Design documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

System Function List Product Management ☉ Product Information Add Product Information to a Commodity Category, you can only add to a commodity class, and the specific product information is shown in the reference program. ☉ All merchandise management maintenance management products, inventory, description information, display pictures, upper and lower shelves, etc. ☉☉ ☉☉ 提 提 提 对于 对于 商品 对于 自己 商品 自己 商品 自己, 自己, 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己. 自己.. ☉☉ Member Order Management Manage User's Order Information. ☉ Product Reviews Management Products Allows users to comment, the administrator can maintain management comments in the background. ☉ Sales Statistics Information Management ☉ Home News Adding ☉ Home News Management ☉ Home Announcement Management ☉ View Submissions Feedback Classification Management ☉ Product Big Class Management Related information, including product categories, description, description, etc. ☉ Product small class management needs to add information, including the name, description, a description of the product category, a large class, a description, etc. Under a large class, multiple small classes can be added, and a small class cannot be added under small class.

User Management ☉ Mall Member Management ☉ Backstage Management Add ☉ Modify Management Password

Parameter Settings ☉ Mall Information Settings Setting Website Electronics Mall Name, full name, description, contact information, person in charge, email, logo picture, etc. ☉ ☉ ☉ 方式 方式 方式 设置 设置 方式 方式 方式 方式 方式 方式☉ Friendship link management


1.MerhandiseInfo (product information) MerhandiseID (Product Number) automatically MerhandiseName (trade name) nvarchar 50 CategoryBigID (large category of goods) foreign key -> CategoryBigInfo.CategoryBigID CategorySmallID (small category of goods) foreign key -> CategorySmallInfo.CategorySmallID Description ( Description) NVARCHAR 500 FACTORY NVARCHAR 50 MADEEREA (Origin) NVARCHAR 50 PictureId (item Image) INT 4 Repertory (inventory) Bigint 8 Sellcount (Sales Quantity) Bigint 8 Price (original price) Float 8 discount (discount) Float 8

2.FactoryInfo (Manufacturer Information) FactoryID (Manufacturer Number) Auto Number FactoryName (Manufacturer Name) NVARCHAR 50

3.categorybigInfo (Category) CategoryBigId (Category Number) Auto Number CategoryBigname (Category Name) NVARCHAR 10

4.categorysmallInfo (Small Category) CategorySMallID (Category) Auto Number CategorySmallName (Category Name) NVARCHAR 10 5.MADEEREAINFO (Origin) MadereAid (Origin number) Auto number Madereaname (Place name) NVARCHAR 10 NVARCHAR 10

6.PictureInfo (Picture) PictureId Content (Image Content) PictureTurePe PictureSize

7.orderdetails OrderId (fixed single number) Bigint 8 MerHandiseID (Product Number) Foreign Key -> MerHandiseInfo.merhandiseid Discount Outer Buttons -> Qty (Quantity) Bigint 8

8.RDERS AutoID AutoId ORDERID (order number) Foreign key -> ORDERDETAILS.Orderid UserName "Out"> userinfo.username ORDERDATE (Delivery time) DateTime ) ORDERPRICE FLOAT 8 ORDERSTATUS NVARCHAR 10 PAYSTATUS NVARCHAR 10 SendStatus (Delivery status) NVARCHAR 109.USERINFO (User Information) UserName (User Name) NVARCHAR 30 PASSWORD (Password) NVARCHAR 30 RealName (True name) NVARCHAR 30 SEX (Sex) NVARCHAR 4 Question (question) NVARCHAR 50 ANSWER (Answer) NVARCHAR 50 BIRTHDAY (Birthday) DateTime Email (Email) NVARCHAR 50 Province (province / municipality) NVARCHAR 20 City NVARCHAR 20 Postcode (zip code) nvarchar 20 address (address) nvarchar 50 phone (telephone) nvarchar 20 MobilePhone (mobile phone) nvarchar 20 10.AcceptInfo (receipt of information) the OrderID (order number) the OrderID (order number) foreign key -> orderDetails. ORDERID ACCEPTNAME (Receipt) NVARCHAR 20 AcceptAddress (Receipt) NVARCHAR 40 Acceptpostcode (Receipt Post) NVARCHAR 20 ACCEPTEMAIL (Receipser Email) NVARCHAR 50 PAY (Payment Method) NVARCHAR 20 Send (Delivery Method) NVARCHAR 20


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