Speed ​​Problem Using Smart Pointers on FPC.Root

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

The EggHeadCafe.com web spider found the following conversation that may be helpful to you.Next Thread: Upgrade ISA 2000 (on SBS 2003) to ISA 2004 I get an Error8 / 10/2004 2:30:04 PM speed problem using smart pointers ON fpc.roothi,

I'VE a Little Speed ​​Problem While Browsing Destination Sets. It Tooks

About 8 "To Browse A Full 1024 Destinations Set. it's not a network

Problem, Because I Got Also Large Execution Time When Running on the ISA

Server (4 ": 1000 Entries / Second).

IT's A Problem, Because I Plane To Use Destinations Sets That Contains

More Than 450 000 Entries So It Could Take More Than An Hour To Export

The entiere content.

Is there any way to speted up?

When Using Isa MMC, IT Takes Not Such Time To Retrieve The Destination

Sets content evening from a distant machine.

Maybe The Smart Pointers Are Not The Right Way.

I connect to the isa using coinitializeex (), using "localhost" as target

WHEN Running on the isa.

NB: Because of the bug on the long result for fpcDestinationSet-> count

Discuted A Few Days Ago, I Can't Know The Count for A Set, So, I'm Using

An infinite loop incrementing the variable "l" unsil falling in

EXCETION catch by the try / catch couple when.

Thanks for help.



Long L = 1;


Try {

While (fpcdestination = fpcdestinationset-> item



DTYPE = fpcdestination-> type;

Switch (DTYPE) {

Case 0:

BUFF = (char *) fpcdestination-> domainname;


Case 1:

BUFF = (char *) fpcdestination-> ip_from;

Break; Case 2:





Buff.trimright ();

Buff.trimleft ();

// here: Storing Buff in a file but commented while testing speed

l ;


} catch (_COM_ERROR & PCE) {
