Self-study Cisco router configuration has been one month. Although, it is still very skinless but it is also a result.
Learning notes summarize as follows:
First, theoretical knowledge:
Router principle and routing protocol
The router is mainly used in the connection between the two AS autonomous systems. Different from the use and equipment performance, the main router such as 12000, a discrete layer router, and an edge router.
1, agreement and package
(1) RIP routing protocol. A protocol that calculates the routing hop, cannot be used for a routing network that exceeds 15 jumps;
(2) OSPE routing protocol. Link status routing protocol;
(3), IGP routing protocol. Running in the enterprise internal network, called internal gateway protocol;
⑷, EGP, BGP routing protocol. External gateway protocol, boundary gateway protocol;
⑸, IPX routing protocol.
⑹, various protocol packages. HDLC, PPP, X.25, FameRelay Frame Release Package, ISDN
2, related to routing hardware equipment
Connection medium:
4-to-line network cable
The related pictures of this topic are as follows:
optical fiber
The related pictures of this topic are as follows:
Gel filled fiber
The related pictures of this topic are as follows:
Coaxial Cable This topic related pictures are as follows: Media Connectors This topic related pictures are as follows: Router or Intelligent Switch: Mainly include, backplane, module, redundant power supply firewall filter Host Gateway This topic related pictures are as follows:
Filter subnet This topic related pictures are as follows: Dual Function Agent Host This topic Related Images: Three Firewall Concept Click to Browse this file
5000 Switch Front Panel This topic related pictures are as follows: Indicator This topic related pictures are as follows: Default console parameters This topic related images are as follows:
On the configuration interface of the routing switch mainly configures the following interface Ethernet fast Ethernet FateThernet serial port SERIALISDN interface Birdialer interface Dialer II. Basic configuration process and command 1, basic configuration command: All commands [CCNA 640-801 iOS Command Daquan], Basic Configuration Item (1) Host Settings. Includes host names and passwords. (2) Remote login settings. Includes login mode, quantity, and password. We mainly use the virtual terminal VTY (3) port definition. Define IPs of different ports. Static routes can be defined here. ⑷ Open the routing protocol and package. Configure dynamic routes and packages. The following configuration procedure is not encapsulated. 3, simple configuration process en Enter privileged Mode CONFIG T Enter Global Mode Hostname Work1 Password Work Set Host Name and Password LINE VTY 0 4 Allows 5 virtual terminals to connect LoginUserName Vty Password Vty Naming and setting the password ENDCONFIG TINT E0 defines a port IP Address 192.168. 1.1 Define Port IpendConfig Trouter RIP Definition RIP Route Network Dynamic Route IP RoutingIPX Runting Enables IP IPX Routing Run Start Save the current configuration, or use the command WRITE MEM to write the current configuration Router Router routing configuration can also be entered The dialog command is executed after the privileged mode
Dialog Command Settings:
Would Goulike TO ENTER THE INITAL Configuration Dialog? [YES] Press Y or ENTER to enter the setup dialog process
First Would you like to see the current interface summary? [Yes]
Then route the settings of the global parameter
Configuring global parameters;
Enter Host Name [Router]: Set the router name
ENTER ENABLE SECRET: Set ciphertext into the privilege mode
ENTER Virtual Terminal Password: Setting the password when the virtual terminal is accessible
Ask if you set up support network acjunction
Configure SNMP NetWork Management? [YES]:
Configure Decnet? [no]:
Configure AppleTalk: [NO]:
Configure IPX? [NO]:
Configure ip? [YES]:
Configure IGRP ruuting: [YES]:
If you are configured, the system is connected, the system will also set asynchronous port parameters.
Configure async lines? [YES]:
Asyncline Speed [9600]: Set the highest speed of the line
Corfigure for hwflow control: [yes]: Do you use hardware flow control?
Configure for modems: [YES / NO]: YES Whether to set MODEM
Configure Fot Default Chat Seript: [YES]; Whether to use the default MODEM
Configure for Did-In IP SLL / PPP Access: [NO]: YES set asynchronous PPP parameters
Configure for Dynamic IP Address? [YES]: Do you use a dynamic IP address?
Configure Default IP Addresses: [YES]: Whether to use the default IP address
Configure for TCP Header Compression? [YES] Do you use TCP header compression?
Configure for routing Updates on async links? [no]: Y Is the route update on the asynchronous port
Interface parameter configuration
Configuring Interface Ethernet0: Ethernet configuration
IS this interface in use? [yes]: Do you use this interface?
Configure IP on this interface? [YES 'Do IP parameters for this interface
IP Address for this interface: Settings this interface IP address
Number of hes in subnet field [0]: Settings the interface IP mask
Class CNETWORK IS Subnet Bits: Mask IS / 24
Refer to VLAN
How to configure VLAN on the switch common command:
Privilege command EN
Set dialog status Setup
Global Command Config T
Port Set Status Interface Type Slot / Number
Routing Status Router Protocol
Exit local exit
Display command
View versions and boot information Show Version
View Run Set Show Running-Config
View boot settings show startap-config
View port information show interface Type Slot / Number
View Routing Information Show IP Router
Network command
Login Remote Host Telnet Hostname / IP Address
Network detection ping hostname / IP address
Routing Track Trace Hostname / IP Address
Basic setting command
Set router name hostname name
Set static route IP Route Destination Target Network Subnet-Mask Mask Next-Hop Next Jump IP
Set IP Address IP AddRess Address Subnet-Mask
Activate port No Shutdown
Password Password
Configuration practice can be visible through the simulator Sybex Virtual Lab Simulator Method Method Http://