The basic idea of switching sort is: Two two two-two keywords to be sorted, and found that the two recorded sequences are exchanged, until there is no reagent record. The main sorting method of application exchange sorting basic ideas is: bubble sorting and rapid sorting. Bubbling Sort 1, the sorting method will be sorted vertically, each record R [i] is considered to be a bubble of R [i] .Key by weight. According to the principle of light bubbles, it cannot be scanned from the bottom, from the bottom to the array R: Anyone who scans the violation of this principles will make it "floating". So repeated, until the last two bubbles are in the light, the heavy people are below. (1) The initial R [1..N] is an unordered area. (2) The first scan compares the weight of the two bubbles from the bottom of the unordered area. If the light is discovered, the weight is on, then exchange the position of the two. That is, compared (R [N], R [N-1]), (R [N-1], R [N-2]), ..., (R [2], R [1]); for each pair Bubble (R [J 1], R [J]), if R [J 1] .Key (2) The specific algorithm void bubblesort (SEQLIST R) {//r (L..N) is the file to be sorted, using the downward-down scan, to use the bubbles of the I, J; Boolean Exchange; // Sign for for (i = 1; i Requires N-1 scan to complete sorting: When only the heaviest air bubble is located in the R [1] position, the remaining air bubbles have been ranked, and the N-1 scan can still be sorted. [Example] Seven scans required for the initial keyword sequence: 94, 10, 12, 18, 42, 44, 45, 67. 2 Causes of asymmetry can only make the most heavy bubble "sink", so when the maximum bubble located at the top is sinking to the bottom, it is necessary to do N-1 scan. 3 Improved asymmetry methods Alternately change the scanning direction during the ordering process, improve asymmetry. Specific algorithm [see exercises]. Author Blog: related articles Trojan horse server source code. XPATH bubble sorting algorithm analysis and improvement of yourself with C # write controls about Visual C # packments and unpacking