Package operation contrast

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50


The Package system should say the suite management system, but it is not yet stored some information on the hard disk, so you can know what you need to upgrade. Look at a package from the perspective of the system administrator

Package Kit Name Contained version such as DPKG (Package) Package DPKG (Package) Package file such as DPKG-1.6.deb (package_file) Package Distributed a group of suite files, can be CD or FTP Site, etc. In DebianCD or FTP Site usually has a packages This file shows that there is any suite package package system managers' system, usually there are many suite distribution sources in all suite information in the system in / var / lib / rpm / var / lib / dpkg These files are a DSEBIAN that consists of many packages files, and can integrate the APT command to do network upgrades. Of course, RPM also has a lot of simple and easy to use Front-End tools. Don't carry those orders

Package file operation

Package file operation


# DPKG -I CSCope-15.1.deb (package file) # rpm -i cscope-15.1.rpm (package file)


# DPKG -R CSCope (package name) # rpm - E CSCOPE (package name)


# DPKG -I CSCope-15.1.deb (Auto Upgrade) # rpm --u cscope-15.1.rpm

set up


# DPKG -I CSCope-15.1.deb (package file) See those information # dpkg -c cscope-15.1.deb (package file) See those files in the kit # rpm -qpi cscope-15.1.rpm (package file) Look at the information # rpm -qpl cscope-15.1.rpm (package file) See if there are RPMs in the kit pl to add a P to the Package action

Packages record information query increase

This is actions on the overall PACAKAGE information on the system, Debian, system information hidden in / var / lib / dpkg / available, / var / lib / dpkg / status,

# DPKG -S "libc * .so" (filename-pattern) finds that package contains this file # DPKG -S CSCope (package name) Current PKG status, such as installed, dependent #DPKG -L "CSO * "(Package Name Pattern) Lists all Packages # dpkg -l cscope (package names) with Pattern, listing all files is made by this set of RPM, system information is in /var/lib/Pumpages.rpm

# rpm -q -f "libc * .So" (filename-pattern) finds that package contains this file # rpm -q -i cscope (Package name) current PKG status, such as loading no, dependent # rpm - Q -S lists all Pattern's packages # rpm -q -l lists all files by this kit


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