YTHT BBS in Cygwin Installation Manual

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

YTHT BBS In Cygwin Environmental Setup Manual [Mailto:] YTHT BBS System Maintenance Group V0.1, 11 May 2004Private Build V0.2 Oct 12 2004 BY TNDS This document mainly describes how to CYGWIN environments on the MS Windows platform Install YTHT BBS Software 1. [# S1] Overview 1.1 [# s1.1] Some agreed 1.2 [# ss1.2] system environment 1.3 [# ss1.3] YTHT BBS code overview 1.4 [# ss1.4] About Question 2. [# S2] Installation 2.1 [# SS2.1] Installation and Configuration Cygwin 2.2 [# SS2.2] Get BBS Code 2.3 [# SS2.3] Modify BBS Code 2.4 [# SS2.4] Catalog Software Install 2.5 [# SS2.5] Change BBS Configuration 2.6 [# SS2.6] Telnet section installation 2.7 [# SS2.7] Telnet section Test Run and Configuration 2.8 [# SS2.8] Web section installation 2.9 [# SS2 .9] Installation 2.10 [# SS2.10] FTP section installation 2.11 [# SS2.11] Atthtpd section installation 2.12 [# ss2.12] SSHBBSD section installation 2.13 [# ss2.13] cron Configuration 2.14 [# SS2.14] Start BBS Service 3. [# S3] Reinstall the code after modifying the code 3.1 Precautions for modifying the code 3.2 [# SS3.2] YTHTLIB Directory Modification 3.3 [# SS3. 3] Modification of the libythtbbs directory 3.4 [# SS3.4] SRC directory modification 3.5 [# SS3.5] local_utl Directory Modification 3.6 [# SS3.6] NJU09 Directory Modification 3.7 [# SS3.7] Innbbsd Directory 3.8 [# SS3.8] YFTPD Directory Modification 3.9 [# SS3.9] ATTTTTTTPD Directory Modification 3.10 [# SS3.10] SMTH-SSHBBSD Directory Modification 1. [File: /// C: / Documents% 20and% 20Setting S / TNDS / LOCAL% 20SETTINGS / TEMP / RAR $ EX62.854 / YTHT In Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC1] Overview 1.1 [File: /// C: / Documents% 20and% 20Settings / TNDS / LOCAL% 20Settings / Temp / Rar $ EX62.854 / YTHT In the Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC1.1] Some conventions are convenient, this manual is as follows: $: command prompt / home / bbs: BBS installation directory, default is / Home / BBS, please change to your own directory 1.2 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytht in the Cygwin Environmental installation manual. HTM # TOC1.2] System Environment Microsoft Windows 2000 OR XPCYGWIN 1.5.7 or above UltraEdit (recommended for file file for rewriting UNIX format) 1.3 [file: /// c: / documents% 20and% 20Settings / TNDS / Local% 20Settings / Temp / Rar $ EX62.854 / YTHT In Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC 1.3] YTHT BBS Code Overview YTHT BBS code, the main installation involved in the Cygwin environment has the following sections:

Software Directory Code Overview mainly includes ghthash, Fastcgi two libraries No dependencies YTHTLIB directory code Overview A static library for generating YTHT BBS /Home/bbs/bin/libytht.a No dependency libythtbbs directory code overview to generate YTHT BBS A static library /Home/bbs/bin/libythtbbs.a Unregistered SRC Directory Code Overview BBS Telnet login sections Depends on YTHTLIB and LIBYTHTBSLOCAL_UTL Directory Code Overview BBS Local Utility Program Depending on Ythtlib and Libythtbbsnju09 Directory Code Overview BBS Web landing partially dependent on ythtlib and libythtbbsinnbbsd Catalog code Overview transfer channel portion BBS is dependent on ythtlib and libythtbbsyftpd Catalog code Overview Ftp servers portion BBS is dependent on ythtlib and libythtbbsatthttpd Catalog code Overview Web attachment server portion of the BBS is dependent on ythtlib and libythtbbssmth_sshbbsd Catalog code Overview of the SSH landing section of BBS depends on YTHTLIB, Libythtbbs and src directories 1.4 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/tnds/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in Cygwin Environmental installation manual .htm # TOC1.4] About Question When you fail to resolve during the installation process, please make sure you have read this manual in detail and installed by the method described. If the problem is still unable to solve, you can in CNBBS. FBNT.DEV or CN.BBS.ADMIN.Installbbs News. When you ask questions, please provide a detailed steps and error prompt information to find an error reason, and attach the output information of Cygcheck, for example: $ cygcheck -svr> / tmp / check / check / check files to / TMP / Check file . (Will cover the file) 2. [File: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in the Cygwin environment installation manual.htm # TOC2] First installation 2.1 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytht in the Cygwin Environmental installation manual.htm # TOC2.1] Installation and configuration Cygwin Please install Cygwin 1.5.7 or above, using low version Cygwin may bring trouble. First download the installer setup.exe at, this installer will boot your completion of the CYGWIN installation process. In addition to the default installation of Cygwin package outside, install at least packages listed below: apacheautoconfautomakebashbisonctagscvscygipcgccgcc-g gdgdbindentlibgd-devellibgd2libiconvlibtoolmakeopensshpatchvimwgetzlib that you will use to start bbs service user login Windows. The following assume that Cygwin is already installed and the CYGWIN console has been launched.

