Identify the dead time of the body! [turn]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

1. Look at the stiffness of the body, in general, the body will harden within 30 minutes and 2 hours after death, completely stiff of 9 hours to 12 hours, softened after 30 hours, and restore it after 70 hours. However, if in the soil or water, or in low temperature drying occurs, it will accelerate under high temperature and more humidity conditions.

2. Look at the changes of the corpse

(1) Normal: The corpse is blood due to the principle of gravity, and there is a unique scrand that occurs under the body. 6 12 hours after death, there will be a certain fading, more than 12 hours, it is basically not Will fade.

(2) Displacement: If the body is moved to shift, it will change the body position after 8-9 hours after death, and the corpse will only have some movement, and the old caucasian will exist. New corpse will appear. After more than 1 0 hours, the corpse will not move.

(3) Note: It is necessary to consider the age, physical, death causes, and the environmental factors placed on the body, and different factors will produce great different.

3. Look at the digest in the body, the food is digested about 2 hours to reach the small intestine.

4. Look at the degree of corpse rot

Traditionally, three methods are used to infer the death time: the corpse, the corpse and the corpse temperature. Detective novelists often use this inference to describe the story plot, you don't fully believe it. Because the body of the body is affected by many factors, such as the temperature of the environment, the body of the body, the degree of exercise, drinking, whether anesthetic is used.

The corpse is a deadl. L is started at 3 hours, which initially appeared in the face of the face and myocardium, and then spread to the upper and lower limbs of the torso. After 12 hours, the corpse reached the whole body. The corpse lasts for about 6 hours, starting to relieve, and the body recovers soft.

The appearance of the corpse also has a certain time law. After death, the blood circulation stops. After half an hour, the blood fell by the blood of the body due to their own gravity, the skin showed the purple sprand, such as red wine in the bottle, This is the corpse. The neighborhood has appeared within 4 10 hours after death. Its color duration is very long. If a person is lying on the bed after a person, the corpse should be in his back, if you find the corpse in front of the body, indicating that the body is moved.

The third aspect is to judge the death time through the temperature of the body. After the death, the body stopped production, and the temperature of the body will fall about 1 degree per hour. The temperature of muscle tissue and environment is very affected by the temperature of the body. The corpped corpse of the fat man is slower; the corpse temperature in the warm room is more slower than the corpse of the cold outdoor. The following formula is often used to infer the death time:

(Normal temperature (98.6OF), a corpse rectal temperature) /L.5= After the time is dead, the time face and the limbs are cold, the corpse, the corpse begins to appear, and after the death is 1 ~ 2 hours.

The corpse is distributed, and most of the corpse has emerged, and the death time has passed by 3 to 4 hours.

The corpse is blended into a large piece, the cornea is stunned, the cornea is intact, the lips begins to shrink, with a decidant, the scattered agent drops, and the pupil is still reacted, and the passage is 5 ~ 6 hours after death.

The corpse is highly developed, and the depressor can be completely faded, the cornea is highly turbid, and the eye-binding film begins to solve it after death. It is about 12 hours.

Corps can be replaced, the sheepskin pattern formation, the corneal high turbidity, the scleral black spot, the oral mucosa and the eye binding film are self-satisfied, and after the death is about 24 hours.

The time of the above number of bodies is based on the spring and autumn season, and the summer is accelerating, and the winter will become slow.

The corrupt abdomen expansion, 8 to 10 hours after death after death in the Spring and Autumn Season, 48 to 72 hours after death after death in the summer.

Corruption green spots, 24 hours after death in the Spring Festival, 12 hours after death after death, and 72 to 120 hours after winter. Corrupt blood vessel network, 48 ~ 72 hours after death in the Spring and Autumn Season, 1 to 2 days after death, winter after death, 7 days after death.

Hair is easy to fall off and corrupt blister phenomenon, 3 to 5 days after death in the Spring and Autumn Season, in summer after death 1 ~ 2 days, winter generally does not have corrupt blisters.

The giant view of the corruption, 3 to 7 days after death in the Spring and Autumn Season, 2 to 3 days after death, winter after death after death, and started from 15 to 30 days after death. In the summer season, the body soft tissue liquefied disappears only the bones, and it takes about a month, and the time will be shortened in the case of fly damage. If the body is inspected in the water, there are still some bodies that are like the death of the foot. The skin is soft and expanded. It is a white wrinkled phenomenon. If there is in the palm, the feet is left, the dead time is around 4 hours; if it appears in the back At the back of the foot, the death time is around 48 hours.

