File System445TCPSMBLicense Logging Service445TCPSMBNet Logon464TCPKerberos Password V5Net Logon500UDPIPsec ISAKMPLocal Security Authority515TCPLPDTCP / IP Print Server548TCPFile Server for MacintoshFile Server for Macintosh554TCPRTSPWindows Media Services563TCPNNTP over SSLNetwork News Transfer Protocol593TCPRPC over HTTP endpoint mapperRemote Procedure Call593TCPRPC over HTTPExchange Server636TCPLDAP SSLLocal Security Authority636UDPLDAP SSLLocal Security Authority993TCPIMAP over SSLExchange Server995TCPPOP3 over SSLExchange Server1067TCPInstallation Bootstrap ServiceInstallation Bootstrap protocol server1068TCPInstallation Bootstrap ServiceInstallation Bootstrap protocol client1270TCPMOM-EncryptedMicrosoft Operations Manager 20001433TCPSQL over TCPMicrosoft SQL Server1433TCPSQL over TCPMSSQL $ UDDI1434UDPSQL ProbeMicrosoft SQL Server1434UDPSQL ProbeMSSQL $ UDDI1645UDPLegacy RADIUSInternet Authentication Service1646UDPLegacy RADIUSInternet Authentication Service1701UDPL2TPRouting and Remote Access1723TCPPPTPRouting and Remote Access1755TCPMMSWindows Media Services1755UDPMMSWindows Media Services1801TCPMSMQMessage Queuing1801UDPMSMQMessage Queuing1812UDPRADIUS AuthenticationInternet Authentication Service1813UDPRADIUS AccountingInternet Authentication Service1900UDPSSDPSSDP Discovery Service2101TCPMSMQ-DCsMessage Queuing2103TCPMSMQ-RPCMessage Queuing2105TCPMSMQ-RPCMessage Queuing2107TCPMSMQ-MgmtMessage Queuing2393TCPOLAP Services 7.0SQL Server: Downlevel OLAP Client Support2394TCPOLAP Services 7.0sql Server: Downlevel Olap Client Support2460udpms TheaterWindows Media Services2535UDPM

ADCAPDHCP Server2701TCPSMS Remote Control (control) SMS Remote Control Agent2701UDPSMS Remote Control (control) SMS Remote Control Agent2702TCPSMS Remote Control (data) SMS Remote Control Agent2702UDPSMS Remote Control (data) SMS Remote Control Agent2703TCPSMS Remote ChatSMS Remote Control Agent2703UPDSMS Remote ChatSMS Remote Control Agent2704TCPSMS Remote File TransferSMS Remote Control Agent2704UDPSMS Remote File TransferSMS Remote Control Agent2725TCPSQL Analysis ServicesSQL Analysis Server2869TCPUPNPUniversal Plug and Play Device Host2869TCPSSDP event notificationSSDP Discovery Service3268TCPGlobal Catalog ServerLocal Security Authority3269TCPGlobal Catalog ServerLocal Security Authority3343UDPCluster ServicesCluster Service3389TCPTerminal ServicesNetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing3389TCPTerminal ServicesTerminal Services3527UDPMSMQ-PingMessage Queuing4011UDPBINLRemote Installation4500UDPNAT-TLocal Security Authority5000TCPSSDP legacy event notificationSSDP Discovery Service5004udPRTPW indows Media Services5005UDPRTCPWindows Media Services6001TCPInformation StoreExchange Server 20036002TCPDirectory ReferralExchange Server 20036004TCPDSProxy / NSPIExchange Server 200342424TCPASP.Net Session StateASP.NET State Service51515TCPMOM-ClearMicrosoft Operations Manager 2000Microsoft provides the information in this table in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. This worksheet is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center: Download The Port_Requirements_for_microsoft_windows_server_system.xls package now.

