Business reference architecture: business to consumers
Appendix A: Site XML Output
Microsoft Corporation May 2001 Abstract: This appendix contains the XML output of the reference application, and the PASP file. The PASP file and its corresponding XML output are arranged in alphabetical order. ACCT.PASP The following XML is an example of generating an output when the user has accessed acct.PASP. xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "acct-config.xml"
HREF = "acct-ie5.xsl"?>
AddressBook.PASP The following XML is an example of generating an output when the user has access to AddressBook.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl"
Server-config = "addressbook-config.xml"
HREF = "addressbook-ie5.xsl"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl"
Server-config = "addressbook-config.xml"
HREF = "addressbook-ie5.xsl"?>
Basket.Pasp: Basket.PASP The following XML is an example of the verified user to access Basket.PASP, and generated when there is item in its shopping basket. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl"
Server-config = "ORDERSUMMARY-Config.xml"
HREF = "Ordersummary-IE5.xsl"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl"
Server-config = "Basket-config.xml"
HREF = "Basket-IE5.xsl"?>
Saved_cy_oadjust_subtotal = "74.95"> Product_category = "" description = "is about to launch" D_datecreated = "21/02/2001 15:33:31" CY_LINEITEM_TOTAL = "74.95" CY_Unit_price = "74.95" LineItem_UID = "{3F2B9804-42AE-4EE4-827C-360F9A177CB9}" _Product_name = "Microsoft & # 174 Sidewinder & # 174 FreeStyle Pro" _CY_OADJUST_ADJUSTEDPRICE = "74.95" /> orderform> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Category.PASP The following XML is an output example of category.pasp. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERSUMMARY-Config.xml" HREF = "Ordersummary-IE5.xsl"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "category-config.xml" HREF = "category-ie5.xsl"?> getcatalogattributes> rootcategory> rootcategory> rootcategory> rootcategory> No product is found in the root level of the hardware category. selectionTitle> rootproducts> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> ChangePasswd.PASP The following XML is an example of the output of ChangePasswd.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERSUMMARY-Config.xml" HREF = "Ordersummary-IE5.xsl"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "changepasswd-config.xml" HREF = "ChangePasswd-IE5.xsl"?> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> EDITADDRESSBOOK.PASP The following XML is an example of the output of editaddressbook.pasp when not specified in the address parameter: XML-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "editaddressbook-config.xml" HREF = "EditadDressbook-IE5.xsl"?> code_table> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> The following XML is an example of the output of EditadDressBook.PASP when specifying the address parameters: XML-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "editaddressbook-config.xml" HREF = "EditadDressbook-IE5.xsl"?> generalinfo> profilesystem> address> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> ForgotPasswd.PASP The following XML is an example of outputPasswd.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "forgotpasswd-config.xml" HREF = "ForgotPassWD-IE5.xsl"?> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Index.PASP The following XML is an example of an output of index.pasp. xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" server-config = "index-config.xml" HREF = "index-ie5.xsl"?> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Login.PASP The following XML is an example of output login.pasp. xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" server-config = "login-config.xml" HREF = "login-ie5.xsl"?> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> MultiShipping.PASP The following XML is the output example of multishipping.pasp. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "multishipping-config.xml" HREF = "multishipping-ie5.xsl"?>
Saved_cy_oadjust_subtotal = "74.95"> Country_code = "US" Description = "Home" AddresSdictKey = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" /> Address_Line1 = "1 Microsoft Way" City = "redmond" Region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" country_code = "us" Description = "Office" AddresSdictKey = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" /> Product_category = "" description = "is about to launch" D_datecreated = "21/02/2001 15:33:31" CY_LINEITEM_TOTAL = "74.95" CY_Unit_price = "74.95" LineItem_UID = "{3F2B9804-42AE-4EE4-827C-360F9A177CB9}" Orig_lineitem_uid = "{3F2B9804-42AE-4EE4-827C-360F9A177CB9}" _Product_name = "Microsoft & # 174 Sidewinder & # 174 FreeStyle Pro" _CY_OADJUST_ADJUSTEDPRICE = "74.95" /> orderform> {00000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417} shipping_method_id> shipping_method> {00000000-0000-0000-0000-001861008604} shipping_method_id> shipping_method> code_table> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> ORDERHISTORY.PASP The following XML is an example of output ORDERHISTORY.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERHISTORY-Config.xml" HREF = "ORDERHISTORY-IE5.xSL"?