The world's best university ranking

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

The world's best university rankings (science and engineering farm)

1 ---- Harvard University (8: Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry, Microbiology, Neurology

Department of Behavior, Immunology, Psychiatry, Psychology, Clinical Medicine

2 ---- MIT (5: Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, Materials Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics)

2 ---- University of California, Berclays (5: Mathematics, Chemistry, Engineering, Space Science, Environment and Ecology)

4 ---- Kyoto University (Mathematics, Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Computer Science)

5 ---- Stanford University (3: Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering)

5 ---- Tokyo University (3: Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Biochemistry)

5 ---- Urbana-Champaign (3: Computer Science, Engineering, Materials Science)

5 ---- California University San Francisco Branch (3: Molecular Biology and Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry, Clinical Medicine)

9 ---- Yale University (2: Neuroscience and Behavior, Psychiatry and Psychology)

9 ---- California University Los Angeles (2: Neuroscience and Behavior, Psychiatry and Psychology)

9 ---- Wisconsin University (Madison) (2: Phytology, Agricultural Sciences)

9 ---- John Hopkins University (2: Neuroscience and Behavior, Clinical Medicine)

9 ---- The University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) (2: Mathematics, Environment and Ecology)

9 ---- University of California Davis (2: Animal and Plantics, Agricultural Sciences)

California Institute of Technology (1: Space Science)

University of Columbia (1: Psychiatry and Psychology)

Cornell University (1: Animal and Plantics)

University of Washington (1: Earth Science)

University of California, Saint Barbara (1: Materials Science)

University of Pittsburgh (1: Psychiatry and Psychology)

Paris 6th University (1: Mathematics)

Northeastern University (Japan) (1: Materials Science)

Cambridge University (1: Chemistry)

AL Campuses (AL Campuses) (Chemical, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry, Pharmacology

& Toxicology, Microbiology, Immunology, Clinical Medicine

19 Issue in 19 Issue in 1991-2002

This paper introduces five institutions that are cited by the 19 disciplines selected by the "Scientific Observation" magazine. These 19 disciplines

Including physics, chemistry, molecular biology and genetics, mathematics, biology and biochemistry, environmental ecology, pharmacology

& Toxicology, Clinical Medicine, Computer Science, Microbiology, Agricultural Science, Neuroscience and Behavior, Animal Plants

Learning, Engineering, Earth Science, Space Science, Immunology, Materials Science, Psychiatry and Psychology.


The first US telegraph telephone company 4921 papers were quoted 98264 times;

Second, 10920 papers from Tokyo University, were cited 92058 times;

The 3rd IBM 4694 papers were quoted 87982 times;

The fourth MIT 6462 papers were quoted 86292 times;

5,937 papers in the Fifth European Particle Physics Research were quoted by 85,319 times;


The first California University Berkeley 3846 papers were quoted 57039 times;

Second Kyoto University 7215 papers were quoted 56981 times;

56,860 issues of 6781 in Tokyo University;

Fourth National University System (All Campuses) 4052 papers were quoted 50919 times;

The 5287 papers of the fifth Cambridge University were quoted 48634 times;

Molecular biology and genetics

The first Harvard University 5497 papers were quoted 275060 times;

2682 papers in San Francisco University, California, were quoted 126236 times;

3914 papers in the third Types University system (All campuses) were cited 117194 times;

The fourth Massachusetts Institute of Technology has been cited 96389 times;

The fifth American National Cancer Institute 2554 papers were cited 89097 times;


The first Paris 6th University 2087 papers were quoted 6220 times; the second place of Stanford University was cited 6071 times;

1373 papers in Berkeley, California, were cited 6059 times;

The 480 papers of Kyoto University were quoted by 5947 times;

The fifth Harvard University 930 papers were quoted 5,850 times;

Biology and biochemistry

The first Harvard University 7325 papers were quoted 184786 times;

The second DZHE system (All Campuses) 8009 papers were quoted 149017 times;

3952 papers in San Francisco, California University, were cited 93,710 times;

5571 papers in Tokyo University were cited 79,673 times;

The fifth Kyoto University 2966 papers were cited 72923 times;

Environmental and ecology

The first US Environmental Protection Bureau 2049 papers were quoted 18875 times;

Second US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Bureau, 2450 papers, were cited 16806 times;

The third Australian Federal Science and Industry Research Department was quoted 14365 times;

The fourth place in the University of California, Berkeley, 1170 papers, were quoted 12392 times;

The fifth Mingnesota University (Twin Cities) 1056 papers were quoted 12218 times;

Pharmacology and toxicism

The first Vikang Research Lab 213 papers were quoted 15916 times;

