Glibc is a very important library under Linux. The latest Glibc library version is glibc2.3.4, which can be downloaded from and can be ported to many platforms.
The packages that need to be obtained are:
GCC 3.3.4 or the latest version.
LD.SO dynamic connection
GLIBC-CRYPT encryption
GLIBC-LinuXThreadDS thread library
Linux-2.xlinux kernel
Before doing anything, install dynamic connections, you can use #ls -l /* to check the dynamic connection library in your lib directory, if you have, you will get the output like this. : RWX-R-XR-X 2 root root 109052 Mar 1 19:54 /lib/, otherwise, you will be prompted without this package, detailed can refer to Linux's How I DID IT documentation.
The next step is about Linux kernel and configure it, make sure your Linux kernel code is performed as follows in the / usr / src directory.
#CD / USR / SRC #RM Linux #mkdir Linux-2.xx #ln -s Linux-2.xx Linux #tar xzvf Linux-2.xxtar.gz #CD Linux #Make MenuConfig Save these configuration, then One step is almost, here you don't have to compile the kernel, and this method provides backward compatibility to Glibc 2.