Fun, just seen on php mailing list

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

PHP General Mailing List, Someone asks: Work with PHP Files Remotely with Notepad? YES / NO? I Want to Know If WHENE I CAN Open A File From A Web LocationHost - Mine And After I Modify It Save It Again To My hosting spaceWITHOUT save it to my PC first using NotePad and I mean entering thehost username & password when OPEN / SAVE ... ATTENTION:? I DO NOT MEANSAVE IT tO MY HDD FIRST aND AFTER UPLOAD IT !!! TELL ME THIS SAMELY FORDreamweaver MX ____________________________________________________________________?

Repeated a few times, everyone explained him to him, talking and annoying. Someone finally made Biao: First of all, you need to calm down, STOP YELLING, and be lessaggressive in your emails Remember that you're asking for free helpfrom strangers here.Second, what you are asking is a Notepad question,. it actually has__nothing__ to do with PHP.Third, Notepad is a very bare bones text editor and does not havefeatures like the one you're looking for.Fourth, a great way to see what an application can do is open it andlook at the menus . Like File. Like File> Open.Fifth, yes, Notepad can open remote files if you can connect to theremote server from your computer. This is true of any application.Sixth, can __you__ actually connect to your remote server from Windowsso that you CAN Open a NetWorked File? UM, I'm Guessing Not.Seventh, Many FTP Applications Let You Set An External Text Editor.this Would Let You Connect To The Server, Edit A File In Notepad, Andsave It, WITHOUT SAVING IT To Your Hard Drive First.eighth, Many of these Answers Will Be The Same for Dreamweaver, Although That ' s a much more sophisticated application. That being said, DW probably has the ability to open and edit remote files. You knowwhat would be a good way to find out for certain? Check out a DWreference or open the application.Ninth, there's is no Number nine.tenth, again, this isn't really a php question .________________________________________________php Amillist brings me joy, record


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