In fact, the APT-GET and DSELECT use different files to save package information.
Apt: / var / lib / APT / LISTS /
Let's explain the process of DSELECT update:
Select Update
Program Analysis /etc/apt/sources.list Automatic Networking Looking for the corresponding packages / sources / release list file in the list, if there is an update, download, deposit / var / lib / Apt / LISTS / directory
The system automatically executes DPKG --Merge-Avail {packagefile}, store the updated package information in / var / lib / DPKG / AVAILABLE file
Return to DSELECT initial interface, select SELECT Enter
The program will compare / var / lib / DPKG / Available and the difference between Available-Old, indicate recently updated and newly added package
APT-GET update process:
Execute APT-GET Update
Program Analysis /etc/apt/sources.list Automatic Networking Looking for the corresponding packages / sources / release list file in the list, if there is an update, download, deposit / var / lib / Apt / LISTS / directory
It can be seen that the update process of DSELECT is actually an extension of APT-GET Update.
/ var / lib / APT / LISTS / only the list of package, the format is the same as
/ var / lib / dpkg / is a format that combines the above files and modifies to DPKG. The package is saved in this directory (install / purge / remove ...), a list of files in the package, DEB package Installation and uninstall script, etc.
In addition, whether it is using the DEB package that is downloaded in / var / cache / APT / Archives / in / var / cache / APT / Archives / (except for yourself download ;-)
The function of the APT-GET is mainly used to download the software.
DSELECT is more focused on management software
Al equipped with the current APT-RPM / Synaptic in redhat
APT-RPM is the transplant version of Debian Apt
Synaptic is similar to DSELECT graphical interface (of course, Synaptic ... rh is still transplanted from us)
The function of RPM is similar to DPKG (But ... "more than DPKG is too much)