$ ln -s /usr/autotool/devel/share/AUTOMAKE 1.7 / usr / share / automake $ ln -s /usr/include/sys/wait.h /usr/include/wait.h2.2 [file: / //C:/documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytht in the Cygwin environment installation manual.htm # TOC2.2] Get BBS code / * modified by TNDS Current CVS Stop Service The latest is also the last code to download [] [http: // Abcn. Net / Ytht1.rar] download After downloading to / home / bbs / bbsrc directory modified end * /

2.3 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/tnds/lobal settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht In the Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC2.3] Modify BBS Code Six Code , Modify in the corresponding position. Because YTHT BBS code may change at any time, please understand the meaning of modification content before modifying. The modification of the layout recovery mode bug is not case sensitive in the Windows environment, resulting in files in the / home / bbs / boards / boardname directory. Deleted .deleted .deleted conflict, modify the target is .deleted to change to .del, .deleted Change to .dedIndex: bbs / innbsd / innd / bbspost.c ==================================== =============================== Retrieving Revision 1.30Diff -u -r1.30 bbspost.c --- bbs / innbbsd / IND/BBSPOST.C 19 Mar 2004 02:22:55 -0000 1.30 BBS / Innbbsd / Innd / BBSPOST.C 10 APR 2004 15:57:47 -0000 @@ -431 ,7 431 ,7 @ @ Sprintf (LockFile, "% s / .dellock", homepath, brdname; sprintf (index, "% s / Boards /% s / .dir", homepath, brdname; sprintf (tmpfile, "% s / .tmpfile ", homepath, brdname); - sprintf (Delfile,"% s / .deleted ", homepath, brdname); Sprintf (Delfile,"% s / .del ", homepath, brdname);

IF ((FD = OPEN (LockFile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0644)) == -1) Return; Index: BBS / libythtbbs / record.c ================ ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= = RCS file: /Home/cvs/bbs/libythtbbs/record.c ,vretrieving revision 1.11diff -u -r1.11 record.c --- bbs / libythtbbs / record.c 22 Feb 2004 12:54:58 -0000 1.11 bbs / libythtbbs / record.c 10 APR 2004 15:57:49 -0000 @@ -40, 7 40 ,7 @@ char * ptr, * Delfname, * tmpfname

STRCPY (TMPFILE, FILENAME); - DELFNAME = ".deleted"; Delfname = ".del"; TMPFNAME = ".tmpfile"; if ((ptr = strrchr (tmpfile, '/')))! = null) {STRCPY (PTR 1, Delfname); Index: BBS / LOCAL_UTL / AUTO_RM_FAKEDIR.C ================================= =========================================== rcs file: /Home/cvs/bbs/local_utl/Auto_rm_fakedir.c, VRETRIEVING Revision 1.3Diff -u -r1.3 auto_rm_fakedir.c --- bbs / local_utl / auto_rm_fakedir.c 29 jun 2003 04:05:18 -0000 1.3 bbs / local_utl / auto_rm_fakedir.c 10 Apr 2004 15:57 : 49 -0000 @@ -13, 7 13, 7 @@ ".dir", ".junk", ".deleted", - ".digest", ".deleted", ".deleted", ".deletej ",". "," .. ", null}; " .digest "," .del "," .ded "," .dej ",". "," .. ", null};

INT isfakedir (char * file) index: bbs / src / bbs.c ================================== ========================================== rcs file: /Home/cvs/bbs/src/bbs.c ,vretrieving Revision 1.535diff -u -r1.535 bbs.c --- bbs / src / bbs.c 25 Mar 2004 09:07:02 -0000 1.535 BBS / SRC / BBS.C 10 APR 2004 15:58: 22 -0000 @@ -2485, 7 2485 ,7 @@ sprintf (Fullpath, "Boards /% s / .tmpfile", currboard); unlink (FullPath); - Sprintf (Fullpath, "Boards /% s / .deleted ", Sprintf (Fullpath," Boards /% s / .del ", currboard); unlink (fullpath); sprintf (Fullpath," Boards /% s / .tmpfild ", =========== ================

