Software application skills 22

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

1. Dress IE6

The first method: Click "Run" in the "Start" menu, enter regedit in the "Run" dialog to open the registry editor, expand the registry, find hkey_local_machine / Software / Microsoft / Active Setup / Installed Components / {89820200 -ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383} Double-click DWORD Value ISINSTALLED in the right window to change its key value to 0, and then reinstall IE6.

Second Method: After placing the Windows XP installation disk, type "Rundll32 * SetupApi, Installhinfault DEFAULTINSTALL 132% Windir% / INF / IE.INF" in the Start → Run window, and then press Enter.

2. One-life Yibo shielded ActiveX plugin

Many friends will encounter the browser "card death" when browsing the web, which is because the embedded ActiveX plugin in this page needs to be prompted. In order to deal with this problem, there are many related "immune" software on the market, such as Notroubleme, and this feature is also provided in Windows XP SP2. However, these ideas are more passive. If they encounter new ActiveX programs, they will not be powerful. The author will introduce your solution.

3. Mask the idea of ​​ActiveX plugin

In fact, the ActiveX plug-ins for us is a small number. For ordinary netizens, it is nothing more than: Windows Update control, Flash control These two required, of course, some friends may still want to use bank online systems or other services to install ActiveX . We can actually install these useful Activex, followed by the online installation of all ActiveX plugins in the browser settings, so no matter what ActiveX is not jumped out for it.

4. Take the work of life

Step 1: First use IE to access the page that you need to install the ActiveX plugin, such as Microsoft's Windows Update site, with a site, etc., when prompted to install ActiveX, select "Yes" for installation.

Step 2: After all Activex is installed, select "Tools → Internet Options" in IE, switch to the Security tab, click the "Custom Level" button, and will download "Safe Settings" window Unqualified ActiveX Controls "and" Download Signed ActiveX Control "are set to" Disable "(Figure 1). Finally, save exit.

figure 1

When the ActiveX confirmation of some websites is required to install it, restore the above settings to the "default" level, and then refresh the page to install, and then reset it to "Disable".

Tip: This method is only to block the online download and install the ActiveX plug-in, and the registration installation that has been downloaded back to the local plug-in will not be affected, and we will not affect the registration of the registration control.

5. Multiple Office documents Save / Off

Usually, when we handle the Word document, you will usually open several. When you have finished your work, you always have a place to click "File → Save"; it can be fully saved and closes multiple documents at one time, just hold down the keyboard SHIFT Do not put, click the "File" menu, "All Close" and "All Save" will appear so that the saved document can be quickly complete. To remind everyone that there is this feature in office components, Access and PowerPoint do not put down the Shift key of the keyboard, then click the "File" menu, there is no such thing; and Excel is only "all closed", FrontPage is only "all saved". 6. Quick transfer files in QQ

If you want to send a file to a friend, you can use the mouse to drag the file you want to send to the nickname of the QQ friend. After a moment, the next QQ will automatically open the chat window with the friend and submit it to her. The request of the file, so that this is more than a conventional method.

7. Send offline messages in QQ

We often have time to send messages when sending offline messages to QQ friends, if you don't want the other party to see this message, you can hide the time. The specific method is: Double-click the time display in the system tray, open the Date and Time Properties dialog box, modify the system time to 2038, then send offline messages to try, see, time is no longer displayed! Wonderful!

8. Uninstall "stubborn" software with QQ

Sometimes, after we have installed some software, we accidentally lost the renewal of the software or the anti-installer, which can't be unloaded. What should I do? ? Very simple! Just copy the unins000.exe file in the directory of QQ2004 to the folder where you want to uninstall, then run the unins000.exe file, you need a friend who needs to try, very well.

9. Clear a storm video history

File format The storm video player has become a must-have video player for many computer users, but the author is always in the history of the group when using the storm video. Because the new version of the mall is not displayed, the software has already recorded the video file already played. Here, the author introduces two ways to delete software saves history.

Method A: Set parameters, prohibit saving history

In comparison of new storm video, it has been provided: Click on the menu "View → Option" in the main window, pop up the setting window as shown in Figure 1 (Figure 2), undo in the right window of "player" "Keep the history of the recently opened file", click "OK".

figure 2

Method B: Delete the history of the configuration file

Open the configuration file "MPLAYERC.INI" of the software installation folder (shown in Figure 3), drag the scroll strip on the right to the "Recent File List" segment, and delete the file record of the segment.

image 3

10. Do others use your file or folder

Sometimes, there is a file or folder that needs to be encrypted in our computer. It can be encrypted with tool software, but it will also cause special attention to others - Is there any good stuff? Thereby more aroused the desire of others, which is more dangerous! Use the DOS command to add to the folder to solve this problem. Create a config.sys file in the hard disk root directory, the content is: device = c: /windows/oakcdrom.sys / d: myfile, where oakcdrom.sys is the optical drive driver. MyFile is a device name (can be named casually), which once loaded will always be used by the system, if a folder or file is renamed, the folder or file cannot be accessed by the system. Specifically, after starting the computer, any file in the hard disk is "MyFile", the folder is not available. The average person absolutely can't think of this reason, and I thought I had a mistake, so I can protect my own file. In addition, this method can also be used to joke with friends, think about it, what if the folder just mentioned is just the Windows directory? The system will not find the system file! If you want to enter the Windows directory under DOS, use the CD Windows command to prompt the Invalid Directory that is illegal directory, can't enter! The method of crack is actually very simple, as long as the system is started with a floppy disk, it is ok to remove the line in the config.sys file. 11. Can also be able to video and shot without dedicated software

Everyone may often take a screenshot of the video being played, and the video played by Media Player, and the vast majority of people will immediately think of the screenshots with the Print Screen button on the keyboard. In fact, in Windows 98 / XP, some mainstream video formats, such as .avi, .wmv, .mpeg, .rmvi, etc., in the playback process, you must implement the screenshots, you can only catch the player, but caught Go to the image being played; and a small number of "master" knows that the video screenshot needs to play software support, or use special graphics software without using the Print Screen button directly. Why is this? Here we pass an operation example to smash the "Window Paper" of the video screenshot.

