Methods about accessing JPEG images in SQL access

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

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?> My field order in one of the data sheets in SQL Server 2000 order is image but how to transfer graphics to SQL Server storage in Delphi.

INSERT INTO ASS (A) VALUES (: f0) params [0] .datatype: =? Params [0] .paramtype: = ptinput; params [0] .value: =?

!> Try: 1.ftblob2.params [0] .loadfromfile ('c: / xx.bmp');

?> There will be an error message for Not Enough Actual Parameters

!> Params [0] .loadFromfile ('c: /xx.bmp', ftblob); or params [0] .loadFromfile ('c: /xx.bmp', ftgraphic); where: fTBLOB: Binary Large Object FIELDFTGRAPHIC: Bitmap Field

?> How do you log to Timage?

!> This is only a bitmap figure in the antescroll event in query1.

procedure TForm1.Query1AfterScroll (Sender: TDataset); var ms: TMemoryStream; begin ms: = TMemoryStream.Create; try TBlobField (Query1.FieldByName ( 'ImageField')) SaveToStream (ms); ms.Position:. = 0; Image1. Picture.bitmap.LoadFromstream (MS); Finally Ms.Free; end; end;

JPG diagram:

uses Jpeg; procedure TForm1.Query1AfterScroll (Sender: TDataset); var ms: TMemoryStream; jpg: TJpegImage; begin ms: = TMemoryStream.Create; jpg: = TJpegImage.Create; try TBlobField (Query1.FieldByName ( 'ImageField')). SaveTostream (MS); ms.position: = 0; JPG.LoadFromstream (MS);

Image1.picture.bitmap.assign (jpg); finally;; end; end;


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