> {45CA0421-9DFD-481B-B60E-C2ECDE28E5DF} ordergroup_id> item> order> {0FA626B0-852E-4707-93D5-A00619C6A35B} ordergroup_id> item> order> history> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> ORDERHISTORYDETAIL.PASP The following XML is an example of ORDERHISTORYDETAIL.PASP. xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" server-config = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-Config.xml" HREF = "OrderhistoryDetail-IE5.xsl"?> Payment_method = "CREDIT_CARD" BILLING_ADDRESS_ID = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" Saved_cy_oadjust_subtotal = "39.98" Saved_cy_total_total = "48.98" cc_name = "VISA" CC_EXPYEAR = "2002" cc_expmonth = "01" CC_Number = "1234567890123" User_email_address = "" CC_account_holder = "kim abercrombie" cy_tax_total = "4" CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5"> City = "redmond" region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" Country_code = "US" Description = "Residential" AddresSdictKey = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" /> Address_Line1 = "1 Microsoft Way" City = "redmond" Region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" country_code = "us" Description = "Office" AddresSdictKey = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" /> Shipping_address_id = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" SHIPPING_METHOD_ID = "{000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417}" SHIPPING_METHOD_NAME = "Express" D_datecreated = "21/02/2001 12:14:53" CY_LINEITEM_TOTAL = "39.98" CY_UNIT_PRICE = "19.99" LineItem_UID = "{0F79FBF7-AA37-4C37-84CD-B0BDDCD971DD}" /> Shipping_address_id = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" Shipping_method_id = "{000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417}" /> orderform> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> ORDERSUMMARY.PASP The following XML is an example of output ORDERSUMMARY.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERSUMMARY-Config.xml" HREF = "Ordersummary-IE5.xsl"?> Payment_method = "CREDIT_CARD" BILLING_ADDRESS_ID = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" Saved_cy_oadjust_subtotal = "74.95" Saved_cy_total_total = "87.45" cc_name = "American express" cc_expyear = "2002" cc_expmonth = "01" cc_number = "123456789" _CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5" _cy_tax_total = "7.5" User_email_address = "" CC_account_holder = "kim abercrombie" cy_tax_total = "7.5" CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5"> City = "redmond" region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" Country_code = "US" Description = "Residential" AddresSdictKey = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" /> Address_Line1 = "1 Microsoft Way" City = "redmond" Region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" country_code = "us" Description = "Office" AddresSdictKey = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" /> Product_name = "Microsoft & # 174 Sidewinder & # 174 FreeStyle PRO" Product_catalog = "Hardware" Product_category = "" Description = "Coming soon" Shipping_address_id = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" SHIPPING_METHOD_ID = "{000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417}" SHIPPING_METHOD_NAME = "Express" D_datecreated = "21/02/2001 15:33:31" CY_LINEITEM_TOTAL = "74.95" CY_Unit_price = "74.95" LineItem_UID = "{3F2B9804-42AE-4EE4-827C-360F9A177CB9}" _PrOduct_name = "Microsoft & # 174 Sidewinder & # 174 FreeStyle Pro" _CY_OADJUST_ADJUSTEDPRICE = "74.95" /> Shipping_address_id = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" SHIPPING_METHOD_ID = "{000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417}" _CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5" /> orderform> {00000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417} shipping_method_id> shipping_method> {00000000-0000-0000-0000-001861008604} shipping_method_id> shipping_method> shipping_methods> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Payment.PASP The following XML is the output example of Payment.PASP. Xml-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl" server-config = "payment-config.xml" HREF = "payment-ie5.xsl"?> {C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5} billingaddressStatus> Payment_method = "CREDIT_CARD" BILLING_ADDRESS_ID = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" Saved_cy_oadjust_subtotal = "74.95" Saved_cy_total_total = "87.45" cc_name = "American Express" CC_EXPYEAR = "2002" cc_expmonth = "01" cc_number = "123456789" _CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5" _cy_tax_total = "7.5" User_email_address = "" CC_account_holder = "kim abercrombie" cy_tax_total = "7.5" CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5"> City = "redmond" region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" Country_code = "US" Description = "Residential" AddresSdictKey = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" /> Address_Line1 = "1 Microsoft Way" City = "redmond" Region_code = "wa" postal_code = "12345" country_code = "us" Description = "Office" AddresSdictKey = "{C062AAA0-D54B-480D-ACE8-EB73662DA1F5}" /> Product_name = "Microsoft & # 174 Sidewinder® FreeStyle Pro" Product_catalog = "Hardware" Product_category = "" Description = "Coming soon" Shipping_address_id = "{75c86243-63f2-4b13-a260-2f7ba25e954c}" SHIPPING_METHOD_ID = "{000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417}" SHIPPING_METHOD_NAME = "Express" D_datecreated = "21/02/2001 15:33:31" CY_LINEITEM_TOTAL = "74.95" CY_Unit_price = "74.95" LineItem_UID = "{3F2B9804-42AE-4EE4-827C-360F9A177CB9}" _PrOduct_name = "Microsoft® Sidewinder® FreeStyle Pro" _CY_OADJUST_ADJUSTEDPRICE = "74.95" /> SHIPPING_METHOD_ID = "{000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417}" _CY_SHIPPING_TOTAL = "5" /> orderform> generalinfo> address> payment_method> payment_method> payment_method> payment_method> month> month> month> month> month> month> month> month> month> month> month> code_table> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Product.PASP The following XML is an example of output.pasp. Xml-Stylesheet Type = "text / xsl" server-config = "product-config.xml" href = "product-ie5.xsl"?> Use common home items and familiar language systems such as Morse code, BRAILLE and CODE To reveal the internal operation of the computer and other intelligent machines. description> a href = target = _A Http:// / a productURL> 1999 publication_year> All levels reading_level> getProduct> parentcategory> parentcategory> parentcategory> parentcategories> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Registration.PASP The following XML is an example of the output. PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-Config.xml" HREF = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-IE5.XSL"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "Text / XSL" Server-config = "registration-config.xml" HREF = "registration-ie5.xsl"?> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> SearchResults.PASP The following XML is an example of the output generated when searching in the books directory. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-Config.xml" HREF = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-IE5.XSL"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "Text / XSL" Server-config = "SearchResults-config.xml" HREF = "SearchResults-IE5.xsl"?> Microsoft Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings: Inside Moves productID> With this guide, you can master all winning strategies, skills, and tricks, enter the new version of Microsoft Age of Empires! Microsoft Age of Empires II: AGE of Kings: Inside Moves tells you how to stay in an invincible place in the game. description> Microsoft Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings: Inside Moves name> book> Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves provides strategic tips, strategies, and tactics to assist you with the original tribe. And bring them into great civilization. description> Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves name> book> In Grown-Ups Guide To Computing, you will find people from all walks of life (regardless of age) how to use computers To enrich their lives, You can also! This book is the best choice if you also use many middle-aged and elderly people. description> book> Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves, Revision and Expansion productID> Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside Moves, revisions and expansion, tell you when playing "Imperial Times" How to deploy a winning strategy and some insider skills and prompts. Microsoft Age of Empires: Inside The first version of Moves (Microsoft Press, 1997) has been fully updated, which contains the "Empire Times" and the new expansion content "Rise of Rome". description> Microsoft Age of Empires: INSIDE MOVES, Revised and Expanded Edition name> book> Find products with search criteria 'agn' selectionTitle> searchResults> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> Shipping.pasp The following XML is the output example of shipping.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-Config.xml" HREF = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-IE5.XSL"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "Text / XSL" Server-config = "Shipping-config.xml" HREF = "shipping-ie5.xsl?> address> address> addresses> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> ShippingMethod.PASP The following XML is the output example of ShippingMethod.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-Config.xml" HREF = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-IE5.XSL"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "Text / XSL" Server-config = "ShippingMethod-config.xml" HREF = "ShippingMethod-IE5.xsl"?> {00000000-0000-0000-0000-003380005417} shipping_method_id> shipping_method> {00000000-0000-0000-0000-001861008604} shipping_method_id> shipping_method> code_table> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page> THANKYOU.PASP The following XML is the output example of THANKYOU.PASP. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-Config.xml" HREF = "ORDERHISTORYDETAIL-IE5.XSL"? XML-Stylesheet Type = "Text / XSL" Server-config = "Thankyou-config.xml" HREF = "Thankyou-IE5.xsl"?> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> UserProfile.Pasp The following XML is an example of the output of userprofile.pasp. Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" Server-config = "UserProfile-config.xml" HREF = "UserProfile-IE5.xsl"?> accountinfo> advertising> businessdesk> generalinfo> profilesystem> userObject> catalog> catalog> getcatalogsforuser> page>