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Active Directory port and protocol requirementsApplication servers, client computers and domain controllers that are located in common or external forests have service dependencies so that user and computer initiated operations like domain join, logon authentication, remote administration, and Active Directory replication work correctly. Such services and operations require network connectivity over specific port and networking protocols.A summarized list of services, ports and protocols required for member computers and domain controllers to inter-operate with each other or for application servers to access Active Directory include but are not limited to the FOLLOWING:

1.Active Directory / LSA2.Certificate Services (required for specific configurations) 3.Computer Browser4.DHCP Server (if so configured) 5.Distributed File System6.Distributed Link Tracking Server (optional but on by default on Windows 2000 computers) 7. Distributed Transaction Coordinator8.DNS Server (if so configured) 9.Event Log10.Fax Service (if so configured) 11.File Replication12.File Server for Macintosh (if so configured) 13.HTTP SSL14.Internet Authentication Service (if so configured) 15.Kerberos Key Distribution Center16.License Logging (on by default) 17.Messenger18.Net Logon19.Performance Logs and Alerts20.Print Spooler21.Remote Installation (if so configured) 22.Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 23.Remote Procedure Call ( RPC) Locator24.Remote Storage Notification 25.Remote Storage Server26.Routing and Remote Access27.Server28.Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) (if so configured) 29.SNMP Service30.SNMP Trap Service31.TCP / IP Print Server32.Telnet33.Terminal Services34.Terminal Services Lice NSING35.Terminal Services session Time38.World Wide Web Publishing ServiceReferences

The Help files for each of the Microsoft products that are described in this article contain additional information that you may find useful to help configure your programs. Windows Server 2003 Help contains step-by-step instructions about how to configure specific technologies and server roles.

For Additional Information About a Related Topic, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

179442 How To Configure A FireWall for Domains and Trusts

General InformationFor more information about how to help secure Windows Server 2003 and for sample IPsec filters for specific server roles, see the "Windows Server 2003 Security Guide." To see this guide, visit the following Microsoft Web site: http: // www.

For More Information About Operating System Services, Security Settings, and IPsec Filtering, See "THREATS AND Countermeasure, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:

For Additional Information About Port Assignments for Well-KNown Ports, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

174904 Information About TCP / IP Port Assignments

Additionally, See "Appendix B - Port Reference for MS TCP / IP" in The Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit. To do so, visit the following microsoft web site:

Additionally, See "TCP AND UDP Port Assignments" in The Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit. To do so, visit the folloading microsoft web site:


Additional, See The "Port Assignments and Protocol Numbers" Document from the Windows 2000 Resource Kits. To do so, visit the folowing microsoft web site:

Http:// / cnfc_por_zqyu.aspthe Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Coordinates The Use of Well-KNown Ports. To View this Organization's List of TCP / IP Port Assignments, Visit The Following Web Site:

Remote Procedure Calls and DCOMFor information about RPC and how to configure DCOM to work with firewalls, see the "Using Distributed COM with Firewalls" white paper To do so, visit the following Microsoft Web site.:

For A Detailed Discussion of DCOM, See The "Using Distributed CoM with FireWalls" White Paper. To do so, visit the following microsoft web site:

For A Detailed Description of RPC, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:

For Additional Information About configuring rpc to work with a firewall, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

154596 How to configure RPC Dynamic Port Allocation to work with firewalls

. For more information about the RPC protocol and how computers that are running Windows 2000 initialize, see the "Windows 2000 Startup and Logon Traffic Analysis" white paper To do so, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


Distributed Transaction CoordinatorFor additional information about how to configure DTC to use a specific range of ports, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 250367 Configuring Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) to work through a firewall

Domain Controllers and Active DirectoryFor additional information about how to restrict Active Directory replication traffic, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

224196 Restricting Active Directory Replication Traffic To a Specific Port

For An Explanation of How The Directory System Agent, LDAP, AND The Local System Authority Are Related, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:

For Additional Information About How LDAP AND THE GLOBAL CATALOG WORK IN Windows 2000, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:


Commerce ServerFor Information About How To Help Configure Secure Applications That Are Built On Top of Microsoft Commerce Server, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:


