SWT TRAY DEMO: Right-click Menu, click Hide, all events

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

SWT SYSTEM TRAY can only handle three events: Left click, left click, right click, right-click this is what I see SWT 3.0.1 Win32 source code, this DEMO has the following functions: 1. Left button When you click, hide, display the main window 2. Right-click, pop-up menu Note: 1. Left button Double-click and right click to double-click an event, no distinguish 2. Left button will produce the following event: Left click, left Key Double click, left click on 3. About the pop-up menu, Menu must have a Parent, if there is no shell in the program, you can build an invisible shell as a Menu's Parent.

Import org.eclipse.swt. *;

Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets. *;

Import org.eclipse.swt.events. *;

Import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;

Import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.image;

Class HelloTray Implements SelectionListener {

Display display;

Shell shell;

Button Hello;



Menu Menu;

Menuitem Mi1;

Menuitem MI2;

Menuitem quit;

Public hellotray () {

Display = display.getDefault ();

Shell = new shell ();

FillLayout FillLayout = New FillLayout ();

FillLayout.Type = SWT.VERTICAL;

Shell.setLayout (FillLayout);

Hello = New Button (shell, swt.none);

Hello.setText ("Hello World!");

Hello.addSelectionListener (New SelectionAdapter () {

Public void widgetselected (SelectionEvent E) {

IF (Hello.get (). Equals ("Hello World!"))

Hello.setText ("Clicked");


Hello.setText ("Hello World!");



Menu = new menu (shell);

Mi1 = New Menuitem (Menu, SWT.PUSH);

Mi1.Settext ("MenuItem 1");

Mi1.addseelectrionListener (this);

Mi2 = New Menuitem (Menu, SWT.PUSH);

Mi2.Settext ("Menuitem 2");

Mi2.addseelectrionListener (this);

Quit = New Menuitem (Menu, SWT.PUSH);

Quit.Settext ("quit");

Quit.AddseLectionListener (this);

/ / Generate SWT TRAY

TRAY = display.getsystemtray ();

Ti = new trayitem (tray, 0);

Ti.SetTooltiptext ("this is a swt tray!");

Ti.setImage (new image (display, "e: // my documents // my picture // alm.gif"));

// SWT, TRAY all events:

Ti.AddSelectionListener (New SelectionListener () {

// Left click

Public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent E) {system.out.println ("TRAY SELCTED");

// Hide, display the main window when you click

IF (shell.isvisible ()) {

Shell.setVisible (FALSE);

} else {

Shell.setVisible (TRUE);

Shell.ForceActive ();



// Left button double click, right-click double click, it is it

Public void widgetdefaultselected (SelectionEvent E) {

System.out.println ("TRAY WIDGETDEFAULECTED");



/ / Right-click, pop-up menu

Ti.Addlistener (SWT.MENUDETECT, New Listener () {

Public void Handleevent (Event Event) {

System.out.println ("SWT.MENUDETECT");

Menu.setlocation (Display.getCursorLocation ());

Menu.setVisible (TRUE);




Public void start () {

shell.open ();

While (! shell.isdisposed ()) {

IF (! display.readDispatch ())

Display.sleep ();


Display.dispose ();


Public static void main (String [] args) {

Hellotray app = new hellotray ();

app.start ();


Public void widgetselected (SelectionEvent E) {

System.out.println (E.GetSource () "SELECTED.");

IF (E.getsource () == quit) {

System.out.println ("quit");

Display.dispose ();

System.exit (0);



Public void widgetdefaultselected (SelectionEvent E) {




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