Eclipse plugin and e-book list

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

Recently, I have finalized my software manufacturer released a record. I found a bunch of Dongdong, Wen, which covered with Eclipse, and the faces that were also very widely guided. There were plugins, support tools, they did not dare to enjoy exclusive, I will take it out here, discuss it with everyone. This, to declare, I only have software records, I have not saved, so I can't find the software in the list. Don't follow me, I can do it just to help everyone look for it. There is a link behind all the software, but every time I update a list, my link is complete, but there is a software released website information in front of the link, to the website you can find accurate information. published "" CHM format e-book, two user interface toolbox of the Eclipse platform -Swt and JFACE Java Programming Guide. Http://

2004-11-29Jasperassistant.v1.4.2jasperassistant is a visualized JasperReports report design tool. JasperReports is a very popular open source report engine. Jasperassistant-based plug-in structure, easy to create a JasperReports report definition file through a realistic graphical interface. is a Guibuilder tool for Javaswing applications. With his help, you can easily design graphical user interfaces for your Java application and program. Http://


RMI.Plugin.For.eclipse.v1.6.1Eclipse.v1.6.1Eclipse The RMI (Based on Java-based distribution calculation framework) plug-in is the simple object Stub (Pile) and Skeleton (Framework) with the JavaSDK platform by calling the RMI compiler by calling the RMI compiler. method. Http://


Addison.wesley.professional.swt.the.standard.widget.toolkit.volume.1.jun.2004 e-book, Eclipse series SWT 精 精, SWT is StandardWidgetToolkit, the class library of class libraries in Java created a graphical interface http: / / / 22338_addisonwesley.html

2004-11-13 is a visual module design tool that is fully integrated into Eclipse and CVS. http: //www.omondo.comhttp: // is a visual modeling tool, and with Eclipse CVS seamless integration.


Oxygen.xml.editor.v5.0.eclipse.pluginoxygenxmleditor is a Java-based XML editor that supports XML, XSL, TXT, XSD, DTD documents, can check XML, XSL, XSD code, prompt script errors. Oxygen automatically completes the end label, the code is highlighted, and Unicode is supported. Http://


Jigloo.Gui.Builder.v3.0.1 is designed for EclipseJavaide and WebSpherestudio, which can be used to create and manage Swing and SWTGUI classes. Http://


Code.Pro.Studio.3.0.0 A software designed for developers developer developers using IBMWebspherestuodio and Eclipse development environments. Enable Java developers to develop high quality software. This software can perform software development through many duplicate tasks, and can greatly improve user interfaces and make development activity lines. This software integrates CodeProadisor, CodeProagilityandCodeProbuild. Http://


Window.builder.Pro.2.1.1 A bidirectional JavaGUI design software based on EclipseSWT technology. There are two main functions of SWT design and SWING design. The software will be embedded as a plug-in to Eclipse and other compatible IDs (WSSD, WSAD, WSED, etc.). The new version 2.0 supports Eclipse3.0. Http://


Jigloo.gui.builder.v3.0.0jigloo.gui.builder is a plugin developed for EclipseJave and WebSpherestudio, which can create scroll control and SWTGUI effect interface.

Vi.plugin.for.eclipse3.v1.86viPlugIN can add a function bar on the VI editor, which is used for Eclipse3 .


Parasoft.jtest.v5.1.71.dc.20040912.winnt2kxp Automatically performs Java unit testing and code standard checks to help developers to write a tool for grams of code. You can analyze class, then generate unit test cases to include maximum overlay tests, discover unprocessed exceptions and check demand. - Automatic basic error prevention, including unit testing and automatic code standard check - Generate and execute unit test cases - provide fast and simple ways for black box testing, model testing and system testing - identify and prevent unprocessed runtime abnormalities , Function error, memory leak, performance issues, and security weaknesses - Test and report on groups or programs - Monitoring test coverage - Automatic regression test - Support for proportional compression - Check more than 400 coding specifications from Java experts - Correct violations of more than 200 coding specifications - Allow users to create their own coding specification - can manage shared test files within group range - and IBMWEBSPHERE and Eclipse - Support Borland? JBUILDER? , TOGETHER? ControlCenter? , And ant2004-09-23

Borland.together.For.eclipse.v6.3 The best program analyzing design tool provides real-time collaborative work capabilities. · Supports all major UML graphics to make full use of UnifiedModelingLanguage to build the correct architecture to meet your business goals. Each software item requires a blueprint to keep the entire group to advance and build the correct software in the same direction. TOGETHER extends the development framework by integrating UML capabilities, simplifies the complex process of building software. · TOGETHERLIVESOURCE automatically uses synchronous models and code synchronized with the code, allowing more effective development team communication and collaboration. Simultaneous synchronization allows manual updates to the past, maintaining the information update of the development team using the same information. The model is in a flexible state. This is because any changes made by the development team are always reflected in the code and model, making the development team more efficient and more effective. · Automatic documentation to maintain development team focused on design and implementation, not a proposed document. TOGETHER provides powerful and customizable documentation capabilities, including a variety of document formats and custom templates. By automatically generating documents, developers can focus on software development, and the team leaders have information on it. · Support industry standard model uses the industry's leading model to develop work, improve the quality of the architecture. TOGETHER supports standard mode, such as GOF and J2EE, and also provides the ability to change existing mode and create new modes. A wide range of modes support the development team to multiplex mode in future projects, improve the architectural quality of all projects. · Using auditing measurement software quality audits provide the development team to provide the initial measurement quality in software development, enhance the capacity of enterprise standards - in the early stages of software development, the development team is still the code of software. Determination of quality before distribution, developers can improve the quality of the code, and find and fix their own errors before the code transfers the QA team. The audit variable can be customized and saved, so that the development team can develop code standards, monitoring the code exceeds the recognition specification. The audit is also used to change the developer's personal code to comply with the company's coding standard. · Software development using metrics is the ability to measure the complexity, quality and scale of the software projects. By measuring and standard checking information, managers can know the quality and efficiency of the development team and the development process, and better perform quantification of current and future projects. • Reconstructing a large number of reconstructed features in TOGETHER technology verifying all system changes correctly to the entire application. The result obtained is that the code is not easy to errors, and the quality of the application is improved. · Together and Eclipse integration Eclipse is an open source industry platform, TOGETHER technology with Eclipse's set provides a familiar environment that provides a familiar environment for software development. In the Eclipse environment, developers can use the TOGETHEREDITIONFORECLIPSE, leading modeling, design and quality assurance functions, and quickly build high quality enterprise applications. By developing user interfaces for TOGETHEREDITIONFORECLIPSE in Eclipse, users can benefit from close integration and utilize the advantages of two technologies in the same tool. Http:// The database design tool running on the Eclipse development environment as a plugin. Database model is designed by intuitive interface graphics. It can design new database models based on the existing database by reverse design. More, it can generate SQL (DDL) code that is suitable for your database. Http:// 0day / Archives / 11208_clayDatabaseM.html2004-07-28

