XML Tools by Category

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

XML Tools by Category

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Free XML Tools.

Control Information Development Tools for Creating, Modifying and Documenting DTDS, XSL Style Sheets ETC.

CSS editors DTD documenters DTD editors DTD generators DTD parsers Integrated development environments Schema converters XSL checkers XSL converters XSLT editors XSLT generators Conversion Tools for scripted creation and modification of XML documents.

General N-converters Non-XML converters (or "N-converters") are designed for converting from non-XML representations (typically word-processing formats) to XML. General S-converters XML converters (or "S-converters") are tools for automated processing of XML documents. Publishing converters Publishing converters convert XML documents from XML to some publishing format suitable for distribution. specific N-converters Tools whose purpose is to generate XML according to a specific document type from non-XML source documents. Document Storage and Management Tools for Supporting Document Management, Such As Document Databases and Search Engines.

XML document database systems Systems for persistently storing XML documents and providing access to their structure and individual parts. Storing XML documents as blobs does not qualify. XML document management utilities XML search engines Editing and composition Tools for interactive creation, modification and composition of XML documents .

XML Editors Electronic Delivery Tools for Electronic Delivery and Display of XML Documents.

Web Publishing XML Browsers Parsers and Engines XML Parsers, Parsing Toolkits, Hytime Engines and DSSSL Engines.

Architectural forms engines Data binding engines Software for easily binding XML documents to programming language objects for serialization and deserialization. DOM implementations DSSSL engines RDF parsers SGML / XML parsers Topic map engines XLink / XPointer engines XML middleware General software packages for making XML-aware applications of some form. XML parsers XML validators Software for validating XML documents by other means than DTDs. XSL engines Engines that support the XSL formatting objects specification. XSLT engines Engines that support the XSL Transformations specification.Control information development

Tools for Creating, Modifying and Documenting DTDS, XSL STYLE Sheets ETC.

CSS Editors

Productvendorplatformscss-model Marius Garsholemacshtml-kitchami.comwin32

DTD Documenters

Productvendorplatformsddddoclars Marius Garsholpythondtddocstefan ChamPaillerJavadtdparsenorman WalshperlliVedtdrobert Staytonperlperlsgmlearl Hoodperl

DTD Editors

Productvendorplatformsezdtdduncan chenwin32tdtdyny grahamemacs

DTD generators

ProductVendorPlatformsData Descriptors by ExampleIBM alphaWorksJavaFirstSTEP EXMLProduct Data Integration Technologies (PDIT) Win32Rhythmyx XSpLitPercussion SoftwareWin32SAXONMichael H. KayJava 1.4TrangJames ClarkJavaxml2ddmlRick JelliffeOmniMark

DTD Parsers

ProductVendorPlatformsCL-XMLJames Anderson, Benno BiewerCommon LispDTD ParserRon BourretJavaDTDParseNorman WalshPerlDTDParserMark WutkaJavaPXPGerd StolpmannObjective Caml 3.00xmlprocLars Marius GarsholPython 1.5

Integrated Developments Environments


Schema Converters

Productvendorplatformsdtd2Relaxmurata Makoto, Nanba Ryosukejavadtd2xsralf Schweigerjavadtdinstjames CLARKJAVASUN RELAX-NG Convertersun MicrosystemsjavaTrangjames Clarkjavaxsl Checkers

Productvendorplatformsxsl Lintnorman WalshperL

XSL Converters


XSLT Editors

ProductVendorPlatformsFOAFabio GiannettiJavaHTML-KitChami.comWin32XPath TesterFiveSightJava 1.2XPath VisualizerAlexandre FayolleJavaXSL TesterVBXML.COMWin32xslideMulberry TechnologiesEmacsXSLT-processOvidiu PredescuEmacs

XSLT Generators

Productvendorplatformsrhythmyx XsplitPercussion SoftwareWin32WH2fofabio Giannettijava


Tools for Scripted Creation and Modification Of XML Documents.

General N-Converters

Non-XML Convertings (N-Converters ") Are Designed for Converting from Non-XML Representation (Typical Word-Processing Formats) To XML.

