1. Add FreEtextBox.dll to the project first.
- ftb.imagegallery.aspx
- ftb.insertTable.aspx
Copy from the folder Helperscripts, put it outside and - test.aspx (test) the same level directory,
(Don't do this, insert background color, picture, table is not good)
3. Place the images folder into the Test.aspx (Test) to store the uploaded picture.
4. In Test.aspx, add the path to the path
This.fretextBox1.text This is the content of the text you entered in the ftb, this is the HTML tag.
This.fretextBox1.htmlstrippedText This is the text that removes HTML tagged
5. Write into the database
I saw friends on 9CBS how to write FreEtextBox content into the database.
I did it. Just insert all the generated HTML code into a field of the database
Can make a newspaper
Field ID (Self-increment) Content Addtime (Getdate)
Private Void Page_Load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E)
// put user code to initialize the page
IF (! ispostback)
SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection ("Server = (local); database = mm; uid = sa; pwd = 123");
SQLCommand mycmd = new sqlcommand ("Select * from test where id = 2", myconn);
Myconn.open ();
SqlDataReader mydr;
Mydr = mycmd.executeReader ();
mydr.read ();
Response.write (MyDR ["Content"]. TOSTRING ());
Mydr.close ();
MyConn.close ();
Private void Button1_Click (Object Sender, System.Eventargs E)
SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection ("Server = (local); database = mm; uid = sa; pwd = 123");
Sqlcommand mycmd = new sqlcommand ("INSERT INTO TEST (CONTENT) VALUES ('" " " "" "" "," MyConn);
Myconn.open ();
Mycmd.executenonquery ();
MyConn.close ();
[Note] Web.config joins in System.Web section: