For i = lbound (imageurls) to (ubound (imageurls) - 1)
Set matches2 = regex2.execute (imageURLS (i)) 'performs a search.
FOR Each Match2 in matches2 'traverses matching collection.
'Full IMG tag newPic = lcase (imageURLS (i))
'If you don't have a custom Border increase border = 0, other original properties are retained
IF (INSTR (NewPic, "Border") = false) THEN NewPic = Left (NewPic, LEN (NewPic) -1) "Border = '0'> IF (Instr (NewPic," Width ") = false) THEN NewPic = Left (newPic, newwpic) -1) "width = '200'>" newPic = "" & newpic & ""
ShowPic = showPic & NewPic Next
Set regex2 = Nothingend function
'Extract pictures from content Function Regexpexecute (strng) Dim Regex, Match, Matches' Establishing Variables. Set regex = new regexp 'establishes regular expressions.
Regex.ignoreCase = true 'Set whether you distinguish between characters. = true 'Sets global availability. Set matches = regex.execute (strng) 'Executes your search. FOR Each Match In Matches' traverses matching collection. VALUES = VALUES & MATCH.VALUE & "{| LDIV |}" Next Regexpexecute = VALUESEND FUNCTION
'Remove the content in the contents of the code Function Onlyword (STRNG) set re = new regexp Re.ignoreCase = true = true re.pattern = "(. [^ <] *) (Src =) (SRC =) '| "& Chr (34) &" |)? (. [^' | / S | "& chr (34) &"] *) (/.) (JPG | GIF | PNG | BMP | JPEG) ('| " & Chr (34) & "| / s |>) (. [^>] *) (>)" 'Setting mode. ONLYWORD = Re.Replace (strng, ") set re = Nothing