The hand and feet skin falls off, if it appears on the body of the summer, the dead time is around the week; winter is around for a month; the spring and autumn is about 2 weeks.

The giant view of the corruption, 7 to 10 days after death in the Spring and Autumn Season, in summer 4 to 5 days, winter in 19 to February.

What needs to be emphasized yet, the occurrence and development of the corpse is subject to various conditions, and when judging the dead time of the specific deceased, it should be analyzed and speculated in conjunction with specific issues, and must not be moved to any data.

The stomach food has its unique significance in legal medicine. Forensic workers can basically provide clues for investigating and solving cases based on the type and ingredients of the food in the stomach, to inadequate food, living habits and economic conditions, and provide clues to investigate and solve the case; The last time the deceased ended to death, providing scientific basis for inferring the scope of death and the scope of the deceased.

Practice shows that food digestion and emptying in the stomach depends on the nature of the food. Take rice, vegetable food as an example, if the granules, vegetables are complete, chylum is reduced, only a small amount of food enters the duodenal intestine, it should generally be died in 1 to 2 hours after meals. If the gastrointestinal food is all kinds, only very little rice, vegetable residue, food has entered the large intestine, which is about 4 hours after a meal. The stomach food has been emptied, or only the hard vegetable skin such as green vegetable head, the kelp skin, etc., it died 4 ~ 6 hours after the meal. If the stomach content is a meat or greasy non-digestible food, the inference of time to eat to death should be extended accordingly.

Using the degree of digestion and emptying of gastric content to infer the time to death, it should be fully considered: First, the different people's digestive ability and the speed of intestinal promotion of food are different; the second is to death The effects of intestine and digestive enzymes continue to continue to advance and digest food for a while. This situation is more obvious when the corpse temperature is slow.

In accordance with how much urine in the bladder, the death time

People who die at night can also speculate death time according to the degree of urination in the bladder. According to the habit of ordinary people, you should urinate before going to bed. If you see there in the bladder during the autopsy, you may die within 2 to 3 hours after sleep; if the amount of urine is much, it may be dead in the middle of the night. Just this situation is even more occasion, so it can only be used as a reference, and it cannot be used to determine the death time.

Generally occurring the occurrence of the body, the development is more affected by internal and external factors. Objective analysis should be made in whole material.

First, the necrhetic: The corpse is generally 2-4 hours after death, but it can also be as early as 30 minutes, late to 6 to 8 hours. The emergence and development of the corpse can be divided into three phases: 1. Falling period; generally occurred 2-4 hours after death, there is a lavender red dot, strip or small tabular spot in the lower position of the body. Gently oppressed with your fingers, the color can fade, and it is asasi-red and assessed. If you turn the body, the original corpse can disappear, and in the new low part, gradually form a new corpse.

2. Duzzle: Tissue liquid is also in the same manner as blood, falling to the lower part of the body, fell in the blood vessel surrounding tissue fluid, through the blood vessel wall to the blood vessel, and promotes hemolysis with blood mixing. Plasma was diluted with tissue and was stained by hemoglobin and began to ooze out to the vascular, which is a diffuse period. Generally, the corpse develops to diffuse 1 2 hours (at least 8-10 hours). This period has been fused into large flaky and is diffusely purple. Light pressure with your fingers, is not easy to fade. After turning the body, the original corpse is not easy to fade, and the new low part is also difficult to form a new corpse.

3. During the infiltration period: The corpse develops to the invasion period for 24 hours after death. This period is penetrated into the tissue by hemoglobin staining liquid to color the tissue and cells. The corpse is significant, dark purple, the pressure is not faded, flip the body, the original corpse does not fade, nor does the new cades. The duration of the infiltration period is longer, and it will be rotated later. Inspect the death, while considering the cause of death, because this is very close to the strong relationship between the corpse, as the big bleeding is late and does not significant; the dead spots are early and concentrated.

Second, the corpse: the corpse is typically 1-3 hours after death, and a few will appear at 10 minutes after death, and it is late for 7-8 hours. The occurrence of the corpse occurs, usually has a certain order, mostly from top, that is, the so-called falling type, first from the bite muscle, the cervical muscle begins, followed by broth muscles, after the torso, upper limbs and lower limbs.

When you have the dead, if you see the mandibular joint begins to have a bodder, it is generally within 1 to death (occasionally 7 hours after death, rare 16-18 hours); the upper limbs have a dead 5-6 hours after death; the lower limbs appear The corpse is 7 ~ 8 hours after death; the whole body occurs to death for 9 hours; it is strong after half a day. The whole body is stiffly high, reaching the peak, about a day and night after death. Within 6-8 hours after death, the external force is removed, the corpse can also reproduce, but after 8-9 hours after death, eliminate the external force, the corpse is no longer reproduced.