The second DZHE system (All campuses) 1238 papers were cited 13568 times;

The third Swedish Carlin Institute 859 papers were cited 13295 times;

The fourth place of Merck's 908 papers were cited 13122 times;

574 papers from the 5th National New Zealand ADIS Institute were quoted 12756 times;

Clinical medicine

The first Harvard University 2,6026 papers were quoted 499941 times;

26420 papers in the second DZHE system (All campuses) were cited 354384 times;

The 3rd American Veterans Administration Medical Center 15978 papers were cited 263,429 times;

The fourth John. The 15016 papers of Hopkins University were quoted 25,2059 times;

The fifth California University San Francisco Branch 13797 papers were quoted 21,8895 times;

computer science

The first IBM company 2939 papers were quoted 11781 times;

The second US telegraph telephone company 2402 papers were quoted 8541 times;

The 3rd Stanford University 1200 papers were quoted 8051 times;

The 458 papers of the fourth Massachusetts Institute of Technology were quoted 5768 times;

The fifth Kyoto University 1193 papers were quoted 5753 times;


The first Harvard University 1448 papers were cited 36025 times;

The second Pastel Research Institute was cited 36003 times;

The third American National Allergy and Popular Disease Association was quoted 25,350 times;

The fourth DZHE system (all campuses) 1308 papers were quoted in 20091;

The fifth American National Cancer Institute was quoted by 19777;

Agricultural Science

The first American Agricultural Research Institute 5603 papers were quoted 28986 times;

Second French Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2698 papers were quoted 14919 times;

1463 papers from Davis Branch of California University were cited 9868 times;

The fourth Australian Federal Science and Industry Research Department 1461 papers were quoted 9049 times;

The fifth Wisconsin University (Madison) 1322 papers were quoted 9019 times;

Neuroscience and behavior

The first Harvard University 3857 papers were quoted 88314 times;

The second American Veterans Administration Medical Center 3657 papers were quoted 67867 times; the third John Hopkins University 2665 papers were quoted 63916 times;

The fourth place in Yale University is quoted 55199 times;

The fifth California University Los Angeles 2931 papers were quoted 51,611 times;

Animal and plant

The first American Agricultural Research Institute 9908 papers were cited 63201 times;

The second place in the University of California Davis 5584 papers were cited 39186 times;

36,966 4451 papers in Cornell University;

The fourth French Academy of Agricultural Sciences 5833 papers were cited 35467 times;

The fifth Wisconsin University (Madison) 3510 papers were quoted 27442 times;


The first MIT 3955 papers were quoted 21919 times;

The second place of the University of California Berkeley 3825 papers were quoted 20322 times;

The third American Aerospace Bureau 4624 papers were quoted 18167 times;

4,049 papers in Urbana-Champaign (URBANA-Champaign) were cited 17835 times;

The fifth Stanford University 2665 papers were cited 17174 times;

Earth Science

The first American Aerospace Bureau 4157 papers were quoted 53,667 times;

The second American National Ocean and Atmosphere 3272 papers were quoted 42,862 times;

3,573 papers in the Third American Geographic Survey were cited 33905 times;

The fourth American National Atmospheric Research Center was quoted 29,809 times;

The fifth Washington University (SEATTLE) 2009 papers were quoted 27859 times;

Spatial science

The first American Aerospace Bureau 5996 papers were quoted 78077 times;

The second place in California Institute of Technology 3573 papers were quoted 51145 times;

Third Harvard. The 2,810 papers of Smithson Center were quoted 47677 times;

The fourth space telescope science research center 2330 papers were quoted 43097 times;

The fifth California University Berkeley Branch 2344 papers were quoted 40471 times;


The first Harvard University 2994 papers were cited 72614 times;

The second American National Allergy and Popular Disease Association 1778 papers were quoted 48765 times;

The 3rd National Cancer Institute 1681 papers were quoted 42952 times;

4,4915, 1986 papers, 1986, dezhou University;

The fifth American Veterans Administration Medical Center was quoted 31141 times;

material science

The first Northeast University (Japan) 3231 papers were cited 13889 times;

The second IBM is quoted 13160 times;

The 3rd California University St. Barbara is divided into 12001 times;

1506 papers of Massachuseta Institute of Technology were cited 11723 times;

The fifth Narna-Champaign 1328 papers were cited 9826 times;

Psychiatric and psychology

The first Harvard University 3243 papers were cited 39424 times;

Second California University Los Angeles 2565 papers were cited 31471 times;

2105 papers in Yale University were quoted 29067 times;

The fourth columbian University 2166 papers were quoted 28665 times;

576 papers from Pittsburgh University were quoted 28239 times


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