ProductVendorPlatformsCyberNeko HTML ParserAndy ClarkJavaDB2XMLVolker TurauJava 1.1Java HTML TidyAndy QuickJavaJEDIGerald Huck, Peter FankhauserJavaMajixTetraSixJavaTagSoupJohn CowanJavaTidyDave RaggettWin32, Linux, MacOS, BeOS, SunOS, Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, AIX, Amiga, Atari, MS-DOS and C source.XML Lightweight ExtractorsIBM alphaWorksAIX , OS / 390, Win32 and UNIX, Written in Java Xml :: DTJ. Joao Almeida, J.CARLOS RAMALHO, JORGE G. Rochaperlxmlizere-Freak Web Agencyjava

General S-Converters

XML Converters (or "S-Converters") Are Tools for Automated Processing Of XML Documents.

ProductVendorPlatformsFxtAlexandru BerleaStandard MLMetaMorphosisOvidiusLinux and WindowsSwiXGriffin Brown Digital PublishingJavaX-ITIBM alphaWorksJavaX-TractDecisionSoftWin32, Solaris, and LinuxXPAOliver ZeigermannJava

Publishing Converters

Publishing Converts Convert Xml Documents from XML To Some Publishing Format Suitable for Distribution.Productvendorplatforms

Specific N-Converters


Productvendorplatformsrtf2xmlrick Geimnimark V3R1A or Later XML :: EdifactMichael Koehneperl

Document Storage and Management

Tools for Supporting Document Management, Such As Document Databases and Search Engines.

XML Document Database Systems

Systems for Persistently Storing XML Documents and Providing Access To Their Structure and Individual Parts. Storing XML Documents As Blobs Does Not Qualify.

ProductVendorPlatforms4SuiteFourthoughtPython 2.xeXistThe eXist teamJava 1.3infozoneThe Ozone ProjectJavaRDFDBR.V. GuhaLinux and C source, also accessible from PerlRedfootThe Redfoot TeamPythonXDBMXDBM ProjectWin32 and LinuxXIndiceThe Apache XML ProjectJavaXML-DBMSRon BourretJava and Perl

XML Document Management Utilities

Productvendorplatformsxmillhartmut Liefke, Dan Suciuportable C SourceXml Diff and Merge Toolibm AlphaWorksaix, Win32XML Treediffibm Alphaworksjavaxmldiffalexandre Fayolle

XML Search Engines

ProductVendorPlatformsFxgrepAndreas NeumannStandard MLGMD-IPSI XQL EngineGerald Huck, Ingo MacheriusJavaQuiPSoftware AGWin32sgrepJani Jaakkola, Pekka Kilpel Chan nenWin32, HP-UX, Linux, OSF / 1 Unix and SolarisXSetBen ZhaoJavaXtractMalcolm WallaceHaskell

Editing and Composition

Tools for Interactive Creation, Modification and Composition of XML Documents.

XML Editors

ProductVendorPlatformsAmayaWorld Wide Web ConsortiumWin32, Linux, Sun / Solaris, AIX, OSF / 1 Unix and source for other platforms.CooktopThe Cooktop TeamWindowsdebitinteratiWin32Emil? / A> Media Design in * ProgressMacOSeXchaNGeREdwin DankertJavaGenDocAlexandre Flament, Christophe Quay-Thevenon, Cecile GuilloxJava 1.2HTML-KitChami. between comWin32PECELATL SystemsJava 1.2.1Prot? between 2000The Prot? groupJavaPSGMLLennart StaflinEmacsS-Link-S EditorOpenly InformaticsJava 1.1Visual XMLPierre MorelJava 1.1 with JFCXEDHenry ThompsonWin32, Linux, FreeBSD and SolarisXeenaIBM alphaWorksWin32 and Unix xmloperatorDidier DemanyJava 1.2xmltoolsAlexandre FayollePythonElectronic delivery

Tools for Electronic Delivery and Display of XML Documents.

Web Publishing

ProductVadorplatformscocoonthe Java Apache Projectjavamakisam Brauerpythonmod_xsltuseractivec Apache ModulepxslServletpaul Tchistopolskiiiijava

XML Browsers

ProductVendorPlatformsAmayaWorld Wide Web ConsortiumWin32, Linux, Sun / Solaris, AIX, OSF / 1 Unix and source for other platforms.eXchaNGeREdwin DankertJavaIBM techexplorerIBMWin32, Linux, MacOS, AIX, Solaris and IRIXMozillaThe Mozilla teamWin32, MacOS, Linux, OpenVMS, FreeBSD and Unix sourceX- SmileStelecombMunications Software and MultiMedia Laboratory At Helsinki University of Technology Of TechnologyJavaxml Vieweribm alphaworksjavaxploreribm alphaworksjava

Parsers and Engines

XML Parsers, Parsing Toolkits, Hytime Engines and DSSSL Engines.