The corpse is demertive after 1-2 days and night or longer, the muscles are soft, and the joints are slightly rotated. It is relieved in 2-3 days, and the muscles are all soft, and the joints can be rotated. In general, the mandibular joint corpse begins to alleviate, for more than 2 4 hours after death; the upper limb corpse begins to alleviate it for more than 30 hours after death; the lower extremity corpse is delayed for death for more than 36 hours; the whole body is completely alleviated, 3-7 days after death. But the carried bodies and others are destroyed.

Myocardial and smooth muscle also occurred after death, usually started from 1 to 2 days and night after L-3 hours after death. Since myocardium is strong, the blood in the heart cavity is pressed, especially the left ventricle. Therefore, the left ventricle is often cavity. However, the myocardial degeneration does not have strong straightness, even if there is also weak. Smooth muscles, such as the skin of the skin, lift the hair follicle, so that the skin is chicken (more), the mildness of the leg, waist and buttocks); iris muscle stiffness can make the pupil slightly smaller. The intestinal wall smooth muscle is contracted due to corpse formation, and 5 hours after death, it is alleviated after 9 hours. Third, the corpse: After people die, although the temperature of the corpse has a certain law, the speed of the corpse cooling is affected by many factors, such as the ambient temperature, the age, fat and the cause of death, and death. When the ambient temperature is high, the body wears cotton or coveat, the body, the obesity, or died of high heat, his corpse is slow. Instead, such as thin or naked, low ambient temperature, old age, thinness, due to long-term chronic consumable disease, then the corpse is faster. Generally speaking, when the ambient temperature is 1 6 ~ 18 degrees Celsius, the corpse temperature of the corpse of the first 10 hours is reduced by about L degree (0.5-1.5 degrees Celsius C), gradually decrease.

In the ice, the body is completely cooled for 1 hour. It is more reliable to measure the underestimenation of the mortal temperature. If you measure the cerebral domestine temperature with a special thermometer, it is reliable and accurate because it is not affected by the environment, and the corpse temperature within 1 4 hours after death will be highly accurate.

Fourth, local drying: lip mucosa, scrotum skin or epidermis, etc., the leather sample, for 2 hours after death, obvious leather sample, dry, hard, dark brown, death at least 8-1 2 hours.

Five, cornea turbidity: After people die, corneal transparency gradually decline. At the general room temperature, the cornea is slightly turbid for 6-12 hours after death; the cornea is partially or diffuse turbid, but the pupil can still be identifiable, for 1 8 hours a day after death; the cornea is significantly turbid, the pupil has been Unrecognizable, for more than 2-3 days after death.

Sixth, corruption: The rate of corpse corruption is greatly affected by the ambient temperature, the cause of death and personal physical fitness. In the human body, it is easy to stand in the middle of the back of the blind, so the corruption has occurred earlier, and there is more hydrogen sulfide, so the corpse green first appears in the lower right abdomen.

The corpse is usually appearing at the end of the first night, and then gradually expanded, spreading the whole belly to the whole body. Generally speaking, the body is the fastest corruption in the summer, the corpse is started in the lower right abdomen. It has been more than 2 4 hours after death; the body has a giant view of 3 days; 15 days after death, the whole body soft tissue rot is rotten, the applet, collapse, digestion. Winter corpses are slow, and even in ice and snow can even be unfained.

When there is a factor conducive to the developmental and reproduction of bacteria, the corpse is faster; otherwise slow or stop. When the temperature is 2 5 ~ 35 degrees Celsius, the humidity is appropriate and the air is circulated, the corruption is fast. Experiments prove that the proportional relationship between the bodies in the air, the amount of time required in the water and buried underground corruption is 1: 2: 8. In addition, the blood of the body is slow, and the body is also related. If the body's body is much moisture, the body of suffocation and the urgent body have fluidity due to blood, and the sepsis of sepsis is faster than the existence of a large number of bacteria. --- Some kinds of deaths after death

The body is like a sympathy. It can't be too good. It is easy to have problems, but after all, it has been used for so many years. There will always be feelings, it is to look at it. Don't lose your body. People who die will not die are not worthy!

In general, the body muscles will be relaxed - stiffness and even spasm - thoroughly relaxation. And other skin leather samples, corneal turbidity, the beginning of death, there will be a corpse. Corpse, Self-digestion, etc. About muscle relaxation is that when the muscles are relaxed, saliva, snot, tears, size, semen, etc. may be overflow. That is, it is dying.

