What may be done here is that things will spend a lot of time, maybe a few hours, this also looks like your machine performance is good (huh!), Will establish a copy of GNU "C" Libaray, this is Behind it is used to compile the cost machine, and it will be used when the cross-compiler is established.
Below to perform the action:
#CD / usr / src #tar xzvf glibc-2.3.4.tar.gz #cd glibc-2.2.4 #tar xzvf ../glibc-crypt-2.1.tar.gz #tar xzvf ../glibc-linuxthreads- 2.3.4.tar.gz
Then create a build directory, CD in and execute the configure command, just want to follow these commands:
#mkdir build #cd build #unset ld_library_path # .. / configure --host = i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1 --prefix = / usr / local / cross / --Nable-add-ons = Crypt, LinuXThreads
Use the make command.
This command may say that a make check should now be performed to ensure that the library is established, which may also generate errors. We can combine the shell command to output the error log to a file, such as like this: #make check > Check.log 2> & 1
This will go to a text file in this way, this is a good practice for finding.
At the beginning of the /etc/dl.so.conf file, we must also add a line to guide the directory of the new library. Note that you don't delete any rows, you can use your favorite file editor, file icon below such:
/ usr / local / cross / lib / usr / local / limited / usr / x11r6 / lib / usr / openwin / lib / lib / usr / openwin / lib and run the LDConfig command to update the library's cache, and finally create the following Symbolic Links.
#LN -S /USR / LOCAL/CROSS/LIB/LD-Linux.so.2 /lib/ld-linux.so.2 #LN -S / USR / SRC / Linux / include / Linux / USR / local / cross / include / Linux #LN -S / USR / SRC / Linux / include / SCSI / USR / local / cross / include / SCSI #LN -S / USR / SRC / Linux / include / asm / usr / local / cross / include / ASM If you find that SCSI Link is not, you remove the SCSI directory of the current directory and then create a connection.
The next is to establish a cross-compiler ........................................ .