// Added by TNDS code may have access, please contact the front and rear code. // added end2.4 [file: /// C: /Documents and settings/tnds/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytt in the Cygwin Environmental installation manual .htm # TOC2.4] Catalog Software Installation // added by TNDS Due to CVS stop service, you need to get these two packages fcgidev download address in advance: [] Address: [] Http:// Download the files named FcGi-2.2.2.tar.gz and libghthash-0.5.3.tar.gz And put into / home / bbs / bbsrc / software directory // added end $ cd / home / bbs / bbsrc / software $ make installfcgidev $ make installghthash2.5 [file: /// c: / documents% 20and% 20Settings / TNDS /Local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC2.5] Change BBS Configuration $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / Site $ CP BBSCONFIG.SAMPLE BBSCONFIG.MYBBS $ CP SECLIST .txt.sample second.mybbs Using UltraEdit Edit /Home / Bbs/bbsrc/site/bbsconfig.mybbs file and /Home/bbs/bbsrc/site/seclist.mybbs file, the modification setting makes it in line with your provision. Note that in the bbsconfig file, Last_BBS_UID, LAST_BBS_GID, and LAST_BBS_USER Please query the / etc / passwd file to obtain the user who is currently logging in to Windows, that is, the information you will use to start the BBS service. // added by TNDS for easy search, you can use CAT / etc / passwd | grep [User name to log in to Windows] should come out as follows: TNDS: Unuse_BY_NT / 2000 / XP: 1005: 513: U-TonyBlack / TNDS , S-1-5-21-2694818615-644202234-3471302810-1005: / home / tnds: / bin / bash where the username required by Last_BBS_USER, 1005: 513, the former is the UID, the latter is gid // In the Added Endbbsconfig file, Last_MaxUsers, Last_Maxboard, Last_MaxActive, Last_MaxActiveerun belong to the resource sensitive data, please fill in the actual needs of your station, please refer to the of in the / home / bbs / bbsrc / bbsconfig file.

// added by tnds2.5extra About SECLIST format is [Partition code] [partition name] The middle TAB septum partition code is two, the first representative belongs, the second is the sub-partition code, for example, 0 System 0Q District Managing the following sub-partitioned scheduled format is * [partition code] [subband code 1, 2, ... n] where the partition code and the subband code are separated from the DESCRIPITON TELNET Log in to the DESCRIPITON Telnet The partition content displayed when entering the district menu is aesthetics, and a partition will not exceed three. // added end2.6 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytt in the Cygwin environment installation manual.htm # TOC2.6] Telnet section Install $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC $ ./ !/configure --with-site = mybbs (If you need to evaluate the functionality of the article, please use ./configure --with-site = mybbs --with -mySQL, MySQL requires additional installation) $ make $ make install If an error occurs during the compilation process of this step, correct the error to recompile the following command: $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC $ Make Clean $ make $ make install2. 7 [file: /// C: /Documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytht in the Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC2.7] Telnet section Test Run and Configuration $ IPC-daemon2 & $ / home / bbs / bin / shminit (if you will prompt the evening is just fine) $ / home / bbs / bin / bbsd then Telnet login, if the connection is successful, please register SYSOP (case sensitive ) Account, then register the guest account. (To ensure that the guest account is the second registration) If all goes well, please build the BBS run as shown below: IDScanRecord version When the account is credited, the credit board is appointed, the credit Hell version is dedicated to the Hell version of Hell (give the perm_special 3 discussion area) permissions) prison jail version (giving special privileges PERM_SPECIAL3 Forum) millionaire edition MoneyCenter related to / home / bbs / etc / moneyCenter directory MoneyCenter related RobUnion club MoneyCenter review articles related deleterequest club allarticle version of all articles / home / bbs / 2nd flea market-related directory // add by tndsthanks for [Mailto: Dinger @ YTHT] Dinger @ YTHT A additional step, if it is not possible, it may be erroneous when using F transfer station.

