VC Studio uses skills (transferred from 9CBS)
Thu jul 24 17:00:01 2003
VC Studio Skills
No way!, I will catch a west of the West in the east, it looks really tired, so I will share it out today.
! Huang Sencang (VCMFC).
1. Does the parentheses in the test match
Move the cursor to the braces that need to be detected (such as parentheses {}, square brackets [], parentheses () and angle brackets <>
Type shortcuts "Ctrl ]". If the parentheses match the correct, the cursor jumps to the matching parentheses, otherwise the cursor is not swapped.
Move, and the chassis speaker will also send a warning.
2. View a macro definition of a macro (or variable, function)
Move the cursor to a macro you want to know, just press F, for example, the most common declare_map_message
12 (or the go to defition of ...), if there is no browse files, a prompt conversation will appear
Box, determine, then jump to the place where you define those things.
3. Format a messy source code
Select the source code, press ATL F8.
4. Find members variables or functions in editing states cannot be displayed
Delete the project extension is the .ncb file, reopen the project.
5. How to organize a large number of classes in the ClassView view
You can first click New Folder in the ClassView view, and drag the class with similar properties.
In the corresponding folder, the entire view looks clearly.
6. Positioning pre-processing designation
Locate the cursor to the symmetrical #IF, #ENDIF, use Ctrl K.
7. How to add a system lib to the current project
In Project | Settings | Link | Object / Library Modules: Enter the LIB name, different lib
Between spaces.
8. How to add the header file (.h) in the system to the current project.
Recording in the current directory.
9. How to use assembly debug in Studio
Press CTRL F7 in Workbench's Debugger.
10. How to handle system messages that Classziard can't find
If you want to process WM_NCHITTEST messages in ClassWizard, please in ClassWizard Class Info
There is a message in the page to Window in the page.
11. How to clean a class
First remove the corresponding .h and .cpp files from the FileView in Workspace, turn off the project, from the actual folder
Remove the corresponding .h and .cpp files and .clw files.
12. If the console application supports the MFC class library
You can introduce the MFC library in INCLUDE in the console application, but the console application is default is a single thread.
MFC is multi-threaded, in order to solve this contradiction, in the Project Setting-> C / C option, select Code Generatio
n. Select Debug Multithread in the USE Run-Time Library drop-down box.
13. How to Chinese only only the executable code .exe file
Use the VC Open file to open the * .exe file in the resources method, directly modify the resource file directly, then
Attached: VC project documentation
.opt engineering regarding the parameter file of the development environment. Such as information such as toolbar positions; .aps (appstudio file), resource auxiliary files, binary formats, generally do not need to take care of him.
.clw classwizard information file, actually the format of the INI file, interested in studying. Sometimes Classw
Izard's problem, manually modifying the CLW file can be solved. If this file does not exist, each time uses ClassWizard
Wait, you will be rebuilt.
.dsp (developerStudio Project): Project file, text format, but not familiar, do not modify it.
W (DeveloperStudio Workspace) is a workspace file, other features and DSPs.
.plg is a compiled information file, compiled error and warning information file (actually an HTML file), general
It is not usually used. There is an option in Tools-> Options to control the generation of this file.
.hpj (help project) is an engineering that generates help files and can handle it with Microsfot Help Compiler.
.mdp (Microsoft DevStudio Project) is an old version of the project file, if you want to open this file, please
Show whether you are converting into a new DSP format.
.BSC is used to browse project information. If you use the Source Brower, you must have this file. If you don't need this
If you function, you can remove your Generate Browse Info File in Project Options.
.map is the image information record file of the execution file unless it is very familiar with the underlying layer, this file is generally not available.
.pch (pre-compiled file) is a pre-compiled file that can accelerate compilation speed, but the file is very large.
.pdb (program database) Records some of the data and debug information related to the program, it may be useful when debugging
.exp only generated when compiling the DLL, record some of the information in the DLL file. Generally not used.
.ncb has no compilation browsing file (no compile browser). This file can be deleted when the function is automatically completed.
BUILD will be automatically generated.