Architectural Forms Engines

Productvendorplatformsxmlarchgeir Ove GR 鴑 Mopython

Data Binding Engines

Software for Easily Binding XML Documents to Programming Language Objects for Serialization and Deserialization.

ProductVendorPlatformsCastorThe ExoLab GroupJavaDigesterThe Apache XML ProjectJavagogoXMLJames SleemanPHPJava / XML QuickThe Quick projectJava 1.2JaxMeJaxMe projectJavaJiBXDennis SosnoskiJavaSkyronJohn WilsonPythonXML IntegratorIBM alphaWorksJavaZeusThe Enhydra ProjectJavaDOM implementations

ProductVendorPlatforms4SuiteFourthoughtPython 2.xDocuverse DOM SDKDocuverseJavadomcMichael B. AllenCGdomeRaph LevienLinuxGNU JAXPThe GNU ProjectJavalibxml-ennoEnno DerksenPerlTclDOMSteve Balltcl 8.xtDOMJochen LoewerC, to be used from tclXDOMOpen XMLDelphi 3 and higher, perhaps also 2


ProductVendorplatformsdschenry Thompsonsunosjadejames Clarkwin32, C Source for Other Platforms.Openjadette Openjade Teamportable C Code

RDF Parsers

ProductVendorPlatforms4SuiteFourthoughtPython 2.xARPJeremy CarrollJavaICS-FORTH Validating RDF ParserICS-FORTHJava 1.4JenaBrian McBrideJavaRaptorDave BeckettCRDF-ParserProfium Ltd.PerlRedfootThe Redfoot TeamPythonrepatJason DiamondC


ProductVendorPlatformsOpenSPThe OpenJade teamWin32, MS-DOS, Solaris 2.3 SPARC and 2.5 i386, Linux i386, OSF / 1 Unix DEC Alpha V3.2 with C source for other platforms. PyspLars Marius GarsholPythonSGMLSpmDavid MegginsonPerlSPJames ClarkWin32, MS-DOS, Solaris 2.3 SPARC and 2.5 i386 , Linux i386, OSF / 1 Unix Dec Alpha V3.2 with C Source for Other Platforms.


ProductVendorPlatformsGNOWSYSGNOWSYSPythonPerl XTMRobert BartaPerlSemanTextEric FreesePythonTM4JKal AhmedJava 1.2tmprocGeir Ove Gr Ru moPythonTMTabKal AhmedJavaTmTkJan AlgermissenC and Python


PRODUCTVENDORPLATFORMSJAXENJAMES Strachanjavapathandecisionsoftc Saxpathjames Strachanjavaxml :: xpathmatt Sergeantperl

XML Middleware

General Software Packages for Making XML-Aware Applications of Some form.

ProductVendorPlatformsBMLAnders W. TellJavaCostJoe EnglishtclCSS2 ParserSteady State SoftwareJava 1.1dom4jJames StrachanJava 1.2DOMParserJohn CowanJavaDT4DTDExtensibilityJavaeasyXMLIBM alphaWorksJava 1.1FluteWorld between Wide Web ConsortiumJava and CGPSGeir Ove Gr Ru moPythonJDOMThe JDOM ProjectJava 1.1LT PyXMLEdinburgh Language Technology GroupPythonParser FiltersJohn CowanJavaPatMLIBM alphaWorksJavaProt? Between 2000The Prot? GroupJavaPython XML packageThe Python XML-SIGPython 2.xPyxieSean McGrathPythonRelaxerAsami TomoharuJavaSAX2David MegginsonJavaSAXONMichael H. KayJava 1.4SimkinSimon WhitesideJava and C XFA Scripting SystemXML For AllWin32 and Linux.XInclude.NETOleg TkachenkoC # XIncluderElliotte Rusty HaroldJava 1.3XML Bean SuiteIBM alphaWorksJavaXML Datatypes LibrarySun MicrosystemsJava 1.3XML Entity and URI ResolversSun MicrosystemsJavaXML GeneratorIBM alphaWorksJavaXML Instance GENERATORSUN Microsystemsjavaxml Masteribm AlphaWorksjavaxml Security Suiteibm AlphaWorksJavaxml :: Groveken MacLeodperl XML :: TwigMichel Rodriguezperlxml :: WriterDavid Megginsonperlxmlblasterthe Xmlblaster Teamjavaxomelliotte Rusty Haroldjava