Create a file in the / lib directory called Sendmail without an extension writes a row of top #! / Bin / SH Enter This file is stored in UNIX format to select the current file right button in the UEDIT, convert remember #! / Bin / sh to add Enter, otherwise it is invalid // added end2.8 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytt in Cygwin Environmental installation manual.htm # TOC2.8] Installation This section installation step example is assumed to use the following value for Last_cgipath and last_htmpath in `` Change BBS Configuration '' section: Last_cgiPath = / Home / httpd / cgi-binlast_htmpath = / home / HTTPD / HTML / 2001 If you change these two settings to another directory, change the following steps. $ cd / home / bbs / bbssrc / nju09 $ evter Nobig5 = 1 $ make $ mkdir -p / home / httpd / cgi-bin $ mkdir -p / home / httpd / html / 2001 $ make install modification / etc / apache / For the httpd.conf file, please refer to the following modification: --- /etc/apache/httpd.conf.default 2004-01-21 09: 02: 50.000000000 0800 /etc/apache/httpd.conf 2004-04 -29 11: 39: 30.000000000 0800 @@ -348 ,7 348 ,7 @@ # documents. By Default, All Requests Are Taken from this Directory, But # Symbolic Links and aliases May be used to point to Other Locations. # -Documentroot "/ var / www / htdocs" DocumentRoot "/ Home / httpd / html / 2001" # # Each Directory to Which Apache Has Access, Can Be Configured with respect @@ -373, 7 373 ,7 @@ # # This kind be change to whatver you set documentroot to. # -

# # This may also be "none", "all", or any combination of "indexes", @@ -638, 13 638, 13 @@ # the Same rules it, "/" Apply to Scriptalias Directives as to # Alias. # - scriptalias / cgi-bin / "/ var / www / cgi-bin /" scriptalias / cgi-bin / "/ home / httpd / cgi-bin /"

# # "/ Var / www / cgi-bin" SHOULD BE CHANGED # CGI Directory Exists, if You Have That Configured. # - Allowoverride None Options None ORDER ALLOW, DENY @@ -979, 6 979, 17 @@ # errotocument 403 #

RewriteEngine on RewriteUle ^ / (. *) / Bbschat (. *) / Cgi-bin / www / bbschat [pt] retwriterule ^ / (. *) $ / Cgi-bin / www [ PT] RewriteRule ^ / $ / cgi-bin / www [PT] SetHandler cgi-script SetHandler cgi-script ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts # # VirtualHost: If you want to maintain multiple domains / hostnames on your = ==================== // added by tnds where the REWRITE section needs to replace the smagic value defined in BBSConfig.mybbs // Added End Before you test the web section, make sure the Telnet section is started and already available on the login, see the `` telnet part test operation and configuration ''. Then start httpd: $ / usr / sbin / httpd If there is no exception, use the browser to access http: // localhost /, you can see the vegetables. 2.9 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytt in the Cygwin Environmental installation manual.htm # TOC2.9] Transmission section installation $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC / INNBBSD $ Make Cygwin $ Make Install other configuration Reference [] instructions. 2.10 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/tnds/lobal settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytht In Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC2.10] FTP section installation $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / YFTPD $ MAKE $ MAKE INSTALL Test FTP section: $ /HOME/bbs/ftphome/yftpd2.11 [file: /// c: / documents% 20and% 20Settings / TNDS / local% 20Settings / TEMP / RAR $ EX62.854 / YTHT in the Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC2.11] Atthttpd section installation $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / Attttpd $ make $ cp * .exe / home / bbs / bin test Atthtpd section: $ /HOME/bbs/bin/atthttpd2.12 [file: /// C: /Documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC2 .12] The installation of the SSHBBSD section first sets the environment variable, select the autotools version used when installing SSHBSD, if you want this setting, you can write it to the /.bash_profile configuration file, and re-re- Start the CYGWIN console.

$ EXPORT WANT_AUTOCONF_VER = 2.59 $ export want_automake_ver = 1.7.9 Install the binary package and its source package for the GMP 4.1.2 of Cygwin, and recompile GMP as follows: First modify /usr/src/gmp-4.1.2-1. SH ---- 2004-06-08 23: 33: 52.000000000 0800 GMP-4.1.2-1.SH 2004-06-08 23: 35: 46.0000000 0800 @@ -64, 7 64 ,7 @@ target = i686-pc-cygwin prefix = / usr sysconfdir = / etc-my_cflags = "- o2 -g -fomit-frame-pointer -march = i486 -mcpu = i686 " My_cflags =" - O2 -FOMIT-frame-Pointer -March = i486 -mcpu = i686 "MY_LDFLAGS =

