Through the above explanation we can probably understand the concept of Abstract Factory. Let's explain her characteristics in depth. We specifically discuss in the following ways: intention, motivation, applicability, structure, participants, collaboration, effect, implementation
意图: [Provide an interface to create a series of related or interdependent objects without specifying their specific classes] (from "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software")
Motivation: Consider we produce a car, and she consists of a series of basic products, if we have to produce two models such as: Santana and Passat, in order to ensure portability, we should not hardly encode the program. We define the categories as follows: Carfactory, STNCarfactory, three classes of PstCarfactory. Where carfactory is an abstract class. CARFACTORY implements the actual class interface.
Applicability: Abstract Factory is applicable as follows
1. A system is independent of its product creation, combination, and representation.
2. A system is configured by one of multiple product lines. (Such as two kinds of cars)
3. When you want to emphasize the design of a series of related product objects, when you use it. (A variety of components constitute a car)
4. Provide a class library, just want to display the interface
1. Create a ConmertFactory class instance when running, create products (such as Santana), creating
Users with different classes (StBFactory | PstFactory);
2. Abstractory Factory will delay the product object to the subclass.
1. Separate specific classes: such as: Customers are not directly dealing with products, through abstract classes.
2. Easy to exchange products: If you can replace the product type (Santana | Passat).
3. It is conducive to the consistency of the product: If you produce Passat, we can only use her proprietary parts.
`It is difficult to support new types of products: such as: If you produce new products change all the subclasses involved.
Class carfactory {
Carfactory () {}
Body makebody () {return new body ();
ENGINEE MAKEENGINEEE () {Return New Enginee ();
Class Stnfactory Extends Carfactory {
STNFActory ()}
Body makebody () {return new stnbody ();
ENGINEE MAKEENGINEEE () {Return New Stnenginee ();
Class body {
Body () {system.out.println ("Body Concert");
Class Enginee {
Enginee () {system.out.println ("Enginee Concert");
Class Stnbody Extends Body {
STNBody () {system.out.println ("stnbody concert");}
Class Stnenginee Extends Enginee {
Stnenginee () {system.out.println ("stnenginee concert");}}
Class product {
Product () {system.out.println ("Product Concert");
Class stnproduct {
Product ProductCreate (STNFactory FAC)
{body dy = fac.makebody ();
Enginee En = fac.makenginee ();
Return new product ();
Class test {
Public static void main (string [] args)