By Camry.Wu
After using Debian, I recorded the problem that needs attention in Debian, so as not to forget.
I will definitely take more various problems in the future, this is the first episode.
1 Record the steps I installed Debian
1.1 Installing the basic system
Step step by step
When I am partitioned, I generally divided into five districts: boot, swap, /, / home, / var, then reloading, I will do it.
There is nothing option when selecting modules, anyway, I have to upgrade to 2.6 kernel.
When installing basic systems, I will make Sources.List, usually I don't match (main network cards have not been installed). Then let the Tasksel and DSELECT. I don't know how to match, I have not paid. The following options are selected, then You can install a simplest Debian system.
1.2 installed basic software
In order to compile 2.6 kernels. Still install some software. Put the first disk to the CD drive, install the software inside. Then Mount is driven, with the Apt-CDROM add command directly on Mount. Then: then: then:
Apt-get install make apt-get install gcc Apt-get install libncurses5-dev # libNCurses5-dev is necessary. Apt-get install libc6-dev # libc6-dev is also necessary. Apt-get install bzip2 Apt-Get Install Lynx # 文, used to access the Internet
1.3 compilation 2.6 kernel
You can now compile the kernel, see the article compile the kernel. After upgrading the kernel, it is best to install Module-Init-Tools.
1.4 Update Software Library
With a network card, configure network properties:
Ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.x Netmask Route Add Default GW
Modify /etc/apt/sources.list, join
Deb stable main contrib Non-free deb stable / non-us main control : // testing main control/debian-non-us testing / non-us main control non-free deb http: / / unsteable main control/debian-non-us unsteable / non-us main contrib Non-free
Execute the APT-GET UPDATE Update Software Library
1.5 Installing Common Software
Now the installation is commonly used software. (Apt-get install xxx) picture software: gqview (view), XLoadImage, gimp (Map). Ftp: ftp, vsftpd. Mail: MUTT Instant Message: GAIM Office: OpenOffice, Latex PDF: Adobe Reader Media: XMMS, MPlayer , XBase-Clients, XFONTS-BASE, XFONTS-100DPI, XFONTS-75DPI Window Manager: FVWM Tools: Wget, MC, Less, Vim, Sudo, Man, ManPages, ENCON, Stardict, CVS, Telnet, SSH ... 1.6 Chinese environment
The Chinese environment in Tasksel is lazy. If you want to select the Chinese environment in Tasksel, don't upgrade Tasksel, otherwise you will not be lazy. If you don't lazy, it is not very clear.
2 package management
2.1 / etc / APT directory
There are three profiles in my directory: apt.conf, preferences, sources.list apt.conf:
Apt :: Default-release "Testing"; Apt :: Cache-Limit 10000000; Apt :: Get :: Purge
Package: * PIN: Release A = Stable Pin-Priority: 980 package: * PIN: Release A = Testing Pin-Priority: 500 package: * PIN: Release A = unsteable pin-priority: 300
Preferences is used to define the priority of different software versions: 100
2.2 Some command descriptions
APT-GET Update: Update Library Apt-Get Install XXX: Install XXX want to upgrade, you can execute Apt-Get Upgrade, Apt-Get Dist-Upgrade
Apt-cache search xxx: Find XXX Apt-Cache Show XXX: Display XXX Description Apt-Cache Depends XXX: Display Really, Conflict Pack Apt-Cache ShowPkg XXX: Displays XXX information.
Apt-show-version: Displays the version information of the installed package. Such as: apt-show-version | fgrep / testing | wc -l: Display the number of Testing Packages APT-Show-Versions -u: Show available package Apt-get install `apt-show-version --u -b | fgrep / unsteable`: Install upgradeable package
DPKG-I XXX.DEB: Install XXX DPKG -L: Show all installed packages DPKG -L XXX Show a package installation
Block Package Upgrade: Echo XXX Hold | DPKG -SET-SelectionS Recovery: Echo XXX Install | DPKG -SET-Selections3 Install VSFTPD
After Apt-Get Install vsftpd, you will sometimes get the following questions:
500 OOPS: vsftpd: Cannot Find User Specified in 'Tunable_ftp_Username'
This is due to running VSFTPD requires a local mapping user. Used to control anonymous users. This user's Home directory will be an anonymous root directory. This user ID is default to FTP.
To correct this problem, you can do this:
# MKDIR / VAR / FTP / # UserAdd -d / Var / FTP FTP # chown root.root / var / ftp # chmod og-w / var / ftp
4 use SMBFS
First support the SMBFS module and then Apt-Get Install SMBFS
5 use xServer
To open a graphics window of a remote machine, you need the following steps:
$ XHOST Remote IP $ TELNET Remote Machine Running on the Remote Machine: Command -Display Hostname: 0.0 or Setting Environment Variable Display = HostName: 0.0 Remnivation: Display Number. Screen Number Screen Number can be omitted, and the previous '.' is removed together. It should be noted that the local XServer must listen in the 6000 port. To see the contents of / etc / x11 / xinit / xserverrc, remove the -nolisten tcp parameter.
6 use mysql
Mysql installed under Debian, the network listener is not performed by default. Modify the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file, and the Skip-NetWork will be released.
7 use Skype
Skype is a network phone, the call quality is very good to support multi-party calls. The month of the month is the same. The students who love the phone porridge should be used. The installation is very simple to install, it is easy to say when the call is, it is easy to test, test Add this user: Echo123, when you call, she will record your voice and then pass.
First, the sound driver is ALSA. OSS is not very understanding, how to install ALSA is still not clear, I found that it is already ALSA after compiling the kernel. But do you know if you are using ALSA driver to see: first Is there a / proc / ask directory, there is a CAT / proc / asseound / * then guaranteed that the current user has access to / dev / dsp (the microphone) has access. Whether the desktop environment is gnome or kde or other. In GNOME or KDE seems to be very simple, I don't have a environment and have not been tested. Specific you can see here: t = 4489 & sid = 0d484adc99175be5c2d9cdc7e0b95287 I have no desktop environment, I have to use Alsamixer to control sound equipment Didn't get it, later set up in Abao help, thank you first.
First, the trouble point is that the APT-GET INSTALL ALSA-BASE ALSA-UTILS has two packages, Alsa-utils two packages. Then run the alsaconf step by step. Then run the Alsamixer MIC opens. (Press '<', '>' button to select Open Close, press the up and down arrow to adjust the size) In addition, MIC will select MIC in the Mono Out.
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