Exchange Serverfor Additional Information About How To Restrict Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange Server 2003 Mapi Traffic, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

270836 Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 Static Port Mappings

For additional information about the network ports and protocols that are supported by Exchange 2000 Server, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 278339 TCP / UDP ports used by Exchange 2000 Server

For Additional Information About How To Configure Exchange Server 5.5 To Use An Alternative Port for LDAP Communications, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

224447 How to change LDAP Port Assignments in Exchange Server

For Additional Information About The Ports That Are Used by Exchange Server 5.5 and Earlier Versions of Exchange Server, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

176466 TCP Ports and Microsoft Exchange: in-Depth Discussion

File Replication Servicefor Additional Information About How To Configure Frs To Work with A Firewall, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

319553 How to restrict FRS Replication Traffic to a Specific Static Port

Internet Information Servicesfor Additional Information About The Ports That Arened by IIS 4.0, by IIS 5.0, And By IIS 5.1, Click The Following Article Number to View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

327859 inetinfo services Use Additional Ports Beyond Well-KNown Ports

For Information About How FTP Works, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:


Ipsec and vpnsfor Additional Information About How To Configure IPsec Default Exemptions in Windows, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

811832 ipsec default exemptions can be used to bypass ipsec protection in Some Scenarios

For Additional Information About The Ports and Protocols That Are Used by IPsec, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

233256 How to enable ipsec Traffic THROUGH A FIREWALL

For Additional Information About New and Updated Features in L2TP and IPsec, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

818043 L2TP / IPsec Nat-T Update for Windows XP and Windows 2000

Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP) for More Information About How To Plan Madcap Servers, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:


Message Queuingfor Additional Information About The Ports That Are Used by MicrosoftMessage Queuingr, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

178517 TCP Ports, UDP Ports, And RPC Ports That Are Used by Message Queuing

Mobile Information Serverfor Additional Information About The Ports That Are Used by Microsoft Mobile Information Server 2001, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

294297 TCP / IP Ports Used by Microsoft INFORMATION SERVER

Microsoft Operations ManagerFor Information About How To Plan For And to Deploy MOM, Visit The Following Microsoft Web Site:


Systems Management ServerFor additional information about the ports that are used by SMS 2003, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 826852 Ports that Systems Management Server 2003 uses to communicate through a firewall or through a proxy server

For Additional Information About The Ports That Are Used by SMS 2.0, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

167128 NetWork Ports Used by Remote Helpdesk Functions

For Additional Information About How To Configure SMS THROUGH A FIREWALL, CLICK THE FOLLOWING AROUGH A FIREWALL TO View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

200898 How To Use Systems Management Server 2.0 THROUGH A FIREWALL

For Additional Information About The Ports That Are Used by SMS 2.0 Remote Tools, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

256884 TCP AND UDP PORTS USED BY Remote Control Have Changed In Service Pack 2

SQL Serverfor Additional Information ABOUT How SQL Server 2000 Dynamical Dermines Ports for Secondary Instances, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

286303 Behavior of SQL Server 2000 Network Library Database Dynamic Port Detection

For Additional Information About The Ports That Are Used by SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 For OLAP, Click The Following Article Number to View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

301901 TCP Ports Used by Olap Services WHEN Connecting THROUGH A FIREWALL

Terminal Servicesfor Additional Information About How to Configure The Port That Used by Terminal Services, Click The Following Article Number To View The Article In The Microsoft Knowledge Base:

187623 How to change Port

Controlling Communications over the Internet in WindowsFor additional information about how Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) communicates over the Internet, see the "Using Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 in a Managed Environment" white paper. To do so, visit the following Microsoft Web Site:


. For additional information about how Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) communicates over the Internet, see the "Using Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 in a Managed Environment" white paper To do so, visit the following Microsoft Web site:


For Additional Information About How Windows Server 2003 Communicates Over the Internet, See The "Using Windows Server 2003 In a Managed Environment" White Paper. To do so, visit the following microsoft web site:


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