String split function

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

In Oracle, if a string containing a separator (such as "55 * 62 * 77", this string is separated by *, can be split into three numbers "55", "62" and " 77 "), to split them, it is more troublesome. The following stored procedure is to facilitate the splitting of the string. Create or Replace Function GetParamstr (- String Dismoring Function I_Srcstr Varchar2, - String I_SIGN VARCHAR2, - Parameter Symbol, such as '~', '' I_PARAMINDEX NUMBER, " O_Paramstr Out Varchar2 - Separated Parameters - Return Number - Return: - 0. Success - 1. I_Paramindex Crossing - 2. I_SRCSTR is empty - 3. Unable to locate parameters - Else. Oracle Error Codeas V_len PLS_INTEGER; V_STARTINDEX PLS_INTEGER; V_ENDINDEX PLS_INTEGER;

Err_srcstr_isnull Exception; err_Paramindex_Overflow Exception; err_startindex_notfound exception; begin if i_srcstr is null dam er er _srcstr_isnull; endiff;


- Initialization output parameter o_Paramstr: = '';

- parameters obtained starting content index IF i_ParamIndex = 1 THEN v_StartIndex: = 0; ELSE v_StartIndex: = INSTRB (i_SrcStr, i_Sign, 1, i_ParamIndex - 1); IF v_StartIndex = 0 THEN RAISE Err_StartIndex_NotFound; END IF; END IF ;

- The end of the end of the parameter content is subscript v_endindex: = INSTRB (i_srcstr, i_sign, 1, i_paramindex); if v_ndindex = 0 THEN V_ENDINDEX: = Lengthb (i_SRCSTR) 1; end if;

O_Paramstr: = Substrb (i_srcstr, v_startindex 1, v_endindex - v_startindex - 1);

- Success to exit returnography;

EXCEPTION WHEN Err_ParamIndex_OverFlow THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( ​​'failed: i_ParamIndex bounds'); RETURN 1; WHEN Err_SrcStr_IsNull THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' failed: i_SrcStr blank '); RETURN 2; WHEN Err_StartIndex_NotFound THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' fails : Unable to locate parameter serial number '); return 3; when ost_line (to_char (sqlcode) ||' '|| Substrb (SQlerRM, 1,200)); return sqlcode; endparamstr; / This is more convenient, as follows : Create or Replace Procedure P_agt_addplan (o_ret out number) is v_count number (3); - This is V_Item varchar2 (200) used to count; - this kind of string becom v_count: = 1 after saving split ; - Cyclic Sub-split string 55 # 66 # 77 put the desired value into v_item, if the loop is over, return to average 0, so I jump out the whene getparamstr ('55 # 66 # 77 ', '#', v_count, v_item = 0 loop dbms_output.put_line (v_item); v_count: = v_count 1; end loop; commit; o_ret: = 0; Exception when others kilback; o_ret: = 1; END P_AGT_ADDPLAN; /


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