YTHT code, deletion of the wire

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Transplantation from Peking University unnamed code, thanks to Chutium's finger ======================================== ============================ rs file: d: /ythtcvs/bbs/src/announce.c ,vretrieving revision 1.2 RETRIEVING REVISION 1.5 Diff -u -r1.2 -r1.5 --- announce.c 2004/11/30 13:33:50 1.2 Announce.c 2005/05 10:43:45 1.5 @@ -2221, 7 2221,7 @@move (t_lines - 22, 0); CLRTOBOT (); Prints- ("Set the current path as a wireway? (Press AT ↑ ↓ Select, 'or Enter the carriage return" , ← or 'x' cancel) "); (" Set the current path as a wireway? (Press AT ↑ ↓ to choose, '' or carriage return to determine ', ← or' x 'cancel,' Z 'Remove Silk Road) "); for (i = 0; I <20; I ) {Move (T_Lines - 22 1 I, 0); Prints ("% s (% c)% s ", @@ - 2247, 6 2247, 21 @@ if (nindex> = 20) NINDEX = 0;} } ELSE IF (i == 'Z') { IF (strlen (paths [index]) { IF (askYN) ("Do you really delete this Silk Road?", Na, Yea) == Yea) { STRNCPY (Paths [INDEX], ", SIZEOF Paths [index]); STRNCPY (Titles [index], "not yet set", sizeof (titles [index])); IF (Save_anpath (Titles, Paths) <0) {

Prints ("Silk Road Delete Error! Continue by any key"); PressanyKey (); } else { pressreturn (); } } else { PressanyKey (); } }} else {i = i - 'a'; if (i> = 0 && i <20) {@@ -2292, 6 2307 ,7 @@ Return 0;} int class_anpath () {@@ -2307, 7 2323 ,7 @ @ RETURN-1;} Prints- ("Which wire road is saved? (Press AH ↑ ↓ to choose, '' or carriage return to determine ', ← or' x 'cancel)"); ("Save document to Which silk road? (Press AT ↑ ↓ to select, '' or carriage return to determine ', ← or' x 'cancel) "); for (i = 0; i <20; i ) {move (t_lines - 22 1 I, 0); Prints ("% s (% c)% s",


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