C # compression and decompression (ZIP file)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

C # compression and decompression (ZIP file) ---- ZipClass.cs

Using system.io; using iCsharpcode.sharpziplib.checksums; using icsharpcode.sharpziplib.zip; using icsharpcode.sharpziplib.gzip; namespace mywinzip {/////

/// Class1 summary description.


Public class zipclass


Public void zipfile (String Filetozip, String Zipedfile, Int compressionLevel, int blocksize)


// If the file is not found, it is wrong.

IF (! system.io.file.exists (filetozip))


Throw new system.io.filenotFoundException ("The Specified File" "Could Not Be found. zipping Aborderd");


System.IO.FileStream StreamTozip = New System.IO.FileStream (filetozip, system.io.filemode.open, system.io.fileAccess.read);

System.io.filestream zipfile = system.io.file.create (zipedfile);

ZipOutputStream ZipStream = New ZipOutputStream (zipfile);

ZIPENTRY ZIPENTRY = New Zipentry ("zippedfile");

Zipstream.putNextentry (ZIPENTRY);

ZipStream.Setlevel (CompressionLevel);

Byte [] buffer = new byte [blocksize];

System.Int32 size = streamtozip.read (buffer, 0, buffer.length);

ZipStream.write (buffer, 0, size);



While (SIZE


INT SizeRead = streamtozip.read (buffer, 0, buffer.length);

ZipStream.write (buffer, 0, sizeread);

Size = sizeread;



Catch (System.exception EX)


Throw EX;


ZipStream.finish ();

Zipstream.close ();

Streamtozip.close ();


Public void zipfilemain (String [] ARGS)


String [] filenames = Directory.getFiles (args [0]);

CRC32 CRC = New CRC32 ();

ZipOutputStream S = New ZipOutputStream (file.create (args [1]));

S.Setlevel (6); // 0 - Store Only to 9 - Means Best Compression

FOREACH (String File in Filenames)


// Open the compressed file

FILESTREAM FS = file.openread (file);

Byte [] buffer = new byte [fs.length]; fs.read (buffer, 0, buffer.length);

ZIPENTRY Entry = new zipentry (file);

Entry.Datetime = datetime.now;

// set size and the crc, Because the information

// About the size and crc sales be stored in the header

// if it is not set it is automaticly written in the footer.

// (in this case size == CRC == -1 in the header)

// Some Zip Programs Have Problems With Zip Files That Don't Store

// The size and crc in the header.

Entry.size = fs.length;

fs.close ();

CRC.Reset ();


Entry.crc = CRC.Value;

S.putNextentry (entry);

S.Write (buffer, 0, buffer.length);


S.finish ();

s.close ();



C # compression and decompression (ZIP file) ---- unzipClass.cs

Using system.collections; using system.io; using system.diagnostics; using system.runtime.serialization.formatters.binary; using system.data;

using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip; namespace MyWinzip {///

/// Class1 summary description.


Public class unzipClass


Public void unzip (String [] ARGS)


ZipinputStream S = New ZipinputStream (File.Openread (args [0]));


While ((forentry = s.getnextentry ())! = NULL)


String DirectoryName = path.getdirectoryName (Args [1]);

String filename = path.getFileName (thents.name);

/ / Generate unzip catalog

Directory.created ;; DirectoryName;

IF (filename! = String.empty)


// Unzip file to the specified directory

String path = args [1] "

//" theentry.name;

FileStream Streamwriter = file.create (path);

INT size = 2048;

Byte [] Data = New Byte [2048]; While (TRUE)


Size = S. Read (Data, 0, Data.Length);

IF (size> 0)


Streamwriter.write (DATA, 0, SIZE);







streamwriter.close ();



s.close ();



C # compression and decompression (ZIP file) ---- decompression application

New MyWinzip Engineering, reference Sharpziplib.dll, then add unzipClass.cs and zipclass.cs

Compiled into MyWinzip.dll to use.

Using mywinzip;

private void button1_Click (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {this.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog (); string filename = this.openFileDialog1.FileName; // file to be unpacked int i = filename.LastIndexOf ( "."); string filepath = filename.substring (0, i) "//"; // Decompressed target directory

String [] fileproperties = new string [2]; fileproperties [0] = fileproperties [1] = filepath; unzipclass unzc = new unzipClass (); unzc.unzip (fileproperties);


C # compression and decompression (ZIP file) ---- Web upload zip file, and decompress

Differently extract the * .dll file to the specified directory, read the * .txt file content (XML).

private void Button2_Click (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {try {string filename = upload.PostedFile.FileName; string unzippath // file to be decompressed = "c: / inetpub / wwwroot / maxservice / dll / handle /"; / / FileProperties = new string [] fileproperties = new string [] fileproperties = new string [] fileproperties = new string [] FileProperties = new string [] fileproperties = fileproperties [0] = filename; fileproperties [1] = unzippclass (); Unzc.unzip (FileProperties); if (unzc.xmlstring! = String.empty) {BOOL SUCCESS = this.Decodexml (unzc.xmlstring); // Subdeasing method, parse the TXT file content in the zip file (XML.) IF ( Success) this.label1.text = "Upload success."; else this.label1.text = "upload failed.";

}}} Catch (exception ex) {throw new exception;}}


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