[JavaScript: The Definitive Guide] Notes (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Notes (1): The most common attributes and functions of Window objects

Common properties


A Boolean Value That Is True Only If The Window Has Been Closed.

Defaultstatus, Status

The Text That Appears in The Status line of the browser.


A reference to the document Object this represents The Html Document Displayed in The Window.

Frames []

An Array Of Window Objects That Repesent The frames (if any) within the window.


A Reference to the History Object That Repesents The user's browsing history for the window.




The name of the window. Can be used with the target attribute of the html tag, for example.




If The Current Window Is A Frame, A Reference To The Frame of The Window That Contains.


A Self-Referenceial Property; A Reference to the Current Window Object. A Synonym for Window.


IF The Current Window Is A Frame, a Reference To The Window Object of The Top-Level WINDOW That Contains The Frame. Note Top Is Different from Parent for Frames Nested within Other Frames.


A Self-Referenceial Property; a Reference to the Current WINDOW Object. A Synonym for Self.

Common method

Alert (), confirm (), Prompt ()

Display Simple Dialog Boxes To The User and for Confirm () and prompt (), get the user's response.

Close ()

Close the window.

FOCUS (), blur ()

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Moveby (), Moveto () move the window.

Open ()

Open a New Top-Level Window To Display A Specified URL with a specified set of features.

Print ()

Print The Window or Frame - Same as if the user had successmed button from the window's Toolbar (Netscape 4 and later and ie 5 and later only ".

Resizeby (), ResizTo ()

Resize the window.

Scrollby (), scrollto ()

Scroll The Document Displayed within the window.

SetInterval (), clearinterval ()

Schedule or Cancel A Function To Be Repeatedly Invoked With a Specified Delay Between Invocations.

Settimeout (), cleaTimeout ()

Schedule or Cancel A Function To Be Invoked Once After A Specified Number of MilliseConds.

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