Oxygen.xml.editor.v4.2.eclipse.pluginoxygenxmleditor is a Java-based XML editor that supports XML, XSL, TXT, XSD, DTD documents, can check XML, XSL, XSD code, prompt script errors. Oxygen automatically completes the end label, the code is highlighted, and Unicode is supported. Http://


"Eclipse: step" (Eclipse: step "(Eclipse: step" (Eclipse: step "(Eclipse: StepBystep) published, Eclipse: StepBystep, published, Eclipse: STEPBYSTEP), Eclipse is an open source, based on Java-extended development platform. As far as it is itself, it is just a framework and a set of services to build development environments through plug-in components. Fortunately, Eclipse comes with a standard plug-in set, including JavaDevelopmentTools, JDT. The book includes all aspects of the Eclipse platform, can help you write a completely available program, and better to make a variety of basic concepts 1583470441 / //


Window.builder.Pro.v2.0.1 A two-way JavaGUI design software based on EclipseSWT technology. There are two main functions of SWT design and SWING design. The software will be embedded as a plug-in to Eclipse and other compatible IDs (WSSD, WSAD, WSED, etc.). The new version 2.0 supports Eclipse3.0. Http://

2004-07-20 plugin provides XML editing, support XML, DTD, Xmlschema, Relaxng, RelaxNGCompactSyntax, xsltttp: /// // // Fast high quality development Java program development toolbox, enhances components and software reliability. You can customize different browsing data windows and debug tools for your individual. The new version 3.03 has the following update: - Have an Eclipse plugin - can switch between system, development environment, and applications - there are other updates.

2004-05-09 eBook-ECLIPSE Practice: Java Developer Guide. Http://< @PE32_PIDP-SCHMOO2, TOPRIGHT ,7, 26_scmzzzzzzzz .jpg e-book "Jave Development Guide" 1930110960 /


SIGNSOFT_INTELLIBO_V3.6.2 Application of a middleware not only performs JavadataObjects standard (JDO) (JDO) (now supports JDO standard 1.0.1), but also intelligent data access, called "IntelligentBusinessObjects". It can be integrated into Eclipse and IBMWEBSPHEREAPLLICATIONDEVELOPERIDE.

2004-04-27 "Java Developer Guide"


IBM.Redbooks.eclipse.development.using.The.Graphical.Editing.framework.The.Eclipse.Modeling.Framework.ebook e-book provides to develop plug-in code to develop plug-in code with EclipSDK with good knowledge and rich experience. Programmer is used to check the working performance of the plugin.

IBM.Redbooks.Eclipse.Development.Using.the.Graphical.Editing.Framework.and.the.Eclipse.Modeling.Framework.eBook Title: "Use Graphical.Editing.Framework and Eclipse.Modeling.Framework development of Eclipse" Author : BillMooreetal. Press: IBMredBooks format: CHM Category: Computer / Software Development ISBN: 0738453161 Description: A book using GraphicaleditiveFramework (GEF) and EclipsemodelingFramework (EMF). Make EclipsePlugin. 2004-04-06

Rational.XDE.v2003.Developer.Plus.NET.Edition.RetailRationalXDEDeveloper is a very complete visual design and development environment, it can be combined with Rational support integrated development environment (IDE) to use, such as Eclipseplatform, IBMWebSphereStudioApplicationDeveloper, MicrosoftVisualStudio.NET Wait. RationalxDedeveloper can support developers in building an enterprise application and Web-centric solution. By combining a variety of features using RationalXDedeveloper (for example, synchronous engineering, automatic and on-demand for code and model, mode engine support, multi-model support, put database asset reverse engineering as data model, team collaboration, The selected process guide can alleviate some of the required code development and design. This is a version of License.

2003-12-29 UBOOK --- 1 Testing electronic books for plug-in under Eclipse (a growing software development environment)


Addison.Wesley.Contributing.To.Eclipse.Principles.Patterns.And.Plug-Ins.eBook --- 2 Publication: Addison-WesleyPubCo; Author: ErichGamma, KentBeck; ISBN: 0321205758. A book about Eclipse. This book doesn't just teach you how to do and make you fully understand Eclipse. Http://


Addison.wesley.eclipse.modeling.framework.a.developers.Guide.ebook e-book, Eclipsemodelingframework model architects can make Java, XML, and UML language developers to unify the use of surprising templates to quickly build healthy applications, is A software developer guide


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