Chinese input method and font add

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

Chinese input method and font add:

Input method implementation:

1. Use rpm -qa | grep 'INESE' to see if KDE-I18N-Chinese and KDE-I18N-Chinese-Big5 packages are installed on your machine. If you have not, you will find the installation from the installation CD.

2. Install a input method, scim or fcitx

3. Configure ~ / .bashrc or ~ / .bash_profile file

Add the following statement, select that input method, remove which input method before:

# for input method fcitx

#export xmodifiers = "@ im = fcitx"

#export xim = fcitx

#export Xim_Program = Fcitx


#export qt_im_module = chinput

# fcitx & #load fcitx

# for input method chinput

#export xmodifiers = "@ im = chinput"

#export xim = chinput

#export Xim_Program = chinput


#export qt_im_module = chinput

# for input method scim

#export xmodifiers = "@ im = scim"

#export xim = scim

#export Xim_Program = Scim


#export qt_im_module = scim


Font Add:

1. Create a / usr / share / fonts / local / directory (if it doesn't exist, of course, this local directory can be changed yourself):


If you have to create / usr / share / fonts / local /, you must add it to the path to the X font server:

Chkfontpath --Add / USR / Share / FONTS / LOCAL /

- If you are just created / usr / share / fonts / local /, then execute this line command will prompt the error

Because the system can't find the fonts.dir file in this directory, then not add .. but it doesn't matter.

This step is jumped in and made after the third step.

2. Copy the new font file to / usr / share / fonts / local / medium, new font files can come from Windows Fonts, such as: Simsun.ttc, Tahoma.ttf, etc.

3. Use the following command to update the font information:

TTMKFDIR -D / USR / Share / Fonts / Local / -o /usr/share/fonts/local/fonts.scale "


1) Copy fonts.scale to a Fonts.Dir.

2) Chkfontpath --Add / USR / Share / FONTS / LOCAL /

4. Use the following command to restart the XFS font server:

Service XFS Reload

Add new fonts for Fontconfig:

Adding new fonts to the Fontconfig font system is relatively simple; just copy the new font to the / usr / share / fonts / directory (individual users can copy new fonts to ~ / .fonts / directory to modify them The personal font configuration) After copying the new font, use fc-cache to update the font information cache:


(Here should be / usr / share / fonts / or ~ / .fonts / directory.)

Individual users can also graphically install fonts. The method is: Browse Fonts: // in Nautilus, then drag and drop the new font file there.

Note: About the font of the system interface, you can change it in Applications-> Preferences-> Font


Fcitx little penguin input method:

FC2 problem

Turn off IIIMF - / etc / rc.d / IIM Stop or ServiceConf close

Install FcitX - FCITX-2.0.2-4

# rpm -e minichinput

# rpm -ivh fcitx-2.0.2-4

Restart X, you should open fcitx, if not, modify .bashrc, it is best to modify .bash_profile file

Because .bash_profile is called when logging in, and .bashrc is called every time a shell is started.

Then add the following paragraph:


Export XModifierS = "@ im = fcitx"

Export Xim = fcitx

Export Xim_Program = Fcitx

#Locale setup



#Load Fcitx

Fcitx & # This best comment, then from Terminal, enter the FCITX call this input method :)


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