Recently configured MQ, record some common MQ commands, as follows:
Creating queue manager crtmqm -q qmgrName -q refers to creating a default queue manager deleting queue manager DLTMQM QMGRNAME Startup Queue Manager Strmqm QMGRNAME If it is the default queue manager, you can stop the queue manager ENDMQM QMGRNAME Control Stop Endmqm -i QMGRNAME Stop Endmqm -p QMGRNAME Force Stop Show Queue Manager DSPMQ -M QMGRNAME Run MQ Command Runmqsc QMGRNAME If it is the default queue manager, you can put your name to the queue amqsput Qname Qmgrname The queue is the queue in the default queue manager, and you can take the message from the queue from the queue from the queue. Amqsget Qname QMGRNAME If the queue is the queue in the default queue manager, you can start the channel RunmqChl -C chlname -m qmgrname launched Runmqlsr -t type -p port -m qmgrname Stop listening endmqlsr -m QMGRNAME The following is the mq command that can be executed in the MQ environment (ie commands that can be knocked in the Runmqsc environment) definition lasting Letter Qlocal (QNAME) Defpsist (YES) Replace Settings Queue Manager's HSL ALTER QMGR Deadq (QNAME) Defining Local QMG QL (QNAME) Replace Defining Alias Qalias (QaliasName) Targq (QNAME) remote queue defined dEFINE QREMOTE (QRNAME) RNAME (AAA) RQMNAME (qMGRNAME) XMITQ (QTNAME) defines a model queue dEFINE QMODEL (QNAME) DEFTYPE (TEMPDYN) defines the local transmission queue dEFINE QLOCAL (QTNAME) USAGE (XMITQ) DEFPSIST (YES) INITQ (System.Channel.initq) Process (ProcessName) Replace Create Process Definition Define Process (PRONAME) DESCR ('String') AppLTYPE (Windows NT) Applicid ('Runmqchl -c SDR_TEST -M QM_ Test') where the value of AppLTYPE can be: CICS, UNIX, Windows, Windows, etc. Creating a sender channel define channel (SDRNAME) CHLTYPE (SDR) Conname ('100.100. 100.215 (1418) ') XMITQ (QTName) REPLACE where CHLTYPE can be: SDR, SVR, RCVR, RQSTR, CLNTCONN, SVRCONN, CLUSSDR, and Clusrcvr.
Create Receiver Channel Define Channel (SDR_ Test) CHLTYPE (RCVR) Replace Creating Server Connection Channel Define Channel (SvrConnname) CHLTYPE (SVRCONN) Replace Display Queue All Properties Display Queue (QNAME) [all] Display queue selected Properties Display queue (QNAME) DESCR GET PUT dISPLAY qUEUE (QNAME) MAXDEPTH CURDEPTH display queue manager all attributes dISPLAY QMGR [ALL] display process Definition dISPLAY pROCESS (pRONAME) change properties ALTER QMGR DESCR ( 'NEW DESCRIPTION') ALTER QLOCAL (QNAME) PUT (Disabled) ALTER Qalias (QNAME) Targq (TargqName) Delete Queue DELETE QLOCAL (QRNAME) Delete QLEMOTE (QRNAME) Clear All messages in the Queue Clear Qlocal (QNAME) below is some advanced configurations:
Amqmcert Configuring SSL Certificate
Amqmdain Configures MQ services on Windows
CRTMQCVX conversion data
DMPMQAUT Dump Object Permission Management
DMPMQLOG dump log management
DSPMQ Display Queue Manager
DSPMQAUT Displays permissions to open objects
DMPMQCAP Displays the number of handler capacity and handler
DSPMQCSV Display Command Server Status
DSPMQFLS display file name
DSPMQTRC Tracking MQ Output (HP-UNIX Linux Solaris)
DSPMQRTN shows more information about transactions
ENDMQCSV Stop Command Server on Queue Manager
StrmqCSV starts the command server on the queue manager
Endmqtrc stops tracking
Rcdmqimg image to the log writes an image
Rcmqobj Recreate an object based on the image in the log
RSVMQTRN submission or reverse sequence recovery transaction