XML Parsers

ProductVendorPlatformsAdvXMLParserSebastien AndrivetPortable C sourceArabicaJez HigginsC CenterPoint / XMLCenterPointC CL-XMLJames Anderson, Benno BiewerCommon LispexpatJames ClarkPlatform-independent C sourceExpat Module for RubyYoshida MasatoRubyfxpAndreas NeumannStandard MLGNU JAXPThe GNU ProjectJavaGobo EiffelAndreas LeitnerEiffelHaXmlMalcolm Wallace, Colin RuncimanHaskellHXMLJoe EnglishHXMLLarkTim BrayJavalibxmlDaniel VeillardCLTXMLEdinburgh Language Technology GroupWin32 binary, and C source for Unix platforms.Perl libxmlKen MacLeodPerlPiccoloYuval OrenJavaPXPGerd StolpmannObjective Caml 3.00RXPRichard TobinC source has been compiled under Win32, Solaris and FreeBSD. SAXExpatKarl WaclawekDelphiSCEWAleix Conchillo FlaqueCsgmlopPythonWarePythonSKYRiX Libraries for XML ProcessingSKYRiX AGObjective CTclExpatSteve Balltcl 8.0 and 8.1a2, tested on MacOS, Windows, Solaris 2.5. 1, Linux Redhat 5.0 and HP-UX 10.10.tclxmlsteve Balltcl 8.1 TonyChristian LindigObjective CamlwhisperJesse Jone sMacOS and Win32, written in C . Windows Foundation ClassesSam BlackburnC source for Win32 and UnixXDOMOpen XMLDelphi 3 and higher, perhaps also 2Xerces C The Apache XML ProjectPortable C source, tested on Linux, Win32 Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, OS / 390, AS / 400, IRIX, MacOS and OS / 2. Xerces JavaThe Apache XML ProjectJavaXerces PerlThe Apache XML ProjectPerlXML Parser Component for DelphiICOM Datenverarbeitungs GmbHDelphi 4XML Pull ParserAleksander SlominskiJava and C XML Tools Scripting AdditionLate Night SoftwareAppleScript 1.3 on PowerPC xml.lispThe CLOCC Teamcommon Lispxml :: Parserclark CooperLxmliopaul Millerportable C

sourcexmlparseMorus WalterLinux and other Unixes.xmlprocLars Marius GarsholPython 1.5xmlutilsFranz, Inc.Common Lisp Allegro 6.0XPJames ClarkJava 1.1 Di fredJun FujisawaJava kvm Di fred2 for PascalJeff RafterDelphiXML validators

Software for validating Xml Documents by Other Means Than DTDS.

ProductVendorPlatformsDSD ProcessorAnders M Dai ler, Michael I. SchwartzbachJavaJingJames ClarkJavaPyTREXJames TauberPythonSample TREX implementationJames ClarkJavaSchematronRick JelliffeXSLT, Python, and PerlSchematron.NETNMatrixC # Sun MSV Schematron Add-onSun MicrosystemsJavaSun Multi-Schema ValidatorSun MicrosystemsJavaVBRELAXNGYONEKURA KojiVisual Basic 6.0XML Schema ValidatorRichard Tobin, Henry ThompsonPython


ENGINES THAT Support The xsl formatting objects specification.

ProductVendorPlatformsFOPThe Apache XML ProjectJava 1.2jforBertrand Delacr Run azJavaPassiveTeXSebastian RahtzTeXREXPDIBE at University of GenoaJavaUnicorn Formatting ObjectsUnicorn EnterprisesWindows

XSLT Engines

Engines That Support The XSL Transformations Specification.

ProductVendorPlatforms4SuiteFourthoughtPython 2.xjd.xsltJohannes D Bian lerJava 1.1.libxsltDaniel VeillardCMDC-XSLMinoru Development CorporationC source, known to be running on Linux.PyanaBrian QuinlanPythonSablotronGinger AlliancePortable C source for Linux, OpenBSD and Win32, also interfaces to Perl, Ruby and PythonSAXONMichael H. KayJava 1.4 TclXSLTSteve BallTclUnicorn XSLT ProcessorUnicorn EnterprisesWin32Xalan-C The Apache XML ProjectC Xalan-JavaThe Apache XML ProjectJavaXML :: LibXSLTMatt SergeantPerlXML :: XSLTGeert Josten, Egon WillighagenPerlxsl: pKeith ViscoJavaXSLTCOlivier GerardinC XTJames Clark, Bill LindseyJava

Last Updated at 20.Feb.04 12:56. Free XML Tools.http://www.garshol.priv.no./download/xmltools/cat_ix.html


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