YTHT code -Web prompt correction

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

RCS file: d: /ythtcvs/bbs/nju09/bbslib.c ,vretrieving revision 1.3 RETRIEVING Revision 1.4diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 --- bbslib.c 2005/00/05 04:18:58 1.3 bbslib.c 2005/00/09 07:14:29 1.4 @@ -1777, 8 1777, 15 @@ return 0; if (! Strcasecmp (x> header.filename, defaultboard) Return 1; - IF (user_perm (user, perm_sysop) - RETURN 1; IF (user_perm (user, perm_sysop) { / * if (x> header.flag & club_flag) { SPRINTF (BUF3, "Boards /% s / club_users ", x> header.filename); IF (! (file_has_word (buf3, user-> userid))) return 3; // Non-tier member's SYSOP permission returns 3 } else * / return 1; } if (! User_perm (user, perm_basic)) Return 0; if (! User_perm (user, perm_post)) @@ -1795 ,7 1802 ,7 @@ ix (file_has_word (buf3, user-> userid) RETURN 1; E Lse- Return 0; Return 2; // Non-tier member returns 2, modified by tnds} return 1;}

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ================= RCS file: D: /ythtcvs/bbs/nju09/bbspst.c ,vretrieving revision 1.2 RETRIEVING Revision 1.3Diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- bbspst.c 2005/00/04 14:47:19 1.2 bbspst.c 2005/09 07:14:28 1.3 @@ -6, 6 6, 8 @@ int logal_article, num , fullquote = 0, guest = 0, thread = -1; char * PTR, UserId [80], BUF [512], Path [512], File [512], Board [512], Title [80] = "" ; Int club; char Temp [70]; struct fileheader * Dirinfo = null; struct boardMem * x; struct mmapfile mf = {ptr: null}; @@ -40, 8 42, 14 @@ http_fatal ("error The discussion area or you have an article published in this discussion area "); if (Njuinn_Board (Board) &&! INND_BOARD (BOARD)) local_article = 1; - IF (! HAS_POST_PERM (CURRENTUSER, X) &&! Isguest) - http_fatal "The wrong discussion area or you have an article in this discussion area"); Club = HAS_POST_PERM (CURRENTUSER, X); IF (Club == 2) { SPRINTF (Temp, "% s is the club layout, and You are not a member of the% s club, please apply to the% s club, "Board, B Oard, Board; http_fatal (TEMP); } else { if (Club! = 1 &&! isguest) http_fatal ("Error Discussion Area or you have an article published in this discussion area"); } IF (NoadM4Political (Board)) http_fatal ("Sorry, because there is no layout manager online, this version is temporarily closed.");


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