First start a playing software, such as Windows Midia Player, play a video file; then start another playing software, such as a storm video, play the video file you want to capture. When the screen that needs to be intercepted, press the Print Screen button to perform video screenshots, save the video image in the system's scrapbook; then start a graphic editing software, such as "Draw" in Windows, use in software " Paste "command can see the picture just grabbed; finally, use the" Draw "tool to cut the picture.

So this operation, the video screenshot is successful, and what is the reason? It turns out that the system often calls DirectDraw during playback to speed up video playback, because DirectDraw's specialty, can not be scrape with the PRINT Screen button. And we cannot open the features of the two DirectDraw windows at the same time, in the figure we can see the first Windows Midia Player, use DirectDraw, so you can't capture the image, and the storm video starts DirectDraw because the former will start DirectDraw. You will not start DirectDraw again, so you can successfully intercept video images.

I know the principle, it is simple to operate. Now, do you also look for "special" software because of intercepting video images? ^ _ ^ 12. Manual uninstall MSN

Click "Run" in the "Start" menu, enter Rundll32 AdvPack.dll, LaunchinfSection% Windir% / INF / MSMSGS.INF, BlC.Remove, then press Enter to manually uninstall MSN!

13. Let Windows 2000 / XP Blue Screen

Windows 2000 / XP is stabilized, many friends have a bit forgetting the blue screen of Windows 98, want to revisit the familiar feeling (or which friend to make a joke), can use the following approach. Enter the regedit in the "Start" menu, enter the registry editor, open the registry editor, then expand the registry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / I8042 PRT / Parameters / I802PRT / Parameters Under the new, new DWORD value named CrashonCtrscroll, Set its key value to 1, turn off the registry editor, restart your computer, then press the Ctroll key while pressing the Scroll Lock button twice, you can see a long-lost blue screen.

14. Use UltraEdit to hide the confidential file into the GIF picture

Place the file you want to use with Winzip to compress it, get a zip file, then run the file editor UltraEdit, use it to open any gif file in advance, then use UltraEdit to open the ZIP file, press Ctrl A button to select The 16-based code of the entire ZIP file, press the Ctrl C key to copy, return to the GIF file window in the UltraEdit, press the Ctrl End key to the final of the GIF file code, position the cursor in the countdown second code Press the CTRL V key to paste the code of the ZIP file you just copied, and finally click the "Save" button on the toolbar! Now, click the GIF file to display the image normally, and you can see the hidden file inside, you can change this GIF file to * .zip file, click to see the hidden file inside, or use the mouse to drag this GIF Document to the Winzip window, then see your hidden confidential files in the Winzip window!

15. Use WinRAR to hide the secret file in the JPG picture

First use WinRAR to compress the file to .rar file, then prepare a JPG image file, add this JPG image file to the .rar file, use WinRAR to open the RAR file, click the right mouse button, select the pop-up "Sort by Sort" in the menu, here we can sort by name, size, type, modification time, or press CRC, no matter which one you choose to sort, you must put the JPG file ready to put in the RAR file. The most in front! Next, this .rar file is renamed .jpg, click this JPG file to see a picture, and when you want to view the secret, just change the file extension back to .rar click. Finally, I will remind you that don't give this .rar file plus access passwords, remember.

16. Create a folder without name

Enter the command prompt window or in the MS-DOS mode, type MD. {D969A300-E7FF-11D0-A93B-00A0C90F2719} (there is a space behind the MD), enter the bus. You can see the folder under the Windows graphical interface, but there is no name, very interesting.

17. Quickly release the disabled registry editor

To the CMD window or MS-DOS mode, type Edit / 80 C: /Windows/Regedit.exe Enter to open the regedit.exe file in binary. Click Search: D i s A B L E R E G I S T R Y T O L S. After finding any of the characters therein, it can be unlocked to the disabled registry editor. 18. Let XP can support multi-user simultaneous login

Change the key value of the DWORD value EnableCurblecurrentSession under the registry hkey_local_machine / system / currentcontrolset / control / terminal server / licensing core Up to 1, you can allow another user to enter the system through the remote desktop to use XP at the same time, so you can Let XP support multiple users simultaneously log in, pay attention to using English XP SP2.

19. Quick change the size of the words in the current window

Browse the web in XP or edit the document in Word to change the size of the display text, just press the CTRL button on the keyboard to scroll down the roller on the mouse. The forward scrolling is increasing text, scrolling backwards is reduced text.

20. Quickly check the malicious web code

Just enter View-source: in the IE address bar, you can view Sina's web code. Change the ":" later to the web address you want to view, you can find a malicious code. It is recommended to use it before entering the unfamiliar page.

21. Dry the icon of super-Skin V8 in "My Computer"

Entering the installation directory of Haojie Super Sacred V8, rename the file vcvtshell.dll in the inside is any name, restart the computer and open "My Computer", and find the small icon of the super-tie V8 in the upper right corner.

22. Using ACDSEE to decompose GIF animation

If you only like some of the pictures in GIF animations, you can decompose it with ACDSEE. Start ACDSEE, select the GIF animation picture, click "Change" menu (Fig. 4), select the image format to be converted in the pop-up window, click "OK" the GIF animation The number of frames is split into many pictures by the number of frames, which contain the picture you wish.

Figure 4


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