And when you die, it is in a state of life. If you die, there will be local or even the muscle spasm, which means that you will not be in the eyes, the facial muscles are horrible, and the limbs are tight, and it is equally difficult.

As for the corpse, it is more damaged after death. Generally speaking, if you are going to bed, the corpse is still behind you, but if you die, you will be dead because of the pain, then the consequences I would like to know, ugly!

And if you steal the death, then the body will rise, stink, corpses, expand, corruption, discoloration because of the cause of indigestive enzyme and intestinal bacterial corruption, corruption, discoloration, and gas formed by rotten Will launch in vitro in the digestive tract, and dirty and ugly! Nausea is dead!

The above aspects is the case of the body, then the following will tell us about our common suicide methods and their physical form. I feel that I want to go to the toilet, I will come back, because I think your computer doesn't waterproof.

1) Helping the crash will tell the hurt, fall and fall, crush, crush, drag injuries, etc. After so much hurt, you can keep the original shape, it is impossible, there is more disgusting More wonderful nausea. Especially heavy vehicles, they will be like a broken meat, and the body is uktious. It is impossible to know, especially because of the fractures caused by impact, blood caused by rolling Splashing to the undeamined part, because the large-scale skin caused by the drag, this deep, medium, shallow three damage can strongly stimulate different painful nerves, causing neurological shock, which is to die, unless you First, it is destroyed is a head, otherwise this death method is absolutely hard and ugly.

2) Jumping is just right, it will die in the second floor. The cause of the dying of the rumming is a strong collision, tear, squeezing, friction and oscillating effect, resulting in damage to the bones and important organs. Usually The partial injury is the most serious, that is, if your hands and feet are headed first, then your hands or body will become a plot or your head is getting angry. And the chest is caused by the blood because the blood is killed because of the lungs Digestive organs, etc. If the people who are in addition to the universal jumping, they will not immediately lose their perception, and the process that needs a slowness of their pain can complete death. It is not a good suicide method.

3) The hang is because of suffocation or because of the cervical fracture, it usually causes the tongue to spit out due to the relationship between the neck tissue, the head is spit out because blood reflow is blocked, and the face is blue purple and skin spot bleeding, eyes The pressure convex or even fall off. Deliatte, snot, or even nasal bleeding.

4) The death of the water unless it was picked up within 4 hours after death, otherwise the body will swell and stink because of the immersion relationship. Due to swelling, the hair and epidermal have caused the hair, the eye, the tongue convex or even fall off, the body is The biological biot of water is disabled. There are many seven-hole bleeding in the dead. The nose will form a thick foam, it is not easy to break. Residual skin is green due to algae.

5) Touch the body body body surface usually there is current inlet and current outlet, skin metallization, etc. The current exit is changed from the current spots to the skin change, severe burns and bones and even melt. "Bone Pearl". It is usually accompanied by current road direction and has a partial edema of the limbs and body, and the export skin will break.

6) Sleeping the dead dead bodies, lips, nuanxi, muscle slack, etc. The secretions are obvious, and the deceased when excessive doses will reflectively vomit. If the pesticide causes muscle spasm, the limbs are strong, expressions. And drug poisoning There are many mouthfuls of thick bubbles.

7) A carbon monoxide in the absorbed moon is first heavy, and the forehead is tightened. There is a sharp headache, vision, nausea, vomiting, temporal (temple) beating, limbs weakness, unassum, but consciousness. Further, aware of blur, the size is incontinent, the muscles are pulled, and the end respiratory failure is dead.

8) Blood-blooding here is not a campaign that can only be lyrical and can't really die. It is directly cut off the death law of the large artery. Because the big artery is in deep tissue, so choose such a dead People must have a rich anatomical knowledge and good tolerance, because people still maintain life while losing a three-point blood. So this is a painful, trouble, dirty (full of blood) long process, and the Lord of the limbs The arteries can quickly shrink the bleeding in ten minutes, which means that the general people can be hacked, so there is a difficulty of death. There are too many people who have lost blood to produce muscle ischemic. Spasm, strong strain-relaxation-re-shrinking process, which has increased the pain of death. Never wonder if we watch TV.

9) Old dead and people who love yours, then have a lot of fat children, every day for them, don't have time to hurt the spring, a blink of work, the child is big, you are old, I found and I found and I found and I founded and my wife. The days of fighting, it's really fast, and your life is done like this. This dead person is calm, and there is a big pile of children and grandson crying: "Hey, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma Ah ~~ "is the most comfortable and beautiful death method. It is recommended that everyone should choose this.


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