Completed a simple and useful WAP website - WAP version of the mobile phone number location query address: View with mobile phones that support WAP, do not support IE
If your phone doesn't support WAP or you don't want to make those points, you can use the simulator I have recently to see my work directly to open this address. Http:// ?
WAP Internet bills, I don't use pictures, the number of words, no more query, things should be calculated that the next step is to be a WAP website station or WAP Chinese search engine
Main code:
<% Response.contentType = "text / vnd.wap.wml"%> XML version = "1.0" encoding = "gb2312"?>
'Filtering illegal characters Function CHK (STR) if str <> "" ") Endness Function%> <') end ifend function%> <% 'mobile query if Request.form (" sj ") <> "" "" "SJ")) 'Judging whether it is a number or greater than 7 digits IF LEN (D)> = 7 and isnumeric (d) THEN C = Left (d, 7 ) 'Here, there are many code SQL = "SELECT * from mod where start <=" & c "and end> =" & c & "and mid (start, 3, 1) =" & MID (C, 3, 1) & "and MID (End, 3, 1) = "& MID (C, 3, 1) &" and MID (START, 4, 1) = "& MID (C, 4, 1) &" and MID (end, 4, 1) = "& MID (C, 4, 1) &" and MID (START, 5, 1) = "& MID (C, 5, 1) &" and MID (End, 5, 1) = "& MID (C, 5, 1) & "AND MID (START, 6, 1) =" & MID (C, 6, 1) & "AND MID (End, 6, 1) =" & MID (C, 6, 1) & "SET RS = Conn1.execute (SQL) if NOT RS.EOF TEN A = RS ("City") B = RS ("City1") E = RS ("URL") F = RS ("Thank") SET RS = Nothing else A = "Sorry, no record" end if else a = "error: please make sure you entered the number greater than 7 digits!" End if%> Your search for mobile number: b> < BR /> <% = D%> Where the address is located: b> <% = a%> <% = b%> Area code and description: b> <% = E%> <% = f%> <% end IF%>