Mkdirs () {Compile the following command to compile the GMP: $ CD / USR / SRC $ ./gmp-4.1.2-1.SH ALL, put the GMP-4.1.2-1.tar generated in / usr / src directory .BZ2 The file usr / bin / cyggmp-3.dll in the compression package is copied to the / bin directory and overwrite the original file. If the CYGWIN home directory of the currently used Windows user is different from the BBS installation directory, link the bin directory symbol in the BBS installation directory to the home directory. For example, the current Windows User Administrator Home Directory is / home / administrator, if BBS is installed in the / home / bbs directory, establish a symbolic link: $ ln -s / home / bbs / bin / home / administrator Next Start Sshbbsd compilation : $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / SMTH-SSHBBSD $ ./ $ ./configure $ make $ make Generate-Host-Key $ make Update Test SSHBBSD section: $ /Home/bbs/bin/sshbbsd2.13 . BBS / BBSRC / Site / crontab.sample / var / cron / tabs rewrite the /var/cron/tabs/crontab.sample file in accordance with your specific situation, and then rename the file to the Windows user name used to run the BBS service. Test: $ /usr/sbin/cron2.14 [file: /// C: /Documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in the Cygwin Environmental installation manual.htm # TOC2 .14] Starting the BBS service If you follow the `` initial installation '' section, the BBS service has been launched. To start the BBS service, please follow these steps: $ ipc-daemon2 & $ / home / bbs / bin / bin / bin / bbsd $ / home / bbs / bin / bbslogd & us / usr / sbin / cron $ / usr / sbin / httpd $ / home / bbs / innd / innbbsd $ / home / bbs / ftphone / yFTPD Using the following command You can check the current process: $ PS3. [file: /// C: / Documents% 20and% 20SETTINGS / TNDS / LOCAL% 20Settings / Temp / Rar $ EX62.854 / YTHT in the Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC3] Re-install 3.1 [File: /// C: / Documents% 20 "20Settings / TNDS / Local% 20Settings / Temp / Rar $ EX62.854 / YTHT In Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC3.1] Change Code Be sure to back up critical data before any modification. After modifying a directory code, you need to recompile the installation in this directory. If you modify the YTHTLIB directory or libythtbbs directory, you need to recompile the installation in all directories; if you modify the code of the src directory, you will also need to recompile the installation in the SMTH-SSHBSD directory (if the SSHBBSD service is installed). If you modify the data structure related to shared memory, you need to restart all BBS services.

Do not destroy existing data without at the / home / bbs / bbssrc directory. 3.2 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht In Cygwin Environmental installation manual. HTM # TOC3.2] YTHTLIB directory modified $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / YTHTLIB $ Make Clean $ make $ make install3.3 [file: /// C: /Documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in the Cygwin environment Installation manual.htm # TOC3.3] Libythtbbs Directory Modification $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC / LIBYTHTBBS $ Make Clean $ make $ make install3.4 [file: /// c: / documents% 20and% 20Settings / TNDS / Local% 20Settings / Temp / Rar $ EX62.854 / YTHT in Cygwin Environmental installation manual. HTM # TOC3.4] SRC directory modified $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC / SRC $ Make Clean $ Make $ INSTALL --BACKUP = T * .exe /Home/bbs/bin3.5 [file: /// C: /Documents and settings/tnds/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht in the Cygwin Environment installation manual .htm # TOC3.5] Local_utl Directory $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC / LOCAL_UTL $ MAKE CLEAN $ MAKE Depend $ make $ make install3.6 [file: /// c: / documents% 20and% 20Settings / TNDS / LOCAL% 20Settings / Temp / Rar $ EX62.854 / YTHT in Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC3.6] NJU09 Directory Modify $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / NJU09 $ EXPORT NOBIG5 = 1 $ Make Clean $ Make $ make Install3 .7 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytt in the Cygwin Environment Installation Manual. HTM # TOC3.7] Innbbsd Directory Modification $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC / INNBBSD $ make Clean $ make cygwin $ make install3.8 [file: /// c: /documents and settings/TNDS/local settings/temp/rar $EX62.854/ytht Cygwin Environment Installation Manual.htm # TOC3.8] YFTPD Directory Modification $ CD / HOME / BBS / BBSSRC / YFTPD $ Make Clean $ Make $ Install --Backup = T * .Exe /Home/bbs/ftphome3.9 [File : /// C: /Documents and settings/TNDS/lobal settings/temp/rar@ex62.854/ytht in the Cygwin Environmental installation manual.htm # TOC3.9] Atthttpd directory modified $ CD / Home / BBS / BBSSRC / ATTHTTPD $ Make Clean $